

The Research on the Tactics of Tennis

【作者】 李庆有

【导师】 俞继英;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 网球是一方运动员限制对方有效回球的一项斗智斗勇的技能主导类隔网对抗性项目。鉴于战术在网球中的重要作用,对网球战术展开研究,其意义主要体现在:建立网球战术基本理论体系(网球的制胜因素与规律、影响网球战术的因素、网球战术分类、内容、战术训练原则等)以丰富网球专项理论;对网球战术训练的探讨有助于指导训练实践。本文通过广泛地查阅文献资料,获得与研究较为密切的中、外专著61本、科研论文280多篇,了解了网球战术研究状况;对国家、省市网球队教练员、运动员、科研人员等进行了大约130人次的访谈,其中专访14次,座谈会8次,掌握网球战术训练与比赛的情况;全面观察国家队的训练(冬训两次、夏训两次)和国际、国内重大比赛,(“大满贯”、大师系列赛录像、中国公开赛两次、“大师杯”一次、“全运会”四次等)了解运动员战术训练和运用情况;利用行为分析软件,分析运动员大约70小时的比赛录像,分析过程所用时间大约420小时。研究得出以下主要结论:网球运动的特点是:运动员以侧向滑步等急停急起脚步移动为主;运动员能量代谢总体是混合供能,击球以无氧代谢供能为主,比赛整个过程以有氧代谢供能为主;技术与战术高度结合;比赛具有间歇、计分复杂。网球制胜因素是“快”、“准”、“稳”、“变”、“全”;网球制胜规律是:快字当头,快稳结合;把握关键,努力“保发”与“破发”;坚定意志,情绪稳定;突出创新,优选训练方法。网球战术是为达到网球比赛目的而使用的计谋和行动;网球战术的原则是“知彼知己,指天知地”;扬长避短,利用弱点;主动灵活,因势制敌;调动对手,出奇制胜。网球战术受技术、体能、智力、设施与装备、环境、信息等因素的影响。依据战术攻防特点将网球战术分为进攻和防守。进攻战术依据比分产生过程分为发球战术、接发球战术、对击球战术,这三种战术依据战术发生的位置分为底线战术和上网战术。防守战术依据比分产生的过程分为接发球战术和对击球战术,其中接发球战术依据战术完成的方式分为挡接球战术、削接球战术、拉接球战术和拨接球战术。对击球战术依据击球的线路高低分为穿越战术和拉高球战术。各种战术具有固有的战术目的、应用范围、操作与训练方法。网球战术训练要遵循的原则是综合性原则、实战性原则、对抗性原则、不间断性原则、规定性与灵活性结合原则。网球战术训练的内容是学习战术知识、培养战术意识、提高战术运用能力。网球战术意识是运动员支配其战术行为的若干心理过程。通过网球战术的操作技能练习、赛前作业、制定预案、问题设置、赛后评价等能够培养运动员的战术意识。网球战术训练的方法有程序训练法、模拟法、比赛法、多球训练法、多人陪练法。部分优秀网球运动员的战术特点为:费德勒发球战术灵活变化;接发球以斜线和中路稳定战术为主;底线反手位削球多用直线战术、侧身战术运用自如;正手位多用斜线战术;网前运用截击和高压战术自如。柳比西奇和罗迪克利用球速的优势,配合发球落点的变化,使得发球成为其比赛重要的战术,并发展为发球上网战术。他们的底线分别具有极强的反手、正手攻击性的变线战术特点,并借此制造上网战术的机会。冈萨雷斯的底线正手战术呈现明显的“三段式”。即反手过渡,寻找机会;以正手变线和侧身为主要得分战术;利用正手的威力形成其它得分机会。接发球大量采用削对方反手战术。纳达尔第一发球具有“右内左外”的战术特点。正手的侧身、精准的直线或对角线穿越以及变线是底线战术的主要体现。郑洁接发球具有主动进攻的意识;底线以变线为主要得分战术,配合随球上网战术;具有打大角球和吊球战术变化。李娜发球局的首次发球趋向对手的反手;底线“变线”或“不变线”战术是其实现“以我为主”进攻战术思想的具体手段。

【Abstract】 Tennis, which one player restricts his opponent to return the ball legally, is a tactical dominant event of being played by players whom are opposite a net. Due to the essentiality of tactics in tennis, we ran the item to find the system of tactics and give some suggestion for training of tactics of tennis.The studying referred to 61 books and 280 articles which relate to the research, interviewed more about 60 tennis coaches, players and experts to get know the training and the research of tennis tactics, observed the tactical training of national team and the top matches includes Tennis Masters Cup, China Open, Shanghai Open, National Games and so on, applied the behavioral analysis to get the data of player’s tactics.The main conclusions are:The characters of tennis are: a player runs mostly sideways in a match; in whole match the energy metabolism is aerobic component, but in each shot the energy metabolism is anaerobic; the technique and tactic are highly combined; the match is intermitted by point, game, set and medical timeout. The score of judge the winner is complicated. The factors of winning a match are: rapidness, accuracy, consistency, variety, almighty. The disciplinarian of winning a match are: rapidness combining to consistence is utterly important; taking the opportunity to save serve and try to break serve; Mental toughness; innovating the methods of training.The tactic in tennis is the stratagem and activity for certain goal of playing a game. The principles of tennis are: well know your opponent’s and your strengths, adjust to the conditions; play through your strengths to your opponent’s weaknesses; play more aggressively, make yourself initiative; move your opponent around the court and made your opponent passiveness. Tactic is affected by technique, fitness, intelligence; tournament conditions (court, racket, string, atmosphere); information.Firstly the tactic is classified to offensively and defensively. Offensive tactic is sorted to serve, receive, rally which all can be divided to baseline and approaching net, meanwhile the defensive tactic is sorted to receive, rally, which both can be divided to lob and passing shot. Every tactic has its own purpose, limit of applying, and the way how to practice.The rules of tactical training are: integration, emulation, rivalry, unintermitted, regulation combining with agility. The contents of tactical training are: tactical knowledge; fostering tactical consciousness which can be taught by motor learning,“homework of pre-match”, made a plan, setup a question, evaluation after match; improving ability of how to apply for tactic. Training methods of tactic are: process, simulation, playing point,“ball in basket”,“multi-partners”.The tactical characters of a portion of elite players are following:Federer has variety of serve tactics, receiving plays mainly with crosscourt for keeping ball in playing. Backhand at baseline applies backspin down the line and inside-out. Forehand plays crosscourt. Often to plays at net by volley and smash.Gonzalez mostly plays with“three phase mode”which firstly, backhand plays in defense for better chance of the gaining points, secondly, takes a powerful forehand as winner or hopes a weakness return, thirdly, utilizes the weakness return.Ljubicic and Roddick both have the biggest serve and volley by change the placement of serve. And they have an aggressive backhand, forehand respectively.Nadal is a very good defendant baseliner, forehand can play a precise pass shot both crosscourt and down the line.Zheng Jie is an aggressive receiver who wins points by baseline rally with hitting dropping and wider-open court variously.Mostly Li Na serves to opponent’s backhand at first serve in each game. She always hits behind her opponent and uses angles to open the court at baseline whatever how her opponent plays.

【关键词】 网球战术训练
【Key words】 tennistacticstraining
  • 【分类号】G845
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