

The Theory and Practice Research of Iron and Steel Material Forming Process Based on Saving Type Reducing Quantity

【作者】 张永生

【导师】 王国栋;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 材料加工工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以循环经济条件下的钢铁材料加工过程为背景,针对节约型减量化的钢铁材料加工过程的理论和实践过程的关键技术和重点问题,进行了系统研究,结合实验室研究工作及相关研究成果的工业推广应用,阐述了节约型减量化工艺技术的实际应用效果。结合我国当前钢铁工业能耗高,资源、能源以及环境压力日益增大的发展现状,本文指出钢铁材料加工过程的节约型减量化是钢铁工业发展循环经济的重要组成部分,已成为钢铁工业可持续发展的必然选择。在分析当前钢铁材料加工技术发展状况的基础上,针对钢铁材料加工过程的能源、资源消耗,结合钢铁材料的节约型减量化目标,建立节约型减量化钢铁材料加工过程的评价指标体系,包括节约热能、节约水电、节约资源和环境减排4个一级指标和15个二级指标。将定性分析与定量研究相结合,提出了基于层次分析法和模糊综合评价方法的钢铁生产减量化评价模型。采用层次分析法计算各级指标对上级指标的影响权重,通过模糊综合评判钢铁企业的减量化生产等级。结果表明该理论是客观有效的,能够定量评价减量化生产的评价等级,对企业实施减量化生产有明确的指导作用。在此基础上,进一步阐述了现代钢铁企业的减量化生产运作机制。钢铁材料加工过程的减量化技术是与钢铁产品生产流程密切相关的,对于钢铁产品生产制造过程,最基本的原则在于减少进入生产和消费过程的资源和能源量,从源头开始节省资源、提高利用率、防止废物产生,而不是将重点放在产生废物后的治理上。因此,减量化的工艺技术体现,一方面在于减量化的成份设计,减少资源如铁矿石、合金元素的使用量;另一方面在于减量化的工艺设计,通过生产工艺技术进步,减少工序流程,从而降低能源消耗,提高综合效率。实际上,减量化的成份设计通常需要工艺技术进步的支撑,而减量化的工艺设计,又通常体现在成份设计的减量化。钢铁材料加工过程中随着温度的不同,钢材内部发生着复杂的相变过程,通过成分设计和热处理工艺可得到性能范围极宽的不同规格特性的产品,这就是钢铁材料加工过程实现减量化的基础。本文针对钢铁材料加工流程,结合对传统TMCP技术的分析,阐述了新一代TMCP技术的实现条件以及其在棒线材、板带材等领域的实验室研究及潜在应用。基于钢铁材料的加工特性,钢铁材料加工过程的减量化还体现在基于组织性能控制的柔性化轧制技术上。基于新一代钢铁材料开发过程实践,采用同一种化学成分的坯料生产不同性能的产品已成为可能,其最为显著的效益及应用在于适度解放炼钢。生命周期的减量化是节约型钢铁材料的重要组成部分,关系到钢铁材料的再循环和再利用。结合产品生命周期评价的相关理论与方法及钢铁材料加工过程特征,建立了钢铁产品的生命周期评价方法一基于多目标规划的LCA模型,探析钢铁材料生命周期的减量化问题,并通过应用算例说明了模型的有效性和可行性。最后,结合韶钢生产实际,将节约型减量化技术应用于广东省韶关钢铁集团公司生产实践,促进企业循环经济发展,满足企业节能减排需要。

【Abstract】 Under the background of circular economy, this thesis was completed on the base of iron material forming process. Aiming at key technologies and key points which was found out during the theory and exercise steel material forming process equipped with saving-type quantitative reduction theory, several systematized research was carried out, and then, combining with laboratory work and its industrial application, saving-type quantitative reduction technology’s practical application effect was illustrated.According to current steel industry’s development status of high energy consumption, high resources-energy stress and serious environment problem, this thesis pointed out that steel material forming process’s saving-type quantitative reduction was a chief part of steel industry development circular economy, and was regarded as a inevitable choice of steel industry sustainable development.On the base of analyzing current steel material forming process development status, accounting into the energy resource consumption during steel material forming process, and combining with the target of steel material saving-type quantitative reduction, steel material forming process evaluation index system was established. This system included 4 first grade indexes (which were saving heat energy, saving water and electricity, saving resource and reducing environment emission) and 15 second index. After considering qualitative analysis and quantitative study, steel quantitative reduction analysis model was proposed on the ground of analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. To be more specific, analytic hierarchy process was used to calculate each index’s influence weight to its higher index and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to evaluate steel enterprise’s quantitative reduction production grades. The practice showed that these theories were able to evaluate quantitative reduction production grade, and also were able to guide enterprise for quantitative reduction production. On the foundation of that, modern steel enterprise quantitative reduction production operation mechanism was elaborated furtherly. Steel material forming process’s quantitative reduction technology was closely related to steel products’ production process. As for the steel products production manufacturing process, the basic principle was reducing the energy resource which entered into production and consumption process, that is, resource was saved at the beginning and then utilization ratio was increased and waste material was prohibited. Therefore, quantitative reduction technology was, on the one hand, reflected on the face of chemical composition design, such as reducing iron ore and alloy content, and, on the other hand, reflected on the aspect of technology process design, such as reducing working procedure to decrease energy consumption. In fact, chemical composition design was supported by technology improvement and technology process design was also reflected by chemical composition design quantitative reduction. During the steel material forming process, steel temperature was varied, and then complicated phase transition was occurred, therefore, all kinds of characteristic was obtained through chemical composition design and heat treatment technology. This was the foundation of steel material forming process quantitative reduction. In this thesis, according to steel material forming processing flow and then combining with traditional TMCP technology analysis, new generation TMCP technology’s realization condition and its laboratory research and potential application in wire and rod and plate-strip fields was discussed.As for steel material’s forming properties, steel material forming process quantitative reduction was also reflected in the field of flexible rolling technology which was based on microstructure control. On the base of new generation steel material development practice, different characteristic products produced by the same chemical composition was realized, and its most significant benefits was that steelmaking process was liberated furtherly.Life cycle quantitative reduction which related to steel material’s recycle and reuse was one of the most components of saving-type steel material. Combining with life cycle evaluation theory and steel material’s forming process characteristic, steel products life cycle evaluation methods was established. To be more specific, the model was LCA model based on multi-objective programming. The model’s efficiency and feasibility was proved by application example.In the end, combining with SHOW GUAN steel corporation production practice, saving-type quantitative reduction technology was utilized in that corporation. Through analyzing the application results, we can find out that enterprise circular economy development was promoted and enterprise’s saving-energy demands was satisfied.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期