

Research on Popularization Strategy of Health Qigong

【作者】 王林

【导师】 虞定海;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 健身气功推广是一项立足于现实的应用研究,其主旨在于系统梳理健身气功推广工作中存在的问题,运用相关学科的理论知识为健身气功推广提供策略支持,为现实工作需要服务,为社会发展服务。本研究的展开需要做好以下两个方面的工作:一是积极借鉴已有的研究成果,二是需要有意识的打破学科界限,坚持开放的理论视野,充分利用跨学科的知识,将“知识整合”与健身气功推广的社会和历史环境联系起来,从多元和辩证的角度来分析和把握。基于上述需要本研究采用了文献资料法、专家咨询法、实地调查法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法等方法,从健身气功推广现状出发,在全面把握现状的基础上,运用传播学、营销学、社会学等多学科理论与知识的指导对健身气功推广进行分析,进而提出健身气功推广的策略,以促进健身气功发展。?本研究在上述研究方法和理论的指导下,提出了健身气功推广的策略:(一)系统与阶段统筹兼顾策略。健身气功无论是国内推广还是国外推广均是一个大的系统工程,人类信息接受的相关理论及我们工作的实践表明,将健身气功推广分为不同的阶段,制定各个阶段相应的计划和目标,而且每一阶段要提出切实可行的手段与措施,这对于促进健身气功推广工作的顺利进行更加具有针对性和可操作性。(二)扩大宣传策略。加大宣传的力度与频度是产生认同、接受的重要一环。通过研究后认为健身气功推广应以人类的健康诉求为中心,现阶段应打造以健康为主、文化为辅的信息传播策略,并提出了较为具体的宣传手段。(三)适宜的消费者满意水平策略。消费者满意是产生消费忠诚的前提,因此健身气功推广需要从以下方面予以加强:开展习练者需求调查;加大健身气功科学研究力度;切实改善教练员自身素质和教学水平,提高教学效果;完善健身气功的功法内容、教学方法、教材体系和教师队伍建设;加强健身气功附加产品、各类组织、法律法规、海外基地建设;加强中国健身气功协会的品牌建设力度;坚持海外推广的民间化道路等。(四)实施差异化推广策略。目前健身气功推广的工作重心应该是高校大学生和中老年人这两大人群,以后逐渐扩大目标受众群,完善健身气功内容体系,等到时机成熟、市场需要的时候再向外推广。(五)国家实施的非营利营销策略。国内推广坚持国家主导下的公益事业推广模式,海外推广应与合作者逐步协商,增加健身气功自身的“造血”功能。(六)海外推广的跨文化传播策略。健身气功海外推广的宣传理念、方式、策略应有所差别,尤其在推广的后期;加大健身气功海外推广的组织建设,拓展海外合作伙伴的来源,充分拓展与国内外文化部门的合作,实现资源的优化整合;健身气功海外宣传应日常化、经常化,形成持续效应,以构建健身气功品牌。

【Abstract】 ? Popularization of Health Qigong is an applied study based on reality, which is intended to systematically look into and sort out the problems in the process of its popularization, provide strategic support for it by employing theoretical ideas from relevant subjects, and serve the reality and serve the country. To accomplish the study, priority is given to 1) drawing upon relevant literature and 2) consciously breaking the scientific boundary, remaining open-minded, taking advantage of interdisciplinary knowledge, associating knowledge integration and social and historical contexts of popularization of Health Qigong and adopting a pluralistic and dialectical approach. Accordingly, by way of literature review, expert consultation, field investigation, questionnaires and logical analysis, this research, proceeding from the current situation and thus a panoramic picture of Health Qigong, analyzes the popularization of Health Qigong with knowledge from communication, marketing, and sociology and further puts forward strategies for popularizing Health Qigong.? Based on a comprehensive investigation of the current situation of the popularization of Health Qigong, this study combines theory and practice, and proposes the following strategies:(1) Systematic and periodic planning. It is a gigantic systematic project to popularize Health Qigong both at home and abroad. Theories about human information perception and our teaching experiences show that the popularization should be divided into different stages, which call for corresponding plans and goals as well as feasible methods and measures, which makes the whole project pertinent and operable(2)Promoting strategies of publicity. Promoting publicity in strength and frequency is one of the important factors that make people identify with and accept the popularization. The study claims that the popularization should center upon health complaints, and at present, and that health-oriented and culture-assisted information communication strategies should be established. It also puts forth corresponding concrete publicity strategies.(3)Appropriate strategies of consumer satisfaction.Consumers’satisfaction is the prerequisite for consumer loyalty. therefore, the popularization should be strengthened in the following aspects: investigating practitioner needs; intensifying scientific research; improving coaches’qualities and teaching; perfecting the content, teaching methods, teaching materials and teaching staff of Health Qigong; furthering the construction of by-products of Health Qigong, various kinds of organizations, laws and regulations and overseas bases; accelerating the brand construction of China Health Qigong Association; sticking to the non-governmental route of its popularization abroad.(4)Implementing strategies of difference popularization. The current focus of the popularization is on university students and the old generation, which will gradually target a wider range of consumers, and improve its content system, and which will be promoted abroad when it is the right time and markets are in need.(5)State implemented non-profitable strategies. The domestic popularization is the non-profit public affair popularization model by the state, while the oversea popularization needs gradual negotiation with partners, enhancing the“blood producing”function of Health Qigong itself.(6)Cross-cultural communication strategies of overseas popularization. There should be differences in promotion mentality, approach and strategy when Health Qigong is popularized abroad, which is especially true in the later stages. To achieve this end, the following must be carried out: furthering organizational construction; expanding the sources of overseas partners and the cooperation with the cultural departments at home and abroad, realizing the optimized integration of resources; making overseas publicity on a daily and regular basis, and forming continuous effects to establish the brand of Health Qigong. Key words: Health Qigong; popularization; strategy

【关键词】 健身气功推广策略
【Key words】 Health Qigongpopularizationstrategy
  • 【分类号】G852.6
  • 【被引频次】40
  • 【下载频次】2620