

An Exploratory Study on Buyers’ Participation in Reputation Systems

【作者】 黄茜

【导师】 陈华平;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 研究充分说明,声誉系统是一种在C2C(consumer to consumer)在线网络交易平台中能够有效规范卖家行为的一种机制。同时,声誉系统也被认为是传播与交流在线口碑和评价的重要平台。在这个平台中,买家可以自由分享他们的购物体验与心得。C2C的声誉系统主要由两部分组成:评价(包括好评,中评和差评)和评论。评价和评论对未来的潜在买家来说,是一种重要的参考信息,他们可以根据这些评价和评论来决定是否在这个卖家的店铺中购物,以及应该购买何种商品等等。尽管在过去的研究中,C2C购物平台中声誉的积极作用已被充分肯定,然而对于买家参与声誉系统的动机却很少有研究给予相关关注。相关研究的匮乏的原因,可能是由于近年来C2C在线购物发展迅速,导致人们认为现存的C2C声誉系统也是同样成功的。然而,随着C2C在线购物的迅速发展,研究者和实际操作的买家们都不约而同地发现,目前的声誉系统存在着很多问题,比如说压倒性比例的好评,没有足够的买家会在购物后留下文字性评论,等等。一些学者更是提出,目前的C2C声誉系统会歪曲实际情况,因此需要大力变革。然而,声誉系统的成功和有用性离不开买卖双方,尤其是买方的参与。从买方,也就是声誉系统的实际使用和操作者的角度出发,可以帮助系统设计人员更清楚的了解一个好的声誉系统应该如何设计。在这种情形下,研究买家参与声誉系统的动机是十分必要的。此次研究的目的是对于C2C在线购物网站中买家购物后参与声誉系统的动机和前因进行广泛而深入的探究。由于相关研究比较匮乏,我们在国内最大的C2C在线购物网站:淘宝网(www.taobao.com),随机抽选了在线购物的买家并对他们进行了一次小规模的在线访谈,根据在线访谈的结果并结合过去的研究成果和相关理论,确定出我们研究的框架和范围。在这个研究范围中,本文试图回答两个有待解决的理论问题:第一,何种因素会促使让买家积极参与到声誉系统中来?第二,这些因素最终将如何具体影响买家参与过程?围绕上述问题,作者随后采用了问卷调研的研究方法,并一共收集了269份有效问卷,其中,问卷的回复者都是有过实际购买经验的买家。这些买家根据他们购买过程中的真实情况对问卷进行了回复。论文的研究的主要结论主要有以下几点:(1)随和(迁就)型冲突处理模式对于好评提交意愿有着重要影响,然而逃避型冲突处理模式却和好评提交意愿没有显著影响。满意度直接影响了好评和评论两项的参与意愿。信任,与卖家的关系,和乐于助人是买家提交评论意愿的三个重要前因。(2)相对于随和(迁就)型冲突处理模式,信任等因素对于参与声誉系统的直接影响,产品质量,服务质量这些要素则是通过满意度的提升,对于参与声誉系统的意愿有着间接的影响。本研究拓展了当前对于声誉系统的研究,从全新的视角:实际买家,也就是声誉系统的直接使用者的角度出发。此外,研究结果也具有实际意义,可以给声誉系统设计者提供一些线索从而提高声誉系统的参与率。从长远的角度,更多的参与率让整个在线市场变的透明化并降低了买卖双方信息不对称的局势,进而提高整个网站甚至于整个C2C购物市场的占有率。

【Abstract】 Online reputation systems have been found to be an effective way to ensure honest behavior from sellers in consumer to consumer (C2C) e-commerce. At the same time, reputation systems have been regarded as an important platform where large-scale word of mouth behavior and evaluations of the purchase experience can be communicated. There are altogether two components in online reputation systems: ratings and textual feedback. Thus, reputation systems are often considered to be constituted of buyers?ˉquantitative scoring and qualitative feedback which offers an important reference to other buyers when deciding whether to buy from sellers or not. Although the importance of reputation systems in the C2C online shopping platform has been confirmed by prior research, little attention has been paid to the motivations of buyers?ˉparticipation in reputation systems. The lack of related research may be due to satisfaction in the rapid development of C2C online shopping in the Chinese context, indicating that current usage of reputation systems on C2C platforms is successful. However, with the development of C2C online shopping, both researchers and online buyers have realized that there are problems in the current C2C reputation system, such as overwhelmingly positive ratings and insufficient textual feedback. Some scholars further suggest that the reputation system is unreliable and need to be improved. However, reputation systems?ˉprosperity and usefulness can not be investigated without buyers?ˉparticipation. This research is a step towards analyzing how the buyer perspective can help system designers to form a better concept of more efficient functioning of a reputation system should function. Consequently, research investigating buyers?ˉparticipation in the reputation systems is necessary. The paucity of relevant research has been the main motivation for the study.Specifically, the aim of this study is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the antecedents and motivation of buyers?ˉparticipation in the C2C reputation system after each transaction in the Chinese context. Interviews with online buyers in China have been conducted to help decide the research scope and identify the main antecedents. Based on the theory of conflict handling styles, service quality, and research results from online knowledge contribution and word-of-mouth (WOM) behaviour, a new research framework is developed to explain motivations of buyers participating in C2C reputation systems. In this study, according to the real process a buyer needs to go through, participation in a reputation system has been divided into two segments: indicative ratings and qualitative textual feedback. Within this framework, satisfaction is regarded as the primary antecedent of participant intention. Willingness to submit textual feedback has thus been investigated from two aspects: online knowledge contribution and WOM behavior. Theory of conflict handling styles, including accommodating and avoiding styles, is also expected to have a significant impact on the willingness to give positive ratings, as well as satisfaction.A survey methodology was adopted in this study, and a total of 269 valid responses have been collected from online actual buyers. The results indicate that satisfaction and conflict handling styles have a significant impact on willingness to submit a positive rating. The study also confirms that willingness to submit textual feedback can be investigated through WOM behavior and online contribution. This study makes a theoretical contribution to research on reputation systems, for it brings a new angle of view from online buyers, the actual participators in the process. It also offers practical implications for how reputation systems in the C2C online shopping context can be designed more effectively.

  • 【分类号】F224;F713.36
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】844
  • 攻读期成果