

The Research on Taking Exercise and Countermeasure Mechanism about the Low Income Group of the Western Region City in China

【作者】 向勇

【导师】 周西宽;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在竞技体育高奏凯歌、“全民健身”成绩斐然,然而社会贫富差距却进一步拉大的今天,低收入群体的健身是不容我们忽视和回避的体育问题。在党中央提出“构建和谐社会”,体育部门号召“构建和谐体育”,邓小平同志关于“允许部分人先富起来,最终实现共同富裕”所需的社会经济条件逐步成熟的时代背景下,我们必须要想办法逐步解决低收入群体在“全民健身”活动中所面临的一些问题。本文正是在这样的思路指引下展开的对中国西部城市低收入群体健身问题的相关研究。在基本部分,本文阐述了研究问题提出的逻辑与依据,从国际、国内的社会背景以及时代要求等方面阐明了本研究的必要性和意义;界定了本文的主要概念并提出了本文的研究假设;综合分析并阐述了国、内外相关研究成果,在此基础上提出了自己的研究设想和理论建构。在正文部分,本文采用问卷调查法和数理统计法,首先对我国西部城市低收入群体参与健身活动的现状进行了描述性研究,且发现:这部分人群参与健身每周达到3次的比例仅仅为10.25%;每周达三次且每次健身超过半个小时的比例为8.76%,不考虑“强度”指标的影响,还远远低于2000年全国城市“体育人口”平均水平的29.3%。另外,这些群体体育价值观层次偏低;健身伙伴极少;健身内容较为单一;很少加入健身组织;基本上没有体育消费。他们对健康的要求与愿望远小于对金钱、物质的渴望;同时,调查反映他们仍然具有一定的健身愿望,只是各种体育资源的缺乏以及主、客观因素在某种程度上阻碍了他们的健身参与,如场地设施,社会体育指导等。其次,采用文献分析法和逻辑思辨法,结合调查数据,对造成这部分群体健身现状的原因从五个方面进行了综合分析,得出以下结论:在“体育场域”中,历史沉积下来的在体育运动上的“惯习”与阶级文化趣尚是影响低收入群体体育价值观的重要因素,文化资本存量低进一步强化了这种价值观,同时,西部地区民俗、民风和社会经济特点使研究对象有更遵从这种传统文化观念的倾向;个人的经济资本低,使得研究对象在付诸健身行动之前不得不进行“价值盘算和成本权衡”;空闲时间不是造成研究对象不愿或无法参与健身的主要客观原因,西部地区较慢的生活节奏和休闲娱乐方式对人们健身活动存在一定的影响;社会资本的短缺也造成他们健身机会的短缺,“同质性”原理和自组织效能差是导致研究对象的健身伙伴偏少,加入健身组织的社会原因,同时,健身氛围不浓导致带有“从众心理”的低收入人群对健身兴趣不大;体育政策的“一刀切”模式与体育法律机制的缺环没有有效保障他们参与健身;非规范发展的体育产业和“泛商业化”也在一定程度上挤压低收入群体的体育空间。最后,根据现状和原因,提出相应的政策策略和对策机制。首先结合西部地区实际,照顾低收入群体的体育需求,提出调整西部地区的“三边工程”,“雪碳工程”以及城市体育“阳光工程”等在内的社区体育发展策略;同时立足于西部,延伸到全国,从宏观上提出:构建经济、文化、体育的社会政策综合保障体系以保障“全民”体育利益;建立体育公益诉讼机制;体育产业的“反哺”机制;建立低收入群体健身权利的保障机制;整合和创新“体育、卫生、社保”为一体的健康保障新机制等,以保障包括城市低收入群体在内的全体公民的体育权益。

【Abstract】 When Sports win high applaud, exercise for all acquire some success too in our country, and the social gap between rich and poor become more and more evident, it cannot been neglected and eschewed by us for the exercise of the low income group . Under the background of The Center of Part put forward“set up harmonious society" and the sport department of government call on“set up harmonious sports”, we must find a way to resolve some problems the low income group may face in the activity of“exercise for all”.This paper will open out research about the problem of low income group’s exercise of the western region of China under the direction of this thinking.In the basic part, this paper elaborated the logic and the gists of the research we put forward, explained the necessity and the meaning of this research from the angle of international and national social back-ground. We synthetically analyzed the related research result of national and international ,and put forward own research assume and theory structure on this base.In the text part, this paper adopt the method of questionnaire survey and mathematic statistics, first describe the present condition of the low income group participating exercise for all on the six aspect in western region. We discovered: in this part of crowds, there is only 10.25% people participate 3 times of exercise every week; only 8.76% people do exercise for three times every week and exceeding half of an hour each time. take no account of the influence of strength”index, the data below 29.3% of the average level of the sports population of the city the national far away. Moreover, these social groups exercise value lie on low layer; very few exercise colleague; exercise contents relative single; Seldom join the sports organization; Have no sports consumption basically. However, discover that they still have the certain exercise wishes at the same time, just various sports resources lacks to limit their exercise to participate, such as the place and facilities for sport, the social sports help ,etc..The second, through analysis literature and logics think ,combine the inquisitional data, carrying on the diverse analysis towards resulting in this groups keep the reason of the present condition on doing exercise, and then draw a conclusion: In" the sports field", the rank’s habitus and cultural taste from the history sinks and accumulate down on the sports deeply affect the low income group exercise value, and the cultural capital stress on it more; Personal economic capital and the psychology fall and inspirit depravation resulted by it make they so that ;time capital capacity isn’t result in research object have no wish or can’t participate“the exercise for all”; A few Society capital lead to the opportunity miss to exercise. The accordant and non-effective exercise and sport policy mode and the lack of sports law mechanisms don’t guarantee they participate“the exercise for all”.In the end, author according the analytic result above and reason, put forward the corresponding policy strategy and counter-plan mechanisms. Put forward: Set up the comprehensive guarantee system of the social policy about the economy, culture, sports to ensure the " all the people" exercise and sports recreation benefits; set up the public-welfare lawsuit in sports mechanism, establish the feed and pay-back mechanism on sports industry; Build up the guarantee mechanism of the low income groups exercise right; Integration and the innovation "unite the sports, hygiene, social insurance" to a new mechanism etc. Only accomplish and perfect the social policy system and the social sports mechanism, then can ensure that all citizen who include the city low income groups have and use sport rights.
