

Synthetic Study on Jump in Spike and Its Specific Strength of Volleyball Players

【作者】 华立君

【导师】 宋吉锐;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着世界排球竞技水平的快速发展,培养具有世界水平的优秀排球运动员,迅速提高我国排球运动员的网上实力已成为必须解决的一个重要课题。本课题选择排球运动员四号位上步扣球的起跳动作作为研究对象,利用先进的运动生物力学测试仪器,通过摄像、足底压力和肌电多机同步测试结合等速测试等实验来准确获得排球运动员上步扣球起跳过程中的运动学、动力学和生物学参数,运用人体运动学和生物学理论进行分析,探索起跳动作的专项特征及影响运动员起跳效果的相关因素,在此基础上联系排球运动员专项力量训练实践中存在的具体问题,通过训练学实验为运动员的专项力量训练提供理论和方法指导。本研究获得了比较完整的、能够揭示排球运动员起跳技术动作及其专项力量特征的运动学、动力学和肌电学数据,为排球教练员指导训练提供了科学依据。具体研究结论如下:1.排球运动员上步扣球扣球起跳动作可分为缓冲、等长制动和蹬伸三个阶段,各阶段时间占起跳总时间比重是影响扣球起跳时相结构的重要因素,因此训练中要注意起跳时相结构的合理性;运动员起跳过程中髋、膝、踝关节的变化特点说明下肢伸肌群完成的是“拉长—缩短周期”收缩,因此训练中要加强下肢伸肌群的超等长力量素质的训练。2.排球运动员在上步扣球起跳过程中足底压力随时间变化大体呈双峰形曲线,足底压力随时间变化的特点是影响起跳效果的重要要因素,因此训练中要重视运动员快速起跳能力的训练;起跳过程中右足各区足底压力峰值出现次序说明排球运动员足底压力分布具有传递性特征,因此选择专项力量训练时要选择与此特征相似的方法和手段。3.排球运动员臀大肌、股四头肌和小腿三头肌等伸肌群在起跳过程中发挥着重要的作用,因此训练中要重视下肢伸肌群起跳能力的训练;缓冲阶段股后肌群的作用应该引起足够的重视,训练中要有针对性的提高股后肌群的力量训练水平;在起跳过程中下肢屈伸肌群活动的时间先后顺序具有规律性,下肢肌肉通过协调用力产生最大的功效。4.排球运动员膝关节等速肌力特征符合Hill方程和力速曲线关系;等动测试运动期间采集到的股四头肌肌电信号可以客观地评价积分肌电与肌力指标之间的关系,指导专项力量训练实践。5.下肢多关节等速深蹲起测试结果表明下肢肌肉工作特点与起跳动作的蹬伸阶段具有相似性,提示我们可以利用先进的等速测试与训练系统进行排球运动员下肢专项力量的训练。6.立定三级跳、多级单脚跳、跳箱跳深、跳栏架等跳跃练习等超等长力量练习,通过实验证明对发展排球运动员上步扣球起跳动作的专项力量非常有效;尽管杠铃负重练习存在着弊端,只要在安排和使用方法上突出专项技术特征,杠铃负重练习在排球运动员起跳动作力量练习中仍占有重要地位。7.在训练实践中,系统地进行排球运动员起跳力量特征的研究,寻找科学的专项力量训练方法,是提高运动成绩,改变我国排球运动员专项能力落后状态的重要途径;排球教练员应该明确下肢工作肌群的退让收缩能力是决定排球运动员起跳效果的主导因素,明确起跳过程中“退让”与“克制”这两种既有联系,又有区别的肌肉工作方式,准确地选择训练方法和手段,努力提高训练科学化水平。8.建议在本研究基础上,扩大样本数量,采用更为先进的高速摄像系统,结合16道肌电测试系统和足底压力测试系统对排球运动员左右腿具有代表性的肌肉进行相关研究,更深入的揭示排球运动员起跳动作的运动学特征,同时对排球运动员所有的专项力量训练手段进行测试分析,为提高训练科学化水平,更好的指导训练实践服务。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of the world volleyball athletic level, it has become an important topic to be settled about training the outstanding volleyball athletes and rapidly enhancing volleyball athlete’s level on the net in our country. In this paper, I chose the take-off in spike at the fourth position as my research object, using advanced biological mechanic measuring instruments, the photograph, footscan insole system and the electromyography test system in order to obtain the volleyball athletes’kinematics, dynamics and the biology parameter accurately in the jump process. By using the theories of kinematics and biology theory, this paper intends to explore the features of take-off and its related factors which may affect the effect of take-off. Moreover, on such basis, this research relates the existing concrete questions and provides a theory and method instruction for athlete’s special strength training through the training experiment. Also, this research obtains a lot of complete data of kinematics, dynamics and the electromyography which can promulgate skills of the features of take-off and its special strength and thus it provides a scientific basis for a volleyball coach to direct his training.Concrete conclusions as follows:1. Volleyball athletes’step spike can be divided into three phase: the cushion phase, the brake phase and the extend stage. As it is an essential factor that total time proportion occupied by take- off in various stages can influence its take-off structure, it should be pay to be rational when we are training. On the other hand, the changed characteristics of the athletes’hip, knee and ankle joint in the jump process show what the lower limb stretch muscle group completes is "Stretch–shortening cycle", therefore we must strengthen the quality of the lower limb stretch muscle group in our training.2. In the jump process, it shows a double peaky curve for the changes of plantar pressure of volleyball athletes with its related time which is an important influence factor for take-off action. Therefore, we should pay attention to strengthen the ability of fast take-off by volleyball player in training. At the same time, the order appeared in right foot-bottom volleyball athletes explains their plantar pressure has a transmission feature, so we should choose similar methods and means matched with above features in special strength training3. In the jump process, the stretch muscle groups of volleyball athletes, such as gluteus maximus, quadriceps and triceps surae are playing a vital role in the jump process, therefore we must pay attention to take-off training of the lower limb stretch group. In addition, we should also pay enough attention to function of the muscle group after the cushion stage, so training should be pointed at enhancing strength level of the muscle group. Besides, in the jump process, it is regular for time order when the lower limb group acts, among this, the lower limb muscle makes an effort through the coordination to have the biggest effect.4. Features of volleyball athletes’knee joint constant speed muscle strength conform to the Hill equation and the strength-velocity curve relations. And electromyography signals of quadriceps gained in the period of test movement may objectively evaluate relationship between the IEMG and the muscle strength, instructing the specific strength training .5. Test result of lower limbs deep squat at constant speed indicates that muscle working characteristics of lower limb have the similarity with extend stage when jumping, which prompts us to use the advanced constant speed test and training system to apply special strength training for the volleyball players’lower limb.6. Through the experiment, the strength practice such as the triple jump, multistage jump by single foot, deep jump by vaulting–box and high-jump bar, proved to be extremely effective to develop special strength in the volleyball athletes’step spike. Although the barbell exercise has its shortcomings, the barbell practice still takes an important position in the take-off strength practice for volleyball players as long as it can show the special technical characteristics in arrangement and application methods.7. In the training practice, it is an important way to carry on the feature research of volleyball athletes’take-off strength systematically, and seek the scientific special strength training methods, which will enhance the movement effect and change backward condition of volleyball athletes’special ability in our country. In addition, the volleyball coaches should make clear that the“concession- contraction”ability of the lower limb is a leading factor to decide the volleyball athletes’take-off effect. So we should understand there are not only some relations but distinctive ways of muscle work between“concession" and "the restraint" in the jump process, then choose a training method accurately to raise our training level in a scientific way.8. On the research foundation, my suggestions is to expand sample quantity, use the more advanced high speed photograph system together with the 16 electromyography tests system and plantar system to study the muscles of volleyball players’left and right leg. Thus it can promulgate more thorough for kinematics features of the jump. Another suggest is to test the training methods of the volleyball specific strength and analysis them deeply, so as to enhance scientific training level and better instruct the training practice.

  • 【分类号】G842
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1217