

The Study on Maoshi Zhengyi

【作者】 杨金花

【导师】 詹福瑞; 李金善;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 从阐释学的角度,探讨了《毛诗正义》中以文学方法解诗的现象,分析了这样解诗的原因和目的,并对这种解诗方法的影响和意义进行了考察和评述。论文主要分为四部分,引言:主要论述了《毛诗正义》的成书背景及成书情况,对已有研究成果进行了评述,指出其在方法上还存在的问题,提出文学和经学并不是无法沟通的两个体系,它们都要在疏通文字的基础上再进行题旨的提炼,文字相同、人情相通,这是经学可以通向文学解读的途径,只不过因为目的不同,阐释的方法不同,所以经学提炼的题旨才与文学不同。在此基础上,对文学的解诗方法进行了界定。第一章:考察了《毛诗正义》中从诗的外在形式、内在形式入手解诗、以文逆意、根据诗文自身内在创作逻辑解诗和比兴解诗的现象,以及这样解诗的理论渊源。第二章:探讨了《毛诗正义》的诗学观。《毛诗正义》之所以会出现上述文学的解诗现象,主要是受魏晋南北朝以来文学发展的影响,对诗的本质特征和发展演变轨迹非常清楚,从本体论和发生学的角度疏通了文学与经学。不过,尽管从理论到具体方法,《毛诗正义》对诗都有了充分认识,但这并未导致其对《诗经》的最终的文学阐释,原因就在于其目的就是为了解经,这一点可以从其从诗的写作背景、写作目的、诗本意、用诗之意、编诗之意等方面对小序进行地曲护中看出。第三章,《毛诗正义》诗学观评价。主要考察了依靠诗文本身特征解诗和比兴解诗等对宋代诗经学的影响。从汉学宋学转变的角度探讨了经学中引入文学解诗方法的原因。最后论文得出结论:《毛诗正义》中这种受魏晋南北朝以来文学发展影响,在疏解中所使用的文学的解诗方法,无论是在经学史上,还是在文学史上,都具有重要的意义:在经学史上,它使得经学的解说更合情理,并为经学服务方式的转变提供了可能,从而巩固了经学的地位;在文学史上,它客观地促进了《诗经》文学价值的开掘:因为《毛诗正义》中使用了这种方法,使得这种方法以官方权威的形式被默认和肯定下来,从此其作为合法的解经方法之一,在后世被使用和不断得到开掘。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of hermeneutics, this paper explores the explanation of poems with the literature method in Maoshi Zhengyi. It analyzes the reasons and purposes of this method, and comments on its influences and significance. This paper consists of four parts. The introduction mainly introduces the backgrounds of Maoshi Zhengyi and research literatures. It points out the existing problems in the research and puts forward that literature and Confucianism are not the totally different systems without any connection. Both of them summarize the subjects on the basis of analyzing the words. Only because the purposes and explanation methods are different, the summarized subjects are the same ones. Furthermore, it defines the literature method. Chapter one investigates the ways of explanation of poems in Maoshi Zhengyi and their theoretical sources. Chapter two explores the viewpoints of poems in Maoshi Zhengyi. The appearance of such explanation methods is the results of the literature development since the Wei, Jin, and Northern & Southern Dynasties. Although the explanation of poems is abundant, it does not lead to the literature explanation of The Book of Songs. Chapter three analyzes the reasons of introducing literature method of explanation of poems in the study of Confucian classics from the perspective of the Changing direction of Hanxue & Songxue. Finally, it is concluded that the above mentioned explanation method has profound significance in the history of the study of Confucian classics as well as literature.In the history of the study of Confucian classics, it makes the explanation of Confucianism more reasonable and provides possibilities to the changing direction in the application of Confucian classics. Therefore, the position of Confucian classics is strengthened. In the history of the study of literature, it promotes to explore more literature values of The Book of Songs because the authorities recognize such explanation methods.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期