

Studies on the Raw Milk Safety System in China

【作者】 靳延平

【导师】 侯先志;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 随着人类生活水平的逐步提高,人们对于食品安全的要求也越来越高,乳品作为我国人均消费量增长最快的食品之一,安全问题不容忽视。我国奶业在高速发展,但连接发生的乳品安全事件充分暴露了生鲜乳生产环节的“短板”,奶源已成为乳业发展的瓶颈。原料乳(即生鲜乳,以下同)的质量安全攸关消费者的健康、生命,攸关公众对经济和社会安全的预期,攸关奶农及相关产业农民的收入。“三聚氰胺”事件的爆发,给我国奶业带来了巨大冲击。经过一年多的努力,奶业正逐渐恢复。但长期以来积累的许多深层次问题并没有得到根本性解决。因此,对生鲜乳质量安全管理体系的研究,不仅具有理论意义,而且在实践上可以为我国生鲜乳乃至食品质量安全管理提供指导。目前,国内外学者对食品及乳品安全问题进行了不少研究,取得了不少成果。但是,还缺乏对生鲜乳质量安全及其管理体系进行深入、系统的理论分析和实证研究。为了从源头上探索消除生鲜乳质量不安全因素的对策和措施,本文在对生鲜乳质量安全管理体系进行理论分析和借鉴国外生鲜乳质量安全保障实践的基础上,以我国生鲜乳需求行为的分析为切入点,探讨安全生鲜乳的供给问题,进而探讨我国生鲜乳质量安全管理体系的建设。由于内蒙古是我国乳品生产、加工、消费的主要省区之一,呼和浩特市已被命名为“中国乳都”,因此,以呼和浩特市的消费者、奶户(场)、乳品加工企业为例,在分析内蒙古及呼和浩特市奶业现状、存在问题的基础上,提出相应的基本思路和对策,具有一定代表性和典型性。本文基于对微观经济主体——消费者的需求、奶牛养殖户的质量安全管理行为、奶站的行为——的分析来把握生鲜乳质量安全管理体系建设这一宏观命题,分别对消费者的需求行为和生产者的质量安全管理行为进行实证研究,从法律法规、标准体系、管理体制、检验检测体系、认证和质量追朔体系、信息体系、预警机制、利益分配机制、竞争机制、技术支撑体系和服务体系的角度,提出了我国生鲜乳质量安全管理体系建设的基本思路和政策措施。通过研究,得出的主要结论和建议:经过分析,揭示出生鲜乳质量安全管理,需要政府干预和市场手段的有机结合;在今后一定时期内,我国奶牛养殖方式的基本国情还将是以散养为主,我国生鲜乳重量安全政策的制定要此为基础;提高奶农组织化程度不可急于求成;我国对生鲜乳质量安全的管理以政府部门为主,已基本构建了生鲜乳质量安全管理体系;三聚氰胺”事件的发生,为奶业通过整顿向更高层次迈进提供了难得的契机。建议全社会都要把生鲜乳生产作为一项战略资源来抓,政府在本级财政预算内安排“奶农安全生鲜乳发展基金”,分散与规模化要辩证统一,大力发展有计划、分层次、多元化的的养殖组织,发展无公害奶业和有机奶业,提升政府监管生鲜乳重量安全的执行力。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of living quality, people ask more about the safety of the food. A series of dairy food safety incidents has fully exposed the“short board”of dairy chains in China, with the rapid development of dairy industry. The raw milk product has become a“bottleneck”in the dairy industry. The quality and safety of raw milk has relation to the health, life of consumers, has relation to a public’s expectation for the safety of economy and society, and has relation to the income of the dairy and interrelated industry farmers. The melamine-contaminated dairy food incident gave an impact to the dairy industry in China. By the endeavor of the government and society for one year, the dairy industry is redeveloping gradually. But it has accumulated many deep-rooted problems that are not solved. Therefore, the studies on the raw milk safety system not only have its theoretical significance, but also provide some practical advices on the quality and safety management of raw milk and other primary products.Domestic and international scholars have studied food safety issues a lot and made a lot of achievements. However, there isn’t any further and systematic theory analysis and demonstration research on the management system of raw milk quality and safety. To improve and perfect the raw milk quality and safety management system and policies, it is studied in the thesis, the consumers’demand behaviour is first analyzed, and then is the supply of safe raw milk, in the end, the construction of raw milk quality and safety management system in China is discussed, based on the theoretical analysis of raw milk quality and safety management and the experiences of foreign government regulation on raw milk quality and safety. Hohhot City, the capital of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, is one of the most important districts of raw milk product, processing, dairy produce consumption in China and had been denominated as“the China’s Dairy Capital”, so it is typical that the consumers, dairy farmers, dairy stations, and dairy enterprises in Hohhot City are taken as an example in the thesis, when demonstration study is made on the consumer’s demand behavior and the farmers’quality and safety control behavior.The consumers’demand and the dairy farmers’control behaviour for the raw milk quality and safety were studied in view of the raw milk safety system in China. What low , statute, standard , management, test , authentication, information, guard, admeasure, competition, technique and service etc were put forward. Through the research of this thesis, some beneficial conclusions and advices have been drawn:According to the analysis of raw milk’s demand behaviour, the author points out that the government should strengthen to the management of the raw milk quality and safety while taking the market means. The decentralized milk cows breeding will be long-term and the systematization of the dairy farmers will be asked slowly. The raw milk quality and safety management system has constructed by Chinese government. Now, there’s a very good chance to adjust the dairy industry. The quality and safety of raw milk should be turned attention to everyone.“The safe raw milk fund for dairy farmer”should be built from the financial budget. The various dairy farmers organizations and the green dairy industry will be developed through the combine the decentralized with scaled milk cow breeding. The government would improve itself ability in food quality and safety.

【关键词】 乳业生鲜乳食品安全政府管制奶农
【Key words】 DairyRaw milkFood safetyGovernment regulationDairy farmer
  • 【分类号】TS252
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】2040