

Phenomenological Study of Wushu

【作者】 付文生

【导师】 邱丕相;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 研究假设与方法:本研究的一个基本假设是,武术是一种肢体语言所构建的生存意识,是社会意识的根本反应,他深深的刻印着武术家社会生活的意识体现,是个体意识与社会意识相结合的产物,是在捕猎、战斗、战争以及生活中凝结而成的生存体验,以武术动作、套路的形式在另一个舞台上的再现。为了检验假设,本研究用现象学的研究方法,结合发生学、逻辑学等研究方法,以海德格尔的本体论、胡塞尔的超越论,以及思维的历史形成过程与人类形成过程中最基础的生活思维本身的生存意识展开剖析,把汉语言字词、诗歌等表现形式与武术套路、动作相结合,沿用东方民族崇拜、信仰、实际的思维定势,绘画了显像、舞蹈实践、艺术形成与变现等,结合近年来出现的多种武术假象认识,反复论证了本研究的主题:武术是生存意识,是身体语言,动作若词汇,套路似诗词,武术以多种功能形式表现和书写着中国传统文化的篇章。研究创新:对武术编创及其发展历史进行梳理和分类,探索了武术编创的思维脉络及其之所以异于欧洲及其它地域搏击术的根本原因,揭示七星十三拳是武术文化的基本因子,构建出武术艺术思想的语义概略。本研究的主要结论:1武术存在的根本是为“生存”,一切的初衷都围绕着生命的延续。它蕴含着阴阳互译、三才一体、四象共举、五行六合的古代哲学理念,在当代则是团结向上、自强不息、和谐融合、大公无私的民族精神。2武术作为一种工具性文化的发生,远远早于其作为人类审美的对象;武术作为一种“表现虚幻的战争或者搏斗”的艺术特性,使其必然由工具的武术演绎为体育的武术,最终将是向充分艺术化的方向拓展。人类情感将抽象到武术的套路之中,与生命形式有着逻辑的类似。3武术套路是在虚幻时-空中创造的一种视觉形象,通过动作再现古代搏斗的情景,它不是弄假成真的幻象,而是一种信以为真的超然思考。4在人类由无知的蒙昧走向真正文明的过程中,四大文明古国唯一延续至今从未中断的是中华文明,绵延型的文化为中华武术的特立独行奠定了扎实的基础,而民间信仰的多样化,造就了武术流派以及形象生动的拳势、拳名。5武术是一种以肢体语言来阐述中国文化的独特方式,人们通过习练武术的过程去感悟、认识、理解中国文化。从文化战略的高度,武术应作为向世界传播中国文化的生动载体。

【Abstract】 Plan and approach of the study: One of the basic hypotheses of this study is Wushu, as one of existent consciousness constructed by body language and fundamental reflection of social consciousness, is deeply marked by the conscious reflection of the Wushu specialists social activities. It is the product of the combination of the individual consciousness and social consciousness, and is in the forms of Wushu movements and routines, the reprodution on another stage of the living experience based on the hunting, fighting, war and living. In order to verify this hypothesis, this study adopts the methodologies of phenomenology and those of many other theories, such as embryology and logic, and through Heidegger’s ontology, Husserl’s transcendentalism, and the most basic existence consciousness itself in the historical process of formation of thinking and humankind, analyzes the representations of Chinese characters and poems and those of Wushu routines and movements. By following oriental national worship, belifs, practical fixed thinking modes, painting practice, dancing practice and art, and by analyzing a variety of misleading interpretation of Wushu, the study repeatedly argues the theme: Wushu is existence consciousness, body language, in which movements are words, routines poems, and Wushu with its own multi-functions displays and writes the texts of traditional Chinese culture.Originality of the study: Carding and classification of the history of creation and development of Wushu; exploration of thinking clues of creation of Wushu and the ultimate reason for the difference between Wushu and martial arts in Europe and other regions; revelation of Qixing-shisanquan as the basic element of Wushu culture; construction of the semantic outline of Wushu artistic thinking.Main results of the study:1. The existence of martial arts is "survival", and all the original intention is around the continuation of life. It contains ancient philosophy of translation of Yin and Yang, three talents for one and gives a total of four images, the five elements and six together, and it is the national spirit of impartiality unity, progressive, self-improvement, a harmonious integration in contemporary.2. Martial arts as a tool of culture took place, far earlier than the other human aesthetic objects; martial arts as a "false performance or fight a war" of the art features, it is bound by the interpretation of a tool to the sport of Wushu martial arts, ultimately will be fully bound to the artistic direction. Abstract human emotion to the martial arts routines, and have a similar logic with life forms3. Wushu is in the illusion of time and space to create a visual image, through the action, recreate the ancient battle scenes again, it is not an of illusion to make false true, but a true reflection of the transcendent4. Through the ignorance of the ignorant to the true course of civilization, the only continuation of the four major ancient civilization has never been interrupted is the Chinese civilization, stretching-type of Chinese martial arts culture of the maverick has laid a solid foundation, and folk beliefs diversify martial arts schools, as well as creat a vivid image of fist Posture, fist name.5. Martial Arts is the unique way with body language to explain the Chinese culture, it is through the process of martial arts for practitioners to perception, cognition, understanding of Chinese culture. From the height of the cultural strategy, martial arts should be used as a vivid vector to spread Chinese culture to the world.

【关键词】 武术现象学意识生存
【Key words】 WushuPhenomenologyConsciousnesssurvival
  • 【分类号】G852
  • 【下载频次】795