

Study on Regional Human Settlements Construction in Three Gorges Reservoir Area

【作者】 段炼

【导师】 赵万民;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 全球化浪潮彻底改变了传统的区域研究与区域规划理论框架;自上世纪90年代开始的国内外新一轮“区域规划”或“城市地区(城市群、都市圈)发展战略研究”等行动,从实践方面也宣示了原有的国家/行政区区域层级体系已为当今以空间功能结点为枢纽、以流的通道为关联、以流量的大小为主辅的城乡经济社会网络体系逐渐取代这一趋势的出现。因此,作为区域空间功能结点的各级各类城镇建设,其向外辐射影响的规模大小、职能强弱及其空间联结完善度已超越传统的向内统一认知的空间完形、景观多样和人们心理行为感知度而成为世人关注的焦点。与此同时,世界性的城镇化进程对于区域自然资源、人类居住环境和城乡空间单元等物质形态也带来了巨大的冲击,并产生了资源枯竭、环境污染、居住拥挤、城乡冲突加剧等经济社会发展问题。两大因素的综合作用导致了人居环境科学的诞生,并相应产生了全球、区域、城市、社区、建筑五大层级的人居环境建设体系。其中,区域人居环境建设的核心内容就是快速城镇化进程中的区域城乡人居环境的建设及其所涉及到的人口、资源、环境和发展(PRED)之间的关系协调,即以城镇化的区域推进所涉及到的人口、产业和空间三大问题为导向进行综合融贯的研究,以实现区域人地系统的可持续发展。论文关于三峡区域新人居环境建设的选题研究即是由此产生。三峡区域是三峡工程建设而形成的一个特定区域,其优良人居环境建设的质量事关三峡工程巨大防洪、发电、航运等综合效益的发挥。经过十余年的举国投入和区域人民的艰苦奋斗,三峡区域已完成了相关的工程建设和移民迁建任务;但欠发达的经济社会发展特点和严酷的资源环境条件构成区域人居环境建设进一步“提速提挡”的瓶颈,而且随着国家投入的结束和主体功能区定位的确立使三峡经济社会发展的转型压力骤增,也使其区域人居环境建设面临新的战略选择。因此,论文结合我国统筹区域发展的战略指向,总结和梳理了城市规划学、地理学、人口学、经济学和区域资源环境等学科的最新动向,以快速城镇化进程中的区域人居环境建设实践为核心,构建了三峡区域新人居环境建设的人口、产业、空间“三位一体”分析框架;同时,论文采用史论文案法对三峡区域人居环境建设的历史进程进行了纵向梳理,并结合横向的区域人居环境建设现状调查,完成了“资源环境容量制约下的人口再分布指引缓解人地矛盾”、“结构优化基础上的特色产业集群建设破解产业空虚化”、“基于地域格局特点的快速城镇化进程重组城乡空间结构”三方面的新人居环境建设策略提出。第一,人居环境建设的核心是人,人的生存和发展离不开区域经济社会和资源环境的支撑,而城镇化推进的本质特征即是城乡人口的迁移与再分布,因此区域人居环境建设的核心内容就是依据人口容量确立人口再分布指引策略。论文结合三峡地域开发背景中的人口增长及空间分布进程,在阐明三峡区域人地矛盾历史源流的基础上,运用相对值评价模型完成了三峡区域区县人口空间分布的合理性评价;同时,论文分析了三峡区域城镇化的进程与特征,并通过各区县城镇化发展与其人口容量之间的协调度指数计算,提出了人口集聚区、稳定区和疏散区中各区县在推进城镇化进程中的人口再分布指引策略。第二,经济增长是人居环境建设的内在要求,也是欠发达地区摆脱贫困进入小康社会的必由之路,而城镇化进程也与区域经济社会发展阶段密不可分,因此区域人居环境建设的重要目标就是在市场的竞争中实现产业结构的优化及其竞争力的提升,并最终实现经济的高效增长。论文以三峡区域资源禀赋和历史时期产业发展的分析入手,在对现状产业空虚化与结构同质化现象分析的基础上,讨论了工业化进程中的区域主导产业选择及产业结构优化的基本对策,并结合区县特色产业园区的建设实践提出了构建区域产业集群的建议和空间布局结构。第三,城镇化的推进与城乡人居环境的建设与空间结构的演进紧密相关,因此空间资源既是区域人居环境建设的载体,其结构构型也是区域人居环境建设状态的指示器。论文结合三峡区域城乡空间结构形成与演变的自然基础与历史进程,在对其区县城镇化空间分异分析的基础上,提出了峡西、峡中和峡东三地带城镇体系空间结构的重组策略;并在整合三地带空间结构重组的“V”型—“W”型—“U”型模式演进序列基础上编制了三峡区域空间的发展战略构想。三峡区域的新人居环境建设研究,是对三峡区域转型期人居环境建设的尝试性探索,其所面临的问题与挑战对于中国大多数的欠发达地区来说具有一定的普遍性。因此,论文最后以区域人口再分布方案及相关区县产业集群建设和空间结构重组案例,冀望对区域人居环境建设的内容框架体系作进一步的完善。

【Abstract】 Entering the 21st century, the process of globalization changes the basic theoretical framework of“Regional plan”or“Urban district (Urban agglomeration, Metropolitan Area) development strategy plan and research”since the 1990s. It breaks the old base, the level system of national administrative districts, completely. At the same time, it establishes the new urban-rural economic and social network structure system. Hub of the system is the economic and social“spatial functional node”. Link of the system is the corridor of flow.The theoretical system of Sciences of Human Settlements which is suggested by Mr. WU Liangyong, Tsinghua University, becomes an eminent study for the greatly change. Its base is the Sciences of Human Settlements. It builds the construction system of economy, society and environment, which takes human as the core and takes the spatial structure of urban-rural settlements as the body.The research on the construction of regional human settlements in Three Gorges Reservoir Area is just generated from the topic.The paper summarizes the latest trends of urban planning, architecture, geography, demography, regional economics and so forth, on the base of regional development as a whole, under the guidance of the Sciences of Human Settlements and the problem-oriented complex research method.It establishes the problem analysis framework of“architecture-landscape-urban plan”for regional settlements construction with the construction practice in the rapid urbanization as the orientation.It does a longitudinal research on the historical development of human settlements using the study method of historical document, taking the Three Gorges Reservoir Area as the study object, which is very typical on the problems of human-land conflict, industry emptiness and environment sensitivity.It does a pertinent research on the population distribution, industrial optimization and spatial density, combining the investigation of current situation and oriented by the problems. In the stage, it gives solving paths that“Redistribution of population guides to relieve the human-land conflict”,“Construction of characteristic industrial cluster ends the industry emptiness”,“Development of priority zones recombines the urban-rural spatial structure”. Based on these, the paper does an empirical research in the form of“Construction Program of Human Settlements in Three Gorges Reservoir Area (2008-2020)”In the end, the paper gets the conclusion from three levels of cases: human settlements construction of central cities, districts and counties, special planning and research.The paper is composed of the following seven parts:Introduction, the chapter one, which is on the topic selection, gives the literature review and comments, summarizes the theoretical framework, puts forward the realistic proposition of the human settlements construction of Three Gorges Reservoir Area.Chapter two, which is oriented by the three typical problems, proposes the problem analysis framework, and shows out the three pertinent solving paths.Chapter three, which is on the contradiction of human and land, illustrates the historical background of human-land conflict in the region, promotes urbanization propulsion mode for the coordinated development of human and land according to the environmental population capacity. It must develop from the current“V”mode to the“W”mode, and finally into the“U”mode.Chapter four, which is on the adjustment and optimization of industrial structure, carries on the coordination the regional development localization in national main-functional zones, suggests building the framework system of characteristic leading industries, and furthermore, gives the countermeasures of constructing the industry cluster organization to improve regional competitiveness.Chapter five, which is on the geographical distribution pattern and the spatial structure of urban system, proposes the optimization strategies of spatial structure to the western, middle and eastern region of the reservoir area, and finally accomplishes the spatial restructuring plan by dividing main-functional zones in the region.Chapter six, which is on the construction program of human settlements in Three Gorges Reservoir Area, integrates the analysis framework, puts forward the construction ideas of population redistribution, industry aggregation and space integrating, in the end , gets the conclusion from three levels of cases.Conclusion, the chapter seven, summarized the innovations and deficiencies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期