

The Localizer in Chinese and Its Conceptual System of Metaphors

【作者】 蔡永强

【导师】 崔希亮;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 空间关系和时间关系是人类认知客观外部世界的两种基本关系,语言中的诸多范畴都是在这两种关系的基础上建立和发展起来的。与时间关系相比,空间关系是更为基本的关系,一切时间关系都是在空间关系的基础上建立起来的。汉语空间关系的表达主要是通过方位词实现的,汉语方位词作为封闭的类,在认知上具有构造概念框架的功能。时间关系的表达主要是通过谓词实现的,谓词在认知上具有提供句法槽的功能。汉语中的“上/下”在句法层面上表现为方位词和谓词两种词性的对立,而这种词性对立表面的背后是二者意义的密切关联性——“上/下”之方位意义、行为动作意义、趋向意义及其引申意义形成一个基于原型的家族相似性意义链。本文主要以此为基点,通过概念隐喻的视角分析了方位词“上/下”的概念结构及其隐喻概念结构,并在此基础上剖析了“上/下”从概念依赖的构件发展为概念自主的构件的过程,从而在“上/下”句法语义对立的背后找到了基于概念结构的互通性与内部一致性。全文共分九章,每章主要内容如下:第一章“概说”。首先指出汉语方位词是一个独立的词类,具有构造概念框架的认知功能,汉语方位词“上/下”是表达空间关系的基本手段。然后简要介绍了认知语义学对英语介词over、up/down、汉语介词“在”等的研究,并提出了本文的研究目标与研究取向。第二章“语义演变及其句法后果”。主要归纳了“上/下”作为方位词、谓词及谓词后附成分的意义及其句法功能,发现“上/下”诸意义形成一个基于原型的家族相似性意义链。第三章“概念结构及其隐喻形式”。主要分析了“上/下”作为方位词的概念结构及其隐喻概念结构,并分“上/下”前位与“上/下”后位两种情况讨论了多种概念结构的背景与物像(基底与侧面、地标与射体)的复杂性特征。不同的概念结构构件构成了基于方位词隐喻化功能的静态关系场景和动态关系场景。第四章“身体部位隐喻”。身体部位隐喻其实是其他隐喻的基础。本章作为第三章的延伸,主要分析了“头”、“脸”、“嘴”、“身体”、“手”、“脚”、“心”等身体部位的不同隐喻水平(或等级)的隐喻情况,不同身体部位的隐喻概念结构表现了背景与物像的复杂性特征。第五章“词汇化倾向”。作为第三章和第四章的延伸,重点分析了“X+上/下”格式的词汇化现象及其词汇化理据。不同词项的词汇化过程本质上是背景、物像与“上/下”的凝固化、“上/下”之方位意义不断减损的过程,同时不同词项的词汇化也表现了背景与物像的复杂性特征。第六章“认知域的投射”。本章首先区分了基底与侧面、背景与物像、地标与射体三组概念,然后在隐喻化与概念结构层次性的基础上分析了不同认知域之间的转移过程与条件(从源域到目标域)。认知域之间的投射过程遵循从具体到抽象的隐喻化路径,而目标域构件与源域构件之间的相似性则成为识解这种隐喻化路径的有效线索。第七章“从概念结构到句法结构”。主要分析了方位词“上/下”前位之原始概念结构、隐喻概念结构和“上/下”后位之原始概念结构、隐喻概念结构之间的关系:引申和隐喻。“X+上/下”格式的种种句法表现可以归纳为两种认知图式的对立,从概念结构到句法结构的表现最终实现为系列论元的线性排列。从概念结构到句法结构体现了认知世界的过滤器功能。第八章“从概念依赖到概念自主”。“上/下”作为方位词和谓词都是概念依赖的构件,概念依赖和概念自主具有相对性。相对于方位词“上/下”的概念依赖,谓词“上/下”是另类概念依赖,而“上/下”置于其他谓词后作为后附成分时则成为概念自主的构件。从概念依赖到概念自主阐释了不同概念之间的依赖性关系,是“上/下”之句法语义对立在概念结构层面上表现出一致性的深层体现。第九章“结语”。总结了本文的主要内容,归纳出十组对立的概念范畴,指出“上/下”造成的歧义现象和对称与不对称性是值得进一步深入研究的问题。

【Abstract】 Relations in space and in time are two basic relations by which human being cognize the outside objective world, and many categories in language built and developed are based on these two relations. Relation in space is more basic than relation in time, because the building of any relation in time is based on relation in space. The representation of space relation in Chinese is realized through the localizer, which as a closed class, has cognitive function of constructing conceptual frame. Time relation can be expressed by predicate which has cognitive function of providing syntactic slot. Shanglxia in Chinese shows two word class contrasts of localizer and predicate on the syntactic level, however, their meanings are interconnected behind this contrast, ie locative meaning, active meaning, directional meaning and their extensional meanings form a meaning chain of family resemblance in the basis of prototype. From this starting point, this dissertation analyzes the conceptual structures and metaphorical conceptual structures through the perspective of conceptual metaphor. Based on this analysis, it argues the process of developing from conceptual dependence to conceptual autonomy of shanglxia as component structures, and found the mutual connection and inner consistence based on conceptual structure at the behind of syntactic and semantic contrast of shanglxia.The full text is composed of nine chapters, and the chapters are as follows:Chapter one, introduction. Firstly it points out that Chinese localizer is a single word class which has the cognitive function of structuring conceptual frame. Chinese localizer shang/xia is a fundamental way to represent space relation. Then it briefly introduces study of cognitive semantics about English preposition over, up/down, and Chinese preposition zai, and puts forward the paper’s study goal and preference.Chapter two, semantic change and its syntactic consequences. It mainly summarizes the meanings and the syntactic functions of shang/xia as localizer, predicate and verb suffix, and found that these meanings form a meaning chain of family resemblance based on prototype.Chapter three, conceptual structure and its metaphorical forms. It mainly argues the conceptual structure and metaphorical conceptual structures of shang/xia as localizer, and analyzes complex features of ground and figure (base and profile, landmark and trajector) in many kinds of conceptual structures. The component structure of different conceptual structures can constitute static relation scenario and dynamic relation scenario based on metaphorizational function of the localizer.Chapter four, metaphors about body-part. In fact, metaphor about body-part is the basis of other metaphors. As the extension of chapter three, this chapter mainly analyzes the metaphors of different level (or degrees) about body-part head, face, mouth, body, hand, foot, heart, etc. and different metaphorical conceptual structuresabout body-parts show the complex features of ground and figure as well.Chapter five, lexicalization. As the extension of chapter three and chapter four, this chapter chiefly discusses the lexicalization phenomenon of ’x + shang/xia’ and its motivation. The lexicalizing process of different lexical items is essentially a process of solidifying of ground, figure and shang/xia, and reducing of the locative meaning of shang/xia, and shows the complex features of ground and figure as well.Chapter six, the projection of cognitive domain. Firstly it distinguishes between three groups of concept: base and profile, ground and figure, landmark and trajectory, and then analyzes the processes and the conditions of shifting (from source domain to target domain) between different cognitive domains based on the levels of metaphorization and conceptual structures. The projection between the different domains follows the metaphorical path from concrete to abstract, while the resemblance between source domain and target domain becomes the validical cue to construe this metaphorical path.Chapter seven, from conceptual structure to syntactic structure. It mainly argues the relationship between the primary conceptual structure and the metaphorical conceptual structure when shang/xia is in front/behind of the nominal component: extension and metaphor. All the syntactic forms of ’x + shang/xia’ can be summed up in two cognitive schemas, The representation from conceptual structure to syntactic structure realizes the linear arrangement of a series of arguments. It embodies the filter function of the cognitive world from conceptual structure to syntactic structure.Chapter eight, from conceptual dependence to conceptual autonomy. Aslocalizer and predicate, shang/xia is all component structure of conceptual dependence, but conceptual dependence and conceptual autonomy are comparative. As predicate, shang/xia belongs to another conceptual dependence comparing with the conceptual dependence of localizer shang/xia, while shang/xia will become component structure of conceptual autonomy when it is behind verbs as verb suffix. It explains dependent relations between different conceptions from conceptual dependence to conceptual autonomy, and is a deep embodiment of which syntactic and semantic contrasts of shang/xia show consistence on the level of conceptual structure.Chapter nine, concluding remarks. It gives a summary of this dissertation and summarizes ten groups of Contrastive concept categories in the dissertation, and points out that the ambiguities and asymmetries caused by shang/xia are important issues remain unsettled.

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