

Study on Pollutants Removal Performance and Nitrogen Removal Mechanism of Constructed Rapid Infiltration System

【作者】 王春燕

【导师】 郭劲松;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 人工土层快渗系统(Constructed Rapid Infiltration System,简称CRI)是在快渗系统(Rapid Infiltration System,简称RI)基础上发展起来的,属污水土地处理技术,是可持续发展的污水生态处理技术之一。三峡库区地形复杂,气候独特,集中分布着紫色土——这一中国特有的土壤资源。库区小城镇规模小、分布广、经济落后、管理水平低,对基建费用低、能耗低、流程短、运行管理简便的污水处理工艺有更迫切的需求。将CRI系统应用于三峡库区,研究采用库区可大量获得的紫色土为主体渗滤介质且适应于库区温暖、高湿度、低照度、低风速条件的CRI系统的构造和运行参数,为扩大CRI系统的适用范围提供理论依据与技术支撑。基于CRI系统的基本原理和要求,采用三峡库区特有的紫色耕作土及其它库区常见渗滤介质构建CRI试验装置,在库区天然的气候条件下进行室外试验。通过测定介质的清、污水渗滤系数、给水度等实验,拟定了水力负荷,污水投配时间,水力负荷周期及湿干比等系统运行参数。考察了0.08m3/ m2·d、0.10m3/ m2·d、0.12m3/ m2·d、0.14m3/ m2·d四种水力负荷,1d:4d、1d:3d、1d:2d三种湿干比条件,紫色土、陶粒、卵石及土砂混合物等渗滤介质采用不同高度的构建方式,并与干湿交替、干湿交替+美人蕉(牛耳朵大黄或风车草)、干湿交替+通气管3类通气方式相组合,形成的5种不同配置的CRI装置处理生活污水的性能。研究发现:试验构建的CRI试验装置的最优工况为水力负荷0.1m3/ m2·d,湿干比1d:3d,该工况下紫色土(70cm)/陶粒(20cm)/卵石(10cm)配置的CRI装置的COD、NH3-N、TN、TP平均出水浓度分别为50.0mg/L、7.9mg/L、20.6mg/L、0.9mg/L,平均去除率分别为84.2%、72.3%、57.7%、85.1%,出水除TN略有超标外(平均值20.6mg/l,超标概率约为50%),其它指标均达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)中一级B标准的要求。水力负荷、水力负荷周期与湿干比的变化对CRI系统的COD,TP的去除效果影响不大,对NH4+-N和TN的去除效果影响较大。TN的去除率与水力负荷呈负相关关系,湿干比和气温对总氮的去除有一定相关性。配水与落干的交替工作方式是系统复氧的主要形式,系统最优的复氧组合为干湿交替+种植美人蕉。针对年均气温17℃~ 19℃的三峡库区,平均相对湿度60~80%、30%左右的日照率和年均1.12m/s的风速条件,研究获得了能够适应三峡库区小城镇经济、技术及管理水平的、以紫色耕作土为主构建的CRI系统。研究获得的系统构建形式及运行参数是对CRI系统的创新与补充,是CRI系统在应用范围上的扩展。在CRI系统除污性能测试的运行条件下,出水中TN的达标概率约为50%,成为进一步提高装置水力负荷和除污能力的主要制约因素。为此,论文考察了影响系统氮去除性能的主要因素(土砂配比、土层厚度),被处理污水的碳氮比及主要运行参数(水力负荷周期与湿干比),从优化系统构造和运行参数方面探讨提高系统脱氮性能的方法。结果表明:对紫色土与河砂混合形成的渗滤介质,土砂比较小,有利于NH4+-N向NO3--N转化;土砂比较大,有利于NH4+-N、TN的去除。土砂比4:1构建的CRI装置对NH4+-N、TN的去除效果相对最好,去除率分别为:71.7%,48.8%,综合水力负荷等其它因素,土砂比为4:1的介质构成在三峡库区是较合适的介质选择。对以紫色土为主构建的CRI系统,其处理污水以好氧生物反应为主,有机物和凯氏氮的氧化主要在系统表层的0.6m土层内完成,TN的去除主要发生在0.6~1.0m的土层内,土层厚度越深,系统脱氮性能不一定提高。试验采用1.0m的处理层介质厚度构建的CRI装置的脱氮效果相对较好。污水中的C:N浓度对出水NO3--N、TN的浓度影响显著,随着进水C:N浓度的升高,出水中的NO3--N、TN显著减少。在污水进水中适量投加碳源(进水COD不宜超过400mg/L),控制C:N在6.0~8.0之间,是提高TN去除率的较为可行的措施。以紫色土:河砂=3:1为渗滤介质构建的CRI系统:湿干比越小、配水时间越短,对NH4+-N的去除率越高,试验条件下,湿干比为1:9,配水12h,水力负荷周期为120h时,NH4+-N去除率最高可达71.4%;湿干比越小,配水时间越长,对TN的去除率越高,试验条件下,湿干比为1:9,配水48h,水力负荷周期为480h时,TN的去除率最高可达59.1%。配水时间长有利于CRI系统的反硝化过程。进一步深入研究N在快渗土层内的运移转化机理发现:NH4+-N是CRI系统中N运移转化的核心,故基于紫色土:河砂=3:1的土砂混合物为渗滤介质构建1.0m高CRI土柱,在水力负荷周期为4d,湿干比1d:3d的条件下运行,通过单一氮化合物(NH4+-N和NO3--N)的人工配水输入土柱,研究NH4+-N在试验土柱中的运移转化机理及规律。以NO3--N配水进行氮运移转化机理试验表明:NO3--N在基于紫色土为主要处理层介质构建的CRI土柱中不存在吸附作用,配水5~9h之后,CRI土柱中有反硝化作用的发生,有效高度为1.0m的CRI土柱中,0.25m~0.85m之间的土层是反硝化作用的空间范围。以NH4+-N配水进行氨氮运移转化机理试验表明:NH4+-N配水进入CRI土柱即开始进行硝化反应,并同时存在着NH4+-N的吸附过程,清水淋洗后的9h,土柱出水中的NH4+-N接近于0表明,NH4+-N在CRI土柱中的吸附是较为简单的、短暂的过程,易于解吸,且解吸完全。皮尔逊相关系数的计算表明,NH4+-N在CRI土柱中的去除是一个稳态的过程,土壤溶液中的NH4+-N浓度与配水时间无关,在一定土柱高度范围内与柱高呈显著的负相关关系。依据单一氨氮、硝氮配水条件下的试验结果,引入多孔介质的溶质运移理论及对流-弥散方程,考虑NH4+-N在CRI系统中的运移受到对流和水动力弥散作用的影响,并吸附-解吸、硝化与反硝化3个过程,首次将配水流经CRI土柱的孔隙水流速方程与CRI土柱内发生的、以氧为约束条件的硝化、反硝化过程联系起来,建立了CRI系统一维垂向氨氮运移转化数学模型,表达式为:研究分别通过静态等温吸附实验率定了模型方程中的阻滞系数、通过渗滤试验测定了土柱中的孔隙水流速、通过测定弥散试验中示踪剂的电导率确定了纵向弥散系数、通过气压过程分离(Baps)技术测定了土柱中的总硝化与反硝化反应速率常数,最后通过测定土柱沿程氧化—还原电位的方法分析氨氮在CRI系统中的运移转化机理。结合测量所得的模型中的各参数值,基于有限差分法以Matlab编程,将CRI系统一维垂向氨氮运移转化数学模型应用于模拟单一氮化合物(NH4+-N)的人工污水向CRI土柱表面投配的运移转化机理试验。比较模拟结果与实测数据发现,模拟结果能够反映将人工配制的含氮污水投配到CRI土柱表面后,在不同配水时段内,CRI土柱的不同高度上,土壤溶液中NH4+-N、NO3--N浓度的变化趋势与浓度值大小,二者吻合较好。对模型参数进行敏感性分析发现:模型中各参数对CRI装置出水NH4+-N浓度的影响程度为:纵向弥散系数D≈阻滞系数Rd1 >孔隙流速v =硝化反应速率常数K1;对NO3--N浓度的影响程度为:硝化反应速率常数K1 >纵向弥散系数D >阻滞系数Rd2 >反硝化反应速率常数K2 >孔隙流速v,为进一步研究提高除N性能指出了努力方向。

【Abstract】 Constructed rapid infiltration system which developed from rapid infiltration system, is one of the sewage land treatment technology and it is also the sustainable and ecological wastewater treatment technology.The terrain of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area is complex, and the climate is special too, the special purple soil of china is the primary soil of this area. The town of this area is small, widely distributed, with backward economy and poor management of infrastructure, which is in urgent need of sewage treatment processes with low cost, low energy consumption with less processes and easy to operate.Theoretical basis and technical support to expand the scope of CRI system will be provided owing to the research on applying CRI system to the small town of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and exploring the construction and operation parameters of CRI system suitable to the soils and climatic conditions of the area.Based on the basic principles and requirements of RI system, the special purple soil and some other common media were applied to construct the CRI testers, and the experiments were conducted in the field. Parameters such as hydraulic loading, hydraulic loading cycle, flooding time and wet/dry ratio and other operating parameters were studied out through the parameter tests such as water and wastewater infiltration permeability, specific yield of soil etc. The domestic wastewater treatment performance of five CRI testers with different configurations were investigated under the condition of four hydraulic loading level of 0.08m3/ m2·d、0.10m3/ m2·d、0.12m3/ m2·d、0.14m3/ m2·d and three wet/dry ratio of 1d:4d、1d:3d、1d:2d. The study found:The prefered CRI tester is constructed with purple soil (70cm)/ceramic(20cm) /pebble(10cm). The preferred operating parameters of the tester are: hydraulic load being 0.1m3/m2·d and the wet/dry ratio being 1d:3d. The mean concentration of COD、NH4+-N、TN、TP of CRI tester effluent is 50.0mg/L、7.9mg/L、20.6mg/L、0.9mg/L and the mean removal rate is 84.2%、72.3%、57.7%、85.1% respectively. All the indexes have matched the B standard of“Pollutants Discharge standard of Urban Sewage treatment plant”except TN which is about 50% exceeding by the B standard.Hydraulic load, hydraulic loading cycle and the variation of wet/dry ratio have little effect on the removal of COD and TP, but have great impact on the removal of NH4+-N and TN. The removal rate of TN is negatively correlated with hydraulic loading, but positively correlated with wet/dry ratio and temperature in some degree. Alternation of flooding and dry is the main form of aeration, the best aeration combination of CRI system is the alternation of flooding and dry + plant canna.Aiming at the natural environments parameters such as 17℃~ 19℃of the temperature, 60~80% of the average relative humidity, about 30% of the sunshine rate and 1.12m/s of the average annual wind speed, the CRI system constructed mainly by purple soil is worked out compatible to the economical, technological and management level of small towns in the reservoir area. The construction form and operating parameters are the innovation and supplements of CRI system, also they are an an extension of the application scope of CRI system.The frequency of TN concentration in the effluent matching the B standard being about 50% becomes the primary cause when the improvement of hydraulic load or the performance of decontamination is concerned. For the reasons above, the main factors such as the ratio of purple soil and sand, thickness of the infiltration soil, the ratio of carbon and nitrogen of the sewage, and the operating parameters are examined carefully, for the purposes to study the method to improve nitrogen removal performance in two ways which are optimizing the CRI system structure and operation parameters. Studies have shown that:To the infiltration media mixed with purple soil and the sand, the less the ratio of soil and sand is, the more of NO3--N produced in the effluent, the more the ratio of soil and sand is, the less of NH4+-N、TN produced in the effluent. The CRI tester composed by the mixture of soil and sand in 4:1 ratio had relatively the best removal performance to NH4+-N and TN, the removal rate is 71.7% and 48.8% respectively. Integrated other factors such as hydraulic load, the medium with ratio of soil and sand in 4:1 is the more appropriate media choice.The primary mechanism of CRI system is metabolism of aerobic microorganisms. The oxidation of organic and kjeldahl nitrogen is occurred mostly within the 0.6 meter soil layer below the surface, and the removal process of TN is mainly occurred between the soil layer of 0.6~1.0m. The thickness of the soil cannot result in the better performance of N removal. The CRI tester constructed with 1.0 meter infiltration soil has relatively good removal effects of nitrogen.The ratio of C:N in the sewage can significantly effect the NO3--N、TN concentration of effluent, with the increased C:N, the NO3--N、TN concentration of effluent decreased markedly. It is a feasible measurement to improve TN removal performance to dose carbon into sewage (the maximum of COD is 400mg/L) and the best proportion of C:N in the sewage should be between 6.0 and 8.0.The less the wet/dry ratio is and so does the flooding, the better the NH4+-N removal performance is. The NH4+-N removal rate can achieve to 71.4% when wet/dry ratio is 1:9, the flooding time is 12 hours, and the hydraulic loading cycle is 120 hours. The less the wet/dry ratio is but the longer the flooding time is, the better the TN removal performance is. The TN removal rate can achieve to 59.1% when wet/dry ratio is 1:9, the flooding time is 48 hours, and the hydraulic loading cycle is 480 hours. Long flooding time is benefial to denitrification of CRI system.Studying further on the mechanism of nitrogen migration and transformation in the CRI system, It is found that NH4+-N is the key of nitrogen migration and transformation in the CRI system, so the study on the mechanism of nitrogen migration and transformation in the CRI tester is carried out at the condition that applied single nitrogen compound (NH4+-N and NO3--N) to one-dimensional soil column constructed by the mixture of purple soil and sand in the ratio of 3:1, and the hydraulic loading cycle is 4 days, the wet/dry ratio is 1d:3d.The experiments of NO3--N dosing into the CRI tester showed: adsorption of NO3--N in the soil column tester did not exist; there was denitrification process occured after flooding 5~9 hours, the space of denitrification is between 25cm~85cm as to the CRI soil column with the effective height of 1.0 meter.The experiments of NH4+-N dosing into the CRI tester showed: the nitrification and the adsorption processes begins when flooding; the adsorption is a simple and temporary processes, easy to desorption and desorption completely; the removal process of NH4+-N in the CRI system is a steady-state process,has nothing to do with the flooding time, but has negative linear correlation to the deepth of the soil column within a certain height.Based on the experiment results of single compound of NH4+-N and NO3--N dosing into the CRI system, referenced to the theory of solute migration and transportation through porous media and convection-dispersion equation, a one-dimensional equation of the vertical migration of NH4+-N was composed to simulate the process of NH4+-N dosing into the CRI system. In the simulation, the migration and transportation of NH4+-N in the CRI system is the results of water convection and hydrodynamic dispersion, and adsorption-desorption, nitrification and denitrification process. It is the first time that the water flow equation of sewage flow through the CRI soil column and the oxygen concentration as the constraints of nitrification, denitrification process were linked together. The expression of one-dimensional mathematical model of vertical migration of ammonia in the CRI system is:The parameters in the CRI model are determined as following: the retardarce coefficient is determined by static isothermal absorption experiment, the velocity of sewage travel through the soil column is determined by permeability test, the vertical dispersion coefficient is determined by test the electric conductivity of tracer in the dispersion experiment, the rate of nitrification and denitrification is determined by test of Baps technology. Finally, the migration and transformation mechanism of NH4+-N is analysised out by the test results of oxidization-Redox potentials along with the soil columns.The model is applied to simulate the single nitrogen compounds (NH4+-N) of the artificial sewage distributed to the surface of soil columns.The boundary and the original conditions were initialized, the parameters such as retardarce coefficient, the mean water velocity through the infiltration medium, vertical diffusion coefficient, nitrification and denitrification rates were substituted into the equation. The Matlab program was writed out based on the finite difference method. The simulated result and the parameters sensitivity analysis is worked out so as to understand the migration and transformation mechanism of NH4+-N in the CRI system.Comparison of simulation results and the measured data showed that simulation results could reflect the NH4+-N concentration when artificial nitrogen-containing sewage being distributed onto the surface of soil column at different periods. Both the trends and the value of concentration are in good agreement when NH4+-N concentration in soil solution in the CRI soil columns of different height concerned.The order of sensitive factors which affect the NH4+-N migration and transformation is: vertical dispersion coefficient D.≈retardarce coefficient Rd1 > pore velocity v = nitrification coefficient K1. The order which affect the NO3-N migration and transformation is: nitrification coefficient K1 > vertical dispersion coefficient D.> retardarce coefficient Rd2> denitrification coefficient K2 > pore velocity v, which is helpful on further research on the nitrogen removal performance in the CRI system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期