

【作者】 李静

【导师】 吕新雨;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 广播电视学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 疾病和医疗话语的建构与消解,是现代中国的一道重要政治景观。传媒则是这一过程发生的重要场域。本文从1949年——1989年《人民日报》对农村医疗卫生领域的“传媒再现”入手,分析各个不同历史时期中传媒所扮演的角色,以及传媒不同时期的话语模式背后我国城乡关系变化、社会转型的深层因素。从1949年到1967年,《人民日报》在农村医疗卫生领域的报道以“医疗队下乡”报道为主。在这些报道中,医疗队作为政权合法性的象征、代表着科学和进步的现代化力量,像阳光一般照射在我国广袤的农村地区。这些报道同时也是对统一的多民族国家的一种建构。到了1965年,为了弥合越来越大的城乡差距,大众传媒进行社会意识形态动员,将医疗资源从城市迁往农村。医疗队下乡不再是对乡村的一种拯救,先前作为国家意志工具的医疗队自身成为思想改造的对象。从1968年起,《人民日报》掀起了在全国推广合作医疗制度的强大舆论攻势。这些报道建构了“赤脚医生”的神话,其本质是将医学政治化,成为政治斗争的工具。但其中也隐含着其他值得探讨的因素:作为“历史的权宣之计”的现实经济动机,传统乡土社会对现代医疗空间韵抗拒等等。另外,传媒通过号召千万名“赤脚医生”成为意识形态主体,为合作医疗制度提供人力资源。可以说,在合作医疗制度的推广过程中,传媒是不可缺少的一环。随着农村经济制度改革,合作医疗制度解体,对于这一关系到数亿农民健康的大事,传媒基本处于“缺席”状态。这可以看作是对“文革”时期“极左”报道的一种“消声”与反拨。然而,传媒对整个农村医疗卫生领域的失语是值得我们深思的。与改革开放前相比,《人民日报》的医疗卫生报道模式也发生了极大改变。总之,中华人民共和国建国后的前兰十年,医学和政治在传媒的话语中密切结合,医学的成功总是政治正确的论据。这一逻辑在不同的时期服务于不同的具体主题之下,也与我国城乡关系变迁与社会转型息息相关。在改革开放之后,医学与政治密切相关的逻辑在媒体上隐匿了,但并未完全消失。

【Abstract】 The construction and deconstruction of the discourse about disease and medicine is important political view in modern China.And media are important field where the process take place.This paper is under the theory frame of political economy of communications. Starting with reports from People’s Daily on rural medical care system, the paper analyses the role of mass media in different historical phases. It also covers the deep-seated factors of changes in urban-rural relationship and social transformation in China under different discourse modes of mass media in different periods of time.Reports from People’s Daily on rural medical cares from 1949 to 1967 were mainly those about medical teams going to countryside. As symbols of authority validity, representing the modern power of science and enlightenment, medical teams covered every corner of vast rural areas in China. Reports on such medical teams could be seen as a kind of construction of a united multinational country. However in 1965, medical teams going to countryside was no longer salvation to rural areas. No longer as tools of state will, medical teams themselves became the object to be reconstructed. To recuperate the enlarging urban-rural gap, medical resources were moved from cities to countryside while mass media mobilized social ideology.From 1968 to 1978, when mass media propagandized for generalizing cooperative medical systems in the whole country, "barefoot doctors" became media heroes. Reports about "barefoot doctors" on People’s Daily constructed mythes which essence are politicization of medicine.But there are other factions that deserve us pay attentions to: the actual economic motivation as the makeshift of history;traditional rural society’s resistance to modern medical space,etc.By way of calling on thousands of "Barefoot doctors" to be subjects of ideology,media provided manpower resource to cooperative medical systems.That’s to say,media are chains which would not be absent in the process of the cooperative medical system’s building.Rural cooperative medical system was disorganized from 1979 to 1989. Mass media was in an "aphasia" condition on such great event related to the health of multi-million peasants. Reports on People’s Daily were mainly about urban medical cares. Those reports showed that roles of mass media had been complicated and positions of mass media had changed from countryside to cities under the background of changes in urban-rural relationship.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】R193;G206
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】523