

The Study of the White-haired Lady’s Dissemination

【作者】 谷鹏

【导师】 王尧;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以《白毛女》的传播现象为研究对象,侧重研究其传播环境、传播者、传播形式、传播媒体与受众等多种元素之间的关系,揭示其传播内容的选择性接收、选择性理解的复杂内涵,从而在对传播环节的透析中,完整地呈现《白毛女》从文本到传播的经典生成过程,并探讨相关的历史语境对文本的创作尤其是传播的影响。本文试图尽可能回到历史现场,突破传统政治化研究模式的局限,以传播学为基本理论,在跨学科的视域中,从文学创作与传播的关系出发,贴近不同样式——歌剧、电影、芭蕾舞剧——《白毛女》的创作、改编和修改历程,选取不同的时段(1940年代、1950年代、1960年代和1970年代)和空间(解放区、中国大陆、日本、东欧),深入讨论其传播轨迹,探究主流媒体(主要是《人民日报》)介入传播的特征及作用,以揭示当代中国文艺政策演变的复杂内涵。在研究方法上,本文主要采用文学研究和传播学研究的跨学科研究方法,紧紧把握《白毛女》传播价值中的那些不断被边缘化抑或不断被凸显的传播因素,从而在不同版本、样式的《白毛女》中,探究文学创作与文学传播之间的互动关系。本文主要抓住《白毛女》创作与传播的轨迹,在其“前史”中,结合我国古代文献中有关“毛女”传说的相关资料,探究“白毛仙姑”这个1930年代流传于我国北方的老故事的外延与内涵,这其中主要涉及到歌剧《白毛女》正式诞生以前,种种创作的努力及其失败的缘由。对于1940年代歌剧《白毛女》创作与传播的价值,本文认为其目的是为了实现解放区政权的权威性与合法性。在1950年代,《白毛女》以电影、歌剧、芭蕾舞剧等样式在国内外的传播价值,主要在于实现“对内号召民众以巨大热情投入新社会建设”与“对外争取更多国家对新政权合法性认同”的双重目的。1960年代与1970年代芭蕾舞剧《白毛女》创作与传播的价值在于构建“文化革命”的神话。而学术研究中的《白毛女》则主要是从历史发展的轨迹中,探究其传播过程中不断演变的启示。对于《白毛女》创作与传播的研究,本文主要想实现如下三个意图:其一尽可能理清《白毛女》真实的生产与传播轨迹;其二是关注传媒的影响力,尤其在1978年后,文化消费主义习惯和全球“文化帝国主义”的语境,使得我们不得不考虑当下《白毛女》作为“红色经典”继续传播时,在社会系统中找到一个准确的坐标点,并以这个坐标点为基础在全球传播中找到一条世界主义与民族主义、全球化与地方化、西方文化与中国文化之间和谐共处的道路;其三是对人性丰富性的重新认识。《白毛女》这样的“红色经典”在任何时代传播时,都包含着一种与当时的历史文化紧密相连的理想主义和英雄主义。而正是《白毛女》中所包含的这种与真诚和青春相连的理想主义和英雄主义,使得我们这些身处21世纪这个世俗化时代、物质化时代、娱乐化时代的乌托邦梦想已经幻灭的人,在阅读《白毛女》时还能意识到对于社会、民族和国家的责任。

【Abstract】 This dissertation has studied the communication phenomenon of "the White-Haired Lady" and revealed the complex connotation of its communication effect of the selective receipt, acceptance and understanding through attempts to study in the relationship among the communication environment, the communicators, the communication form, the communication media and the audiences. To be specific, it returns to the historical scene as far as possible, breaks the limitation of the traditional politicization research pattern, from the perspectives of literary production and literary dissemination, presents the production, the reorganization and the revision course of the different genres of "the White-Haired Lady"--- opera, movie, ballet ---and tracks its dissemination path in the different time intervals (the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and 1970s), the different space (the liberated area, the China’s mainland, Japan, Western Europe), inquires into the reason why the authoritative party newspaper (mainly People’s Daily) followed up to report promptly, analyzes its process of canonization to uncover the complex connotation of evolvement of Chinese literature and art policy.In the research techniques, this dissertation mainly uses interdiscipline research techniques of the literature research and the communication study. It tracks the unceasingly marginalized and emerging dissemination elements of "the White-Haired Lady" thus to inquire the interactive relations of literature production and literature dissemination among different versions, genres of "the White-Haired Lady".This dissertation mainly focuses on the production and dissemination paths of "the White-Haired Lady" produces and, before it“the history”, combined with the literature materials related with“the white-haired girl”in ancient times in our country to study the extension and the connotation of the old story "the White-Haired Fairy Lady" prevalent in 1930s in North China, which mainly involves the failing factors of all sorts of creations before the official birth of the opera "the White-Haired Lady". I believes that the production and dissemination values of "The White-Haired Lady" in the 1940s is to realize the political power authority and the validity in liberated area. In the 1950s, the domestic and abroad production and dissemination values of "The White-Haired Lady" in the forms of movie, opera and ballet are to reach the double objects,“to summon internally the populace to get involved in the new society construction with great enthusiasm”and“strives externally to accept validity of the new political power. In the 1960s and 1970s, the production and dissemination value of the ballet "White-Haired Lady" lies in building a "cultural revolution" myth. The academic research in the "White-Haired Lady" is mainly from the trajectories of historical development to explore the evolving enlightenment during the dissemination process.This dissertation’s research in the production and dissemination of "the White-Haired Lady" is mainly to achieve the following three intentions: first, sort out as much as possible the true path of production and dissemination of "White-Haired Lady"; the other is to alert the power of the media. In particular, after 1978, the contexts of the habits of cultural consumerism and the global "cultural imperialism", forbid us to have to consider right now that "White-Haired Lady" as the "Red Classics", when it continues to spread in the community should find a precise coordinate point in the social system, and with this the basis of coordinate to find one way of harmonious coexistence between cosmopolitanism and nationalism, globalization and localization, Western culture and Chinese culture. The third is a re-understanding of the richness of human nature. "White-Haired Lady", this kind of "Red Classics", while spreading at any age, it all contains a kind of idealism and heroism closely linked to history and culture at that time. And just this idealism and heroism connected with the sincerity and youth in "White-Haired Lady," make people like us without Utopian dreams living in the 21st century, this secular age, materialized age and entertainment era, suddenly aware of social, ethnic and national responsibility in reading "White-Haired Lady".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期