

A Study on Influencing Mechanism of R&D Team Creativity Climates to Team Creativity Based on Team Shared Mental Models

【作者】 王黎萤

【导师】 陈劲;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着维基经济形态和开放式创新的兴起,激发和提升研发团队创造力不仅取决于成员创造力的高低,更需要关注团队过程的互动和团队内外资源的协同。由于团队创造力各种结构表征的交互作用并不是外在的,具有内隐协同性,探讨属于团队层面的复杂知识互动过程就成为激发和提升研发团队创造力的关键。本文围绕“研发团队创造气氛如何影响研发团队创造力”这一基本问题展开研究,深入剖析团队共享心智模型在团队创造气氛影响团队创造力关系中的中介作用,力图打开研发团队创造力作用机理的黑箱。具体而言,本文逐层深入地探究了以下四个问题:(1)在开放式创新背景下的研发团队创造气氛具有怎样的新内容和新特点,以及对研发团队创造力的作用关系如何?(2)团队共享心智模型作为团队创造过程背后的认知潜结构,具有怎样的结构特征和作用特点,以及对研发团队创造力的作用关系如何?(3)研发团队成员是如何感知和整合团队创造气氛来激发和提升团队创造力的?也即团队共享心智模型在研发团队创造气氛影响研发团队创造力关系中是否发挥着中介作用?以及怎样发挥中介作用的?(4)如何通过团队共享心智模型的构建和团队创造气氛的整合来提升研发团队创造力?带着上述问题,本文基于团队层面的研究视角,沿着“研发团队创造气氛—团队共享心智模型—研发团队创造力”的逻辑思路,在一系列理论探讨的基础上,对分布在浙江、北京、天津、上海和深圳等地区的72家高新技术企业的215个研发团队展开实证研究。首先,本文结合我国研发团队的创新特征和开放式创新背景的影响,通过探索性和验证性因子分析,在萃取研发团队创造气氛八因子结构维度的基础上,利用结构方程检验八因子模型和单因子、二因子、四因子等备择模型的拟合比较,最终确认研发团队创造气氛由“任务目标”、“任务规范”、“组织保障”、“领导支持”、“角色期待”、“成员多样性”、“工作依赖”和“成员互动”构成,并对研发团队创造力具有显著影响。其次,本文从“重叠或一致”和“分布或互补”的内涵特性上构思了研发团队共享心智模型的结构维度,通过探索性和验证性因子分析,在萃取研发团队共享心智模型二因子结构维度的基础上,利用结构方程检验二因子模型和单因子、三因子、四因子等备择模型的拟合比较,最终确认研发团队共享心智模型由“任务式共享心智模型”和“协作式共享心智模型”构成,并对研发团队创造力具有显著影响。再者,在上述研究基础上,本文利用结构方程验证团队创造气氛通过团队共享心智模型影响研发团队创造力的作用机理,在团队发展阶段的控制作用分析的前提下,经过四次模型调整后,最终确定基于团队共享心智模型的研发团队创造气氛影响研发团队创造力的最佳匹配模型。研究支持了“任务目标”、“任务规范”和“组织保障”的创造气氛通过形成“任务式共享心智模型”间接影响研发团队创造力;“领导支持”、“角色期待”和“成员互动”的创造气氛通过形成“协作式共享心智模型”间接影响研发团队创造力;而“协作式共享心智模型”既直接影响研发团队创造力,也间接的通过“任务式共享心智模型”来影响研发团队创造力,且间接作用强于直接作用;“成员多样性”既直接正向影响研发团队创造力,也会削弱“协作式共享心智模型”,而团队可以通过加强“角色期待”、“成员互动”和“领导支持”气氛的构建来削弱“成员多样性”对“协作式共享心智模型”的负面影响;“工作依赖”直接影响团队创造力,但也会影响“成员互动”、“领导支持”和“角色期待”气氛的整合,进而间接影响“协作式共享心智模型”的构建。最后,在上述结论的基础上,本文总结了基于共享心智模型的研发团队创造气氛影响研发团队创造力作用机理,并指出在团队不同发展阶段,团队关注的共享心智模型具有不同的侧重,因此需要将研发团队创造力放在一个动态的持续改进的成长过程中进行分析和管理,提出了基于两类共享心智模型的协同发展来整合研发团队创造气氛,进而提升研发团队创造力的路径和方法。本文的创新性主要体现在:(1)探索开放式创新背景下研发团队创造气氛的重构是本文的新内容;(2)提炼研发团队共享心智模型的内涵及特性是本文的新视角;(3)揭示基于共享心智模型的研发团队创造气氛影响团队创造力的作用机理是本文的新思路;(4)建构基于团队共享心智模型的研发团队创造气氛地整合,进而提升研发团队创造力的路径和方法是本文的新应用。作为一项探索性的研究,本文在阐述研究局限性的同时,也对未来研究提出了展望,更期望结合中国的创新情境为团队创造力的后续研究铺石引路。

【Abstract】 With the rising of Wiki economics and open innovation, R &D team should not only depend on the strength of the members’ creativity, but also focus on the interaction process and the synergy of inside and outside resources in order to stimulate and enhance R &D team creativity.Opening the black-box of mechanism of R &D team creativity by in-depth analysis of the intermediary mechanism of team shared mental models, this dissertation aims to answer the foundamental question of this research, that "how creativity climates influence R &D team creativity". Specifically, this research question is going to be answered from four aspects: (1)What are the new contents and new features of creativity climates in the context of open innovation? And what are the relationships between creativity climates and R &D team creativity? (2) What are the structural and functional features of team shared mental models which are the latent cognitive structure behind the team creative process? And what are the relationships between shared mental models and R &D team creativity? (3)How do the R &D team members stimulate and improve R &D team creativity by perception and integration of creativity climates? Also, how do the shared mental models play intermediary roles between creativity climates and R &D team creativity? (4) What are the improve mechanisms of R &D team creativity by construction of shared mental models and integration of the creativity climates.In order to pursue the above questions, the dissertation follows the process of "creativity climates—shared mental models—R &D team creativity", and is conducted at the team level. Then, an empirical study with 72 high-tech enterprises and 215 R &D team form Zhejiang , Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Shenzhen is made to confirm the theory design and answer above questiones.First, in the background of open innovation in China, the study obtains eight factors dimension-structure of creativity climates by exploratory factor analysis, and confirms the reliability and validity of eight factors dimension-structure of creativity climates by structural equation modeling .Then, the study final confirmation the optimization model of eight factors dimension-structure of creativity climates by comparing the fitting data of alternative models among single-factor model, two-factor model and four-factor model. So, the conclusion of the important compositions of creativity climates are eight factors dimension-structure such as "the objectives of task", "the specification of task", "organizational guarantee", "the support of leadership", "the expectations of task role", "the diversity of team members", "the dependence of jobs", "the interactive activities of team members ". Eight factors are the new contents and new features of creativity climates of creativity climates. And they have significant impacts on R &D team creativity.Second, in the background of open innovation in China, the study make a theoretical idea of the structural dimension of team shared mental models of R &D team by considering the characteristics content between "overlapping or consistency" and "distribution or complement". On the basis of the above-mentioned study, the study obtains two factors dimension-structure of team shared mental models by exploratory factor analysis, and confirms the reliability and validity of two factors dimension-structure of team shared mental models by structural equation modeling.Then, the study final confirmation the optimization model of two factors dimension-structure of team shared mental models by comparing the fitting data of alternative models among single-factor model, three-factor model and four-factor model.So, the conclusion of the important compositions of team shared mental models are two factors dimension-structure such as "assignment-based shared mental models" and "cooperation-based shared mental models". Two factors dimension-structure of team shared mental models also have significant impacts on R &D team creativity.Third, on the basis of the above-mentioned study, the study confirms the intermediary mechanism of team shared mental models between creativity climates and R &D team creativity by structural equation modeling. In the context of analysis the control effect of development stages of R &D team, the study final confirmation the optimization model of creativity climates influence R &D team creativity by intermediary activity of team shared mental models after the adjusting about four stage models. The study is supported by the following conclusions: Creativity climates such as "the objectives of task", "the specification of task" and "organizational guarantee" indirect impact on R &D team creativity by constructing "assignment-based shared mental models". Similarly, creativity climates such as "the support of leadership", "the expectations of task role" and "the interactive activities of team members" indirect impact on R &D team creativity by constructing "cooperation-based shared mental models". While, "cooperation-based shared mental models" not only direct impact on R &D team creativity, but also it indirect impact on R &D team creativity by constructing "assignment-based shared mental models". Comparing the size of the standardization point of the path, indirect effect is stronger than the direct effect. Although creativity climates of "the diversity of team members" positive direct impact on R &D team creativity, it also negative direct impact on "cooperation-based shared mental models". The team should reduce the negative effect from "the diversity of team members" to "cooperation-based shared mental models" by some management means such as strengthening the trust among members, promoting the interaction activities among members, coordinating through the team leader etc. Then, creativity climates of "the dependence of jobs" direct impact on R &D team creativity, but it also indirect impact on "cooperation-based shared mental models" by creativity climates such as "the interactive activities of team members", "the support of leadership" and "the expectations of task role".Finally, the mechanism of R &D team creativity climates influence R &D team creativity based on shared mental model is summarized. Based on the research results, the dissertation proposes dynamic improvement mechanisms of R &D team creativity, covering the collaborative development of "assignment-based shared mental models" and "cooperation-based shared mental models" by integration of R &D team creativity climates.This dissertation contributes to theories of team creativity in the following four perspectives: (1)The new content is exploring the reconstruction of R &D team creativity climates in the context of open innovation. (2) The new perspective is extracting connotation and characteristics of R &D team shared mental models. (3) The new method is revealing the mechanism of R &D team creativity based on team shared mental models. (4) The new application is constructing the path and mean of improving the R &D team creativity by integration of R &D team creativity climates based on the collaborative development of team shared mental models.As an explorative study, there are still some limitations in this research, which is concluded at the end of dissertation with the prospect of future research about team creativity. The dissertation could pave the way for further study about team creativity in the context of innovation in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期