

Mike Featherstone’s Theory of Consumer Culture: A Study

【作者】 张飞龙

【导师】 李庆本; 王宁;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 费瑟斯通是当今英国重要的消费文化理论家之一。本文以他的消费文化作为研究对象,梳理了费瑟斯通消费文化理论的三个主要方面:首先表现为日常生活审美化理论,这是费瑟斯通消费文化理论的核心和基础。尽管前人对日常生活和消费实践也有一定的研究成果,且为费瑟斯通创立日常生活审美化理论奠定了基础,但是他既不认为日常生活是一个工具理性严格控制消费者的空间,也不认为日常生活是一个个碎片化的片段。费瑟斯通认为,日常生活是消费者进行消费实践的主要场域,而且在这个场域中,消费者的消费实践出现了审美化的倾向。其次表现为控制与抵制理论。费瑟斯通在分析消费实践中话语权的争夺过程中,一方面阐释了日常生活意识形态如何控制消费者的文化实践,同时也指出消费者如何进行抵制的可能性。费瑟斯通认为,从总体上看,日常生活意识形态对消费者的控制越来越强,但是从具体的消费实践来看,消费者已经对消费文化符号进行了转化和偷换。再次是表现为文学艺术消费理论。他对一些哀叹文学失序论、文学艺术终结论进行了严肃的探讨,认为文学艺术的终结和失序只是文化变迁的标志,认为文学艺术的终结和失序只是文化变迁的标志,是社会变迁所引发的一个必然结果,所谓的“失序”也只不过是通俗文学艺术的勃兴状态。所以,从费瑟斯通的消费文化理论中我们不难发现,消费文化是一个观察社会变迁、文化转向的一个视角,也是探讨当代人们生存状态的一个平台。他在选择文化出路时,把全部希望寄托在了中产阶级以及知识分子阶层是值得进一步讨论的。但是,他对生命个体的关注、对个体解放可能性的探讨,都对我们建设和谐社会有着深刻的启发和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Mike Featherstone is one of the important theorists in consumer culture. This paper is to inquire into his theory of consumer culture, which includes three aspects as follows:The first aspect refers to his theory of aestheticization of everyday life, which occupies a very important place in his theory of consumer culture. Although quite a few theorists have made great achievements in the studies of Everyday life and consumption practices--- which paved the way for Mike Featherstone’s theory of consumer culture, he neither accept everyday life as a space where Instrumental rationalism controls consumers, nor as a series of fragments. Whereas he thinks it as an important field where consumers carry out their cultural practices, and where aestheticization takes place.The second aspect refers to his theory of control/resistance. When Featherstone explores the process of fighting for discursive power between cultural specialists and consumers of the middle class, he holds that consumers’ cultural practices could prove that consumers are replacing and transforming the dominating consumption ethics in the days when ideology of everyday life controls consumers more and more strictly.The third aspect refers to his theory of consumption of literature and arts. He launches serious debates with those who hold that culture has been in disorder and that history of literature and arts has been ended. He holds that all of these cultural phenomena reflect cultural changes in the field of literature and arts, which is very common in the perspective of evolution of literature and arts.Therefore, Mike Featherstone’s cultural theory could be taken as a perspective to examine the changes of society and culture as well as a perspective to concern about the life of people in the post-industrial society, and his ideas about middle class should be discussed further. However, his creative ideas about concerns for life and possibility of emancipation of the individual are inspiring for us to construct our harmonious society.

  • 【分类号】C913.3
  • 【被引频次】5
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