

Study on Increasing Income of Inner Mongolia Herdsman Based on Public Policy

【作者】 马军

【导师】 盖志毅;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 农民增收问题是我国经济发展中的重要问题,牧民是农民中的特殊群体,由于牧民聚居的自然环境、地理位置以及本民族的特殊性,决定了牧民增收问题不能直接借用农民增收的方式和措施。由于牧民所生存的自然环境的脆弱性、所依赖的草原畜牧业产业的弱质性决定了牧民增收更需要政府支持,即政府实施有利于牧业发展、牧民增收的各种政策。所以本文就从政府公共政策的视角来研究牧民增收。本文首先从理论上分析了公共政策保障牧民收入的必要性;然后对内蒙古已实施的影响牧民收入的政策进行了叙述,接着通过系统地描述改革开放以来内蒙古牧民的收入的状况,提出在实施了牧民增收政策后,内蒙古牧民依然存在的增收问题。由此说明了对影响牧民收入的政策进行理论和实证分析的重要性。因此本文先从理论上提出了牧区土地经营制度、生态保护政策、财政投入、社会保障制度、产业政策、人口政策等各项公共政策对牧民收入影响的机理。然后在此基础上进行了各项政策对内蒙古牧民收入影响的实证研究:第一,牧区现行的土地经营制度中草畜双承包到户仅仅是明晰草牧场使用权主体的一种初级形式,还存在产权不清晰、草场使用权流转不完善的问题,加剧了草原生态环境的恶化和牧民的贫困;建立经济合作组织的政策极大地鼓励了牧区经济合作组织的建立,也促进了部分牧民增收,但由于政府对政策的宣传不够、牧民的认识不同也导致了牧民经济合作组织有成功,也有失败。第二,牧区生态保护政策的实施,在短期内由于生产经营成本的上升,会使内蒙古牧民纯收入降低。第三,财政投入与内蒙古牧民增收正相关,由于投入力度还不是很大,以及财政对牧区的投入效应需要一定的时间,影响了财政投入促进牧民增收的效果。具体来看,在教育投入中,侧重于基础教育,对成年牧民的教育不够;在基础设施建设投入中,投入力度也明显不够;在给牧民的补贴上,也表现出政府补贴偏低,有时难以到位的问题。第四,牧区的社会保障还处于起步阶段,各种保障形式不均衡,政府政策宣传不到位和牧民对社会保障的认识不足也制约了社会保障对牧民的增收作用。第五,牧区产业结构发生了很大变化,以工业为主的第二产业产值大大超过其他产业,但是对于牧民收入的贡献却不大;传统的畜牧业也制约了牧民增收。第六,牧区人口政策,还没有从根本减少牧区的劳动力。转移出去的劳动力,部分自愿转移的牧民收入能够增加,而非自愿转移出去的牧民,主要是生态移民收入还有所下降。研究的结论有助于为我国政府制定更加合理的牧民增收政策提供决策依据。从未来发展看,在政策制定时要注意进一步增加牧区政策的稳定性、民族文化个性、群众的参与性。政策实施时应注重政策之间的配合作用。

【Abstract】 Question of increasing farmers’income is important of our country’s economic developing questions. Herdsmen are special groups of farmers. Because of the natural environment inhabited by herdsmen, geographic location, as well as the specificity of the nation, to increase the herdsmen’income can not directly use the ways and measures of increasing farmers’income. Because of the fragility of the natural environment and the weak of the grassland livestock industry, herdsmen need government support to increase income, which is to implement policy to develop animal husbandry and increase herdsmen’s incomes. So I study herdsmen’s income from the perspective of public policy in this article.This article analyzes the necessity of protecting herdsmen’s income by public policy from the theory, and describes the implemented policies of increasing herdsman’s income in Inner Mongolia. This paper describes the situation of herdsmen’s income in Inner Mongolia since reforming and opening of China, and putforword the problem to increase herdsmen’s income still existing after implementing the policy of increasing herdsmen’s income in Inner Mongolia. So this paper putforward the theory of public policy, which including the system of pastoral land management, ecological protection policies, industrial policy and population policy, impact of the mechanism of herdsmen’s income. And on this basis this paper empirically studies the impact of the policy on the income of herdsmen in Inner Mongolia:First, in the existing pastoral land management system, the Dual contract of grassland and livestocks is only a primary form of clearing the right to use of grassland, there is lack of clarity of property rights, imperfect of the right to use and flow, these aggravated the ecological environment of grassland deterioration and poor herdsmen; set up the Organization for Economic Co-operation policy in pastoral areas has greatly encouraged the establishment of the Economic Cooperation Organization, and promoted some of the herdsmen’s income increasing, because the publicity the Government’s policy is not enough and understanding of herdsmen is different, it led to economic cooperation organizations of herdsmen have not only successful but also failed. Secondly, ecological protection policy in pastoral areas would reduce the net income of herdsmen in Inner Mongolia in the short term because of the operating costs of production increasing. Third, financial support is related to herdsmen’s income of Inner Mongolia. Because of investment are not large, as well as the financial effect of the pastoral areas required a certain amount of time, the impact of the Financial Support on increasing herdsmen’s income is not very good. Specific point of view, investment in education emphasis on basic education, not on adult education; inputs in infrastructure construction, the investment is clearly not enough; in subsidies to herdsmen, the government-subsidies is low, sometimes the subsidies is difficult to place. Fourth, social security of pastoral areas is still in its initial stage, a variety of security is uneven, which the Government policy advocacy are not in place and herdsmen’s recognization is lack constraints increasing herdsmen’s income by social security. Fifth, the industrial structure of the pastoral areas has undergone great changes in industrial output value of the secondary industry much more than other industries, but the contribution to herdsmen’s income is little; traditional animal husbandry has also restricted the increase of herdsmen’s income.Sixth, the pastoral labor policies, has not fundamentally reduce the pastoral workforce. In the labor force that transferred out, the voluntary transfer of the herdsmen can increase revenue, not voluntary transfer of the herdsmen that mainly is ecological migrants’s income is decreased.The conclusion of the study contributes to formulate a more rational policy to our government’s decision-making on increasing herdsman’s income. Look from the future development, government should further increase policies policy of the stability, national culture personality and the participation of the masses in pastoral areas. The implementation of the policy should be focused on co-ordination among the policies.
