

Research on Optimization Algorithms for Vehicle Routing Problem with Weight-Related Cost and Inventory-Transportation Problem in Distribution System

【作者】 张军

【导师】 唐加福;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 系统工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 经济发展推动着制造企业的全球化进程,企业间的竞争随之转变为企业所在供应链间的竞争。供应链管理水平的高低直接决定了供应链竞争能力的强弱。如何有效地管理和优化供应链成为企业经营者关注的热点问题。分销系统负责满足客户需求,完成从产品到商品的转换,其作为连接生产商与消费者的桥梁是供应链完成增值的重要部分。分销系统中库存与运输成本在物流成本中占据了相当高的比例,对分销系统的有效管理和优化是供应链管理的关键问题,分销系统中的优化问题则成为理论研究的焦点。然而分销系统是一个复杂的系统,有很多因素需要在优化中进行考虑且不能被简单地忽略,与此同时新的管理及运作方式不断涌现,使得已有的研究与决策不能很好地适用于新的环境及条件,这导致企业对新环境或新管理运作模式下分销系统的决策与优化需求日益迫切。有鉴于此,本文以生产分销型企业为研究背景,运用优化理论及方法,系统地研究了分销系统中考虑货物权重的车辆路径决策及租赁车辆运输运作模式下的集成库存运输问题。本文的主要工作包括:(1)围绕路径问题和集成库存运输问题从模型和算法两方面进行综述及研究,介绍车辆路径问题的不同分类方法,车辆路径问题的基本扩展及不同建模方法。介绍根据研究侧重点不同而形成的两类集成存储分销问题的研究情况。研究了车辆路径问题及集成存储分销问题的求解算法。上述工作为关键问题研究提供了理论和方法支持。(2)详细阐述了带货物权重车辆路径问题的研究背景,提出了无能力约束的带货物权重车辆路径问题的模型,并按照两种求解思路,即通过修改求解旅行商问题的节约算法和一种粒子群算法以及考虑问题特征设计的启发式对问题进行求解,说明问题研究的必要性。提出了求解具有能力约束的带货物权重车辆路径问题的分散搜索算法,将考虑货物权重的启发式规则嵌入分散搜索算法框架中,通过与其他求解同类问题的算法比较,验证算法的有效性;并对模型的适用条件进行了分析。(3)以带货物权重车辆路径问题为基础,将该问题中的车场从一个扩展为多个,并考虑路径长度限制,提出了多车场具有路径长度限制的带货物权重车辆路径问题模型。为了对该问题求解,首先设计了求解多车场车辆路径问题的分散搜索算法,并采用标准数据集测试,验证了算法的有效性。然后将该分散搜索算法结合求解具有能力约束的带货物权重车辆路径问题的分散搜索算法,提出了求解多车场带货物权重车辆路径问题的分散搜索算法。重点分析了货物权重参数变化对总费用的影响,模型的适用条件及分散搜索算法的性能。(4)研究了不同运输运作模式下集成库存运输问题,重点比较和分析针对同一个问题,选择不同运输模式之间的差别。通过对相同计划下不同模式的总费用分析、不同运输模式最优解之间的关系以及租赁车辆运输模式中参数变化对总费用影响的研究,得出了不同运输模式在不同条件下的适用性及运输模式选择需要注意的因素。与此同时给出度量方法,指导企业对运输运作模式进行选择。(5)以生产分销型企业为背景,研究了租赁车辆运输模式下,多对多网络结构下,多周期集成库存运输问题。根据对新运作模式的观察,建立了租赁模式下的多仓库无返回库存运输优化问题模型,其中路径部分采用开放式车辆路径问题建模方法,并提出了基于精英保留策略的遗传算法对问题进行求解。问题采用二维编码方式,基于启发式规则生成初始种群,基于降低库存惩罚费用设计变异操作符。最后采用随机生成的数据对遗传算法进行测试,验证算法的有效性。

【Abstract】 The economic development impels the process of the globalization of the manufacturing enterprises. The competition among enterprises has become the competition among the supply chain which the enterprises belong to. The level of supply chain management determines the competitiveness of the supply chain. How to manage and optimize the supply chain effectively becomes a hot issue concerned by the managers of the enterprises. The distribution system meets customers’ needs to complete the conversion from product to merchandise. It is an important part to increase the value of the supply chain and it is a bridge between producers and consumers. The inventory and transportation costs in the distribution system account for a relatively high proportion of the logistics costs. The effective management and optimization of the distribution system is the key of the supply chain management. Hence, the optimization problems in the distribution system become a focus of the theoretical study. However, the distribution system is a complex system, and there are many factors to be considered in the optimization and not to be ignored simply. At the same time, the new management and operation continue emerging to make the existing research and decision not be applied to the new environment and condition, which leads to the demand about the decision and optimization on the distribution system under the new environment or operation being urgent increasingly.For this reason, the production and distribution enterprises are as the background. The vehicle routing decision with weight-related cost and the integrated inventory transportation problem under vehicle-rent operation mode are considered systematically by adopting the theory and method of the optimization. The major work of this paper includes five aspects as follows:(1) Based on the routing problem and integrated inventory and transportstion problems, the summary and the corresponding research are done from the aspects of the modeling and solution. The different classification methods, the basic extensions of the vehicle routing problem and the different modeling methods are presented. The two types of integrated inventory and distribution problems classified by the different research focus are introduced. The solving algorithms of the vehicle routing problem and the integrated inventory and distribution problem are studied. The above-mentioned work provides a theoretical and methodological support for the research of the key issues.(2) The detailed description of the background of the vehicle routing problem with weight-ralated cost (VRPWRC) has been given. The model of the weighted traveling salesman problem is presented. Two types of methods are introduced to solve the problem. One type is to modify the solutions of the Traveling Salesman Problem which are CW algorithm and a kind of particle swarm optimization algorithm. The other is to design a heuristic by considering the characteristic of the problem. The reason of studying the problem is given. The scatter search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with weight-related cost is proposed. The heuristic rule considering the weight-related cost is embedded in the framework of scatter search algorithm. The comparison with other algorithms for the same problem is to verify the validity of the scatter searcfi algorithm. The applicability of the model is analyzed.(3) Based on the vehicle routing problem with weight-ralated cost, the multi-depot vehicle routing problem with weight-ralated cost is proposed that the depot of the VRPWRC is extended from one to multiple and the constraint of the route length is considered. To solve the problem, the solving algorithm of the multi-depot vehicle routing problem is studied first. The benchmark problems of the multi-depot vehicle routing problem are used to test the scatter search algorithm and to verify the validity of the algorithm. Considering the scatter search algorithms for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem and for the VRPWRC, the scatter search for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem with weight-ralated cost is proposed. The effect of varying the parameter of weight-related cost on the total cost and the applicability of the model are analyzed. The performance of the proposed algorithm is also studied.(4) The integrated inventory and transportation problem with different operation mode of transportation is studied. It focuses on comparing and analyzing the difference adopting the different operation mode of transportation for the same problem. The applicability of the different operation mode of transportation under the different conditions is obtained by analyzing the total cost of the different operation of transportation with the same plan, the relationship among the optimal solutions of the different operation mode of transportation and the effect of varying the parameters on the total cost under vehicle-rent operation mode. The factors that affect the selection of the operation mode of transportation are presented. The method of the measurement is introduced to guide the enterprises to select the operation mode of transportation.(5) The multi-period integrated inventory transportation problem with the vehicle-rent operation mode and the many-many network structure is considered in production and distribution enterprise. Based on the observation to the new operation mode of transportation, the inventory and multi-depot open transportation problem with vehicle-rent (IMDOT-VR) is proposed. The transportation part is modeled by the open vehicle routing problem. A genetic algorithm with elitist preservation strategy is developed for IMDOT-VR. The solution is coded by two-dimensional coding. The initial population is generated by the heuristic rule. The mutation operator is designed to reduce the inventory and penalty cost. The random data is used to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期