

Study on Mode of Thinking of Value in Traditional Wushu in Human-study Perspective

【作者】 田学建

【导师】 邱丕相;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本研究是从人学的视野对传统武术价值思维方式进行的思想研究。旨在揭示传统武术所蕴含的人学思想,凸现其本身的价值因素,明确传统武术发展的内在动力,为传统武术的发展提供理论依据和参考;培养一种从人自身的角度对传统武术的理解和情感,打破以工具理性认识传统武术的局限,树立从价值理性认识传统武术的观念。研究采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、哲学方法、逻辑思辨法、价值判断与分析的方法、体验的方法、现象学方法对传统武术文化进行解析,认为传统武术具有内向型思维、实践理性型思维、精神超越型思维,它们分别体现为人本主义价值取向、群体本位价值取向和理想人格价值取向。它们都是传统哲学价值思维的表现。研究假设:本研究的一个基本假设是传统武术不仅仅是一种身体活动,更是中国传统人生哲学的身体实践。中国传统哲学的“极高明而道中庸”、“技近乎道”的文化精神,使传统武术超越术的层面进入道的境界,从而使传统武术成为培养人、完善人的方式。研究可能创新:引用人学视角,在认识的观念形态上,是一个新的阐释角度;从价值思维方式研究传统武术,展示了传统武术的深层文化底蕴;提出了内劲为中和之气的观点;提出了内劲为道家之德的观点。本研究的主要结论一、传统武术具有内向型思维特征。传统武术的内向型思维主要表现在传统武术的修炼内容上:气、心、神、意、志等;传统武术的内向型思维还体现在传统武术的拳说理论上:拳家太极说、拳家五行说、拳家八卦说、拳家自然说等。二、传统武术的内向型思维在内容上表现为人本主义的价值取向。这种人本主义不同于西方那种以个人本位为价值取向的人本主义,它关注的是人的本质和本性。三、传统武术的内劲是传统哲学所讲的中和之气。传统武术内劲的修炼是复归人的自然本性的过程。它的修炼原理正是传统人生哲学的修身理论。内劲的修炼使传统武术成为中国传统哲学的体验途径。四、传统武术的内劲是道家哲学中的德,德是人禀于道而得的构成生命存在内在根据的东西,或指生命的纯朴至真之性。内劲是德表明了以武证道的事实。五、传统武术具有实践理性型思维特征。武德正是传统武术实践理性型思维的表现。武德贯穿于传统武术的各个方面,使传统武术成为一种富有人性内涵的人体实践活动。六、传统武术的实践理性思维在内容上表现为群体本位的价值取向。它主要表现为传统武术的仁礼、义利价值模式。七、传统武术具有精神超越型思维特征。传统武术的精神超越型思维在内容上表现为传统武术理想人格追求。传统武术所追求的理想人格是内圣外王的圣人,其境界是天人合一。传统武术所表现出来的神明境界、中和境界、几神境界都是理想人格境界的表现。八、诚、敬是传统武术达到理想人格的修为途径。

【Abstract】 Using the theory of human-study, The paper studied the mode of thinking of value in traditional Wushu. The aim is to reveal the human-study ideology that traditional Wushu contains, reflect the value factor of itself, understand the motive force of development of Wushu, and to provide a theoriotical reference for the development of Wushu. It adopted the method of documentary date, interviewing the experts, philosophy, analytics, experenca, and phenomenology. The results of this study indicated that the characters of traditional Wushu are introverted, rational of practice, transcending spirit, which reflect the value of humanism, community departmental selfishness, ideal personality, all of which are the mode of thinking of valve in traditional philosophy.Assumption: Traditional Wushu is not only a kind of body activity, but also is the practice of Chinese traditional life philosophy. The cultural spirit of "very brilliant but way the doctrine of the mean", "skill almost dao" of Chinese tradition philosophy, makes the traditional Wushu surmount skill and get to dao , makes the traditional Wushu become the means to develop and perfect a person.Possibility creative: Quoting the humanistic view is a new angle of explanation. Studing from the mode of thinking of value displays the deep cultural meaning of traditional Wushu. Put forward the view that neijin is the standpoint of spirit moderated, and neijin is de.Main conclusion1. Traditional Wushu has a character of introverted that expresses in the contents of the practice of traditional Wush: the spirit, heart, absolute being, idea, ambition, and also expresses in the fisting theories: Taiji theory, Wuxing theory, Bagua theory, Body and spirit theory etc.2. The character of innate of traditional Wushu embodies humanism, which differs from the west kind that take individual as the basic unit of society, but pays attention to the person’s essence and natural character.3. neijin inside traditional wushu is moderate of spirit in traditional philosophy. The practice of neijin is the process which returns to the man’s natural character. Its practice principle is exactly the moral culture theories of traditional life philosophy. The practice of neijin makes tradition Wsush become a experience path of philosophy.4. Neijin inside traditional wushu is de philosophy, Neijin reflects the fact that martial defies dao.5. Traditional wushu has a character of rational practice, which is exactly refected by the Wush ethic. The Wushu ethic is in each aspect of the traditional Wushu, making the traditional Wushu become a practice that is rich of humanism.6.The character of rational practice of the traditional Wushu embodies the value of community departmental selfishness, which mainly expresses the mode of humanity and manners,and righteousness and benefit of traditional Wushu.7. Traditional Wushu has a mode of thinking of transcending spirit. It expresses the pursuit for the ideal personality, which is inside the king’s and outside the saint, is the god state, moderate state, absolute being state that the traditional Wushu expresses are all of the ideal personality state.8. Sincerity and respect is the path to ideal personality that traditional Wushu persue.

  • 【分类号】G852
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