

Taxonomic and Faunistic Studies on the Spider from Henan Province

【作者】 张保石

【导师】 朱明生; 宋大祥;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 动物学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 根据笔者调查并结合已有的资料,首次对河南省蜘蛛目37科161属385种(其中包括31新种、2种待定种、2新组合、1雌性新发现,1同物异名,河南省6新纪录科、69新纪录属、181新纪录种)的区系进行了分析研究。本文内容包括河南省自然概况、国内外蜘蛛区系及动物区划研究进展、研究材料与方法、河南的野外考察路线及标本采集点分布图、区系研究以及种类记述。区系分析结果显示:1.已发现河南蜘蛛37科、161属、385种,分别占我国已记述种类的60.66%、35.00%、15.16%,科级阶元丰富度较为突出,属级阶元次之,种级阶元最低。其中跳蛛科Salticidae、球蛛科Theridiidae和园蛛科Araneidae种类多样性最为丰富。2.古北种、东洋种、共有种所占比例相近,为115种、112种,128种,分别占29.87%、29.09%、33.25%,没有哪一种占绝对优势;特有种比例较低,30种占7.79%。在我国动物地理区划中,河南蜘蛛有54种分布类型,跨区分布的种类、仅分布于华中、华北区的种类比例均较高,符合河南过渡性、兼容性、多源性的区系特点。3.河南的地质历史悠久,保留了一些适应性强的古老类群,既有劳亚古陆起源的温带成分,也有冈瓦纳古陆起源的旧热带界成分。4.通过分析影响蜘蛛地理分布的环境因素以及在河南的分布特点,结合前人的工作,将河南划分为2区8小区:东洋区包括桐柏和大别山地、南阳盆地、伏南山地、淮南平原4个小区;古北区包括伏北山地、黄土丘陵、太行山地丘陵、豫东豫北平原4个小区。并从生态环境和地理位置等方面,初步分析了各小区的系特点。5.根据河南蜘蛛的地理分布特点,结合自然环境、气候、植被对古北、东洋界在河南的分界进行了初步分析,认为分界线自伏牛山嵴为起点,大致沿伏牛山主峰,向东沿着淮河流域至省界。在这条分界线的两侧,是典型的过渡渗透区,其范围是:南起伏牛山南坡和大别山北麓,北至黄河南岸。

【Abstract】 Based on the investigation on the spider fauna of Henan, China, and the material from published papers, totally 385 species are found belonging to 37 families and 161 genera. Among them,31 are new to science; 2 species are undetermined; female of 1 species is newly discoveries; 2 species are new combination. Name of 1 species is new synonymy; 6 families,69 genera and 181 species are new records from Henan Province. The entire work includes the nature and geography of Henan; the fauna of spider, insect fauna and animal fauna of Henan; the materials and methods used in this dissertation; The field expedition routes from 2002 to 2006 and map of collecting sites are provided; faunistic studies and record the species. The results are mainly as follows:1. The spiders of Henan are 385 species, belonging to 37 families and 161 genera, occupy, occupy 60.66%,35.00%and 15.16%of species recorded in China respectively. Abundance of family obvious, the second is abundance of genus, abundance of species is lowest. Salticidae, Theridiidae and Araneidae are the element of dominance.2. The elements of spider fauna of Henan Province are composed of:112 Oriental relam species (29.09%),115 Palearctic realm species (29.87%),128 multi-realm species (33.25%) and 30 Henan endemic species (7.79%). In the zoogeographical regions of China, there are 54 distribution patterns. The proportion of multi-regions, central China region and north China region species are high all. This accord to the characteristic of transition, compatibility and many origin.3. Ancient elements both tropical and temperate originated from Gondwana fauna side by side presented.4. By analyzing the environmental factors and the distribution of spiders, also referring to the work done by previous reaserchers, the area of Henan is divided into eight regions:1) Tongbai-Dabie Mountainous region; 2) South of Huai River plain region; 3) Nanyang basin region; 4) South of Funiushan Mountainous region; 5) North of Funiushan Mountainous region; 6) Loessial hill region; 7) Taihang Mountainous and hill region; 8) East and north Henan plain region. The first four regions belong to the Oriental region and the last four regions to the Palaearctic region.5. The dividing line of Oriental region and Palaearctic region in Henan is discussed:from ridge of Funiushan Mountain, along the highest peak range and Huai River to the confines of province.

【关键词】 河南蜘蛛区系新种新纪录
【Key words】 Henan Pronvincespiderfaunanew speciesnewly records
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】S186
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】159