

The Metaphysics for Political Philosophy: A Study on the Transcendentual Public Reason and Its Transformation in the Western Tradition

【作者】 李峻登

【导师】 乔耀章;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文以“广义形而上学”作为基本视角,以“超验型公共理性”作为核心概念,以对“圣经基督教”(即基督教《圣经》,并非“教会基督教”)作为“一种特殊形而上学”的深入浅出理解为基础或前提,从新阐释西方政治思想史、政治哲学史。本文提出阐释西方政治思想史(政治哲学史、政治理论史、政治学说史)的新范式——“广义形而上学光照-世俗化反射范式”(简称“形上光照-形下反射范式”,最简称“光照-反射范式”),并据以对西方政治思想史(政治哲学史、政治理论史、政治学说史)上一以贯之的“超验型公共理性传统”历史变迁及内在规律进行了梳理和揭示。为进一步说明该特性,文章将中西方古典文明在公共理性传统方面进行了比较,并从类型学上分别概括为“群中龙”型公共理性传统与“超世神”型公共理性传统。这两种政治思维模式或传统文明类型深刻地影响了中国和西方走向现代文明的进程或步伐。而在西方“超世神”型公共理性传统(即超验型公共理性传统或形而上学传统)在西方政治思想史(政治哲学史、政治理论史、政治学说史)的历史变迁中,古希腊理性形而上学所提供的科学理性(思辩哲学意义上的“上帝”)与圣经基督教神性形而上学所提供的价值理性(宗教神学意义上的“上帝”)具有始基性、本原性、源泉性地位;中世纪政治哲学和近现代乃至当代一切非马克思主义的政治哲学体系都只不过是对这两种理性或“上帝”的地位进行不同权重后的变通运用(并考虑其他可变性历史因素及渗入思想家个体因素),而不具有本根性的学理地位。至于被认为“更新了信仰”、“重塑了世界”的近代路德宗教改革以及加尔文宗教改革也只不过是回到《圣经》逻辑中并尽量适合时代发展要求而已。虽然许多学者认为近代政治哲学是对古典政治哲学的革命,马克思主义经典作家也曾经赞誉启蒙思想家的伟大,但在本文看来这种革命性或伟大可能并不是很大,充其量是在文明内部的微调,其从神(神性、神权、神道)到人(人性、人权、人道)的转换和所设计的政治制度模式实际上早已为基督教《圣经》所内在地包蕴着。中世纪奥古斯丁、阿奎那已经为他们做出了为理性预留位置的典范,宗教改革家“回归圣经”所建立的新教更为启蒙思想家开辟了道路,启蒙思想家只需要再往前走一步就可以了。所以,伯尔曼甚至认为近代的主义、精神是源于基督教的世俗宗教。而真正对古典政治哲学实现伟大革命者惟有马克思主义政治哲学,其对形而上学(在理论意义或哲学学科意义上的形而上学和思维方式方法意义上的形而上学)实现了双重的否定之否定的革命,但在价值理性方面无论是近代以来的启蒙思想家政治哲学还是马克思主义政治哲学实际上都内在地继承了基督教《圣经》所强调的政治价值理念。只是世人对圣经启示所能提供的广阔解释空间及其隐喻内涵不够重视,往往教条地片面地从字面来理解,并过分地突出自己的创见地位。真正的、本源的创新是由文明宗师在“轴心时代”对原创型文明类型的创新。所以,本文绝对不赞同政治理论史家列奥·斯特劳斯“偏见”基督教而偏重古希腊哲学的政治哲学解说模式或政治哲学史谱系,而相对赞同历史学家卡尔·贝克尔“低调”启蒙哲学家理性观的解说模式(所谓“理性时代”远非理性,启蒙哲学家不过是以新的材料重建另一座中世纪奥古斯丁式“天城”而已)。在本文看来,形而上学和基督教逻辑本身就是超级版(超验版)政治学思维、政治哲学思维;充分利用古希腊理性形而上学资源的《圣经》或曰“圣经基督教”(并非“教会基督教”)所提供的“万王之王”、“上帝天国型政治哲学”意象或启示作为道德理性或价值理念,事实上从深层引领或启发着后来政治哲学史思想家们创立一个个不同版本的“形而上学政治学”、“人间世俗型政治哲学”、“人间天堂模式”、“世俗版圣经”或“世俗版福音”。本文提出了新的政府分类学模式。政治哲学的形而上学从思维逻辑与价值理念双重意义上为公共生活和政治学思维确立了“金科玉律”。

【Abstract】 This Dissertation aims to explain newly Western history of political thought & history of political philosophy,by "broad sense metaphysics" as basic angle of view,by "transcendental public reason" as core concept,by deeply understanding "Holy Bible Christianity"(namely Christianity《Holy Bible》,not "Church Christianity") to "a kind of special metaphysics" as foundation or premise.It puts forward a new model of explanation——"The broad sense metaphysics shining VS secularized reflecting",(brief name" shining VS reflecting")——to explain newly Western history of political thought & history of political philosophy,the model riches a utter actual broad capability of explanation & civilization comparison ; And by the model to survey & reveal "tradition of transcendental public reason" consistently & its’transformation in Western history of political thought(history of political philosophy,history of political theories).To furthermore make the characteristic clear,the dissertation compares the tradition of public reason of Western classic civilization and Chinese’s , and generalizes respectively as the public reason tradition of "dragon in cluster" type & "god above the world" type .These two kinds of political thinking modes or traditional civilization type deeply influenced the progress or step of China and the West head for modern civilization.But in the transformation history of public reason tradition of "god above the world" type(namely transcendental public reason tradition or metaphysics tradition) in Western history of political thought(history of political philosophy,history of political theories),the science reason ("God" of the philosophy meaning) from the metaphysics in the ancient Greece & the worth reason ("God" of the religious theology meaning) from the divinity metaphysics of the Christianity Holy Bible have a basic original foundmental sourceful position .These two kinds of reason or "God" were wholly considered relatively or absolutely & flexibly applied by thingkers of the political philosophy in The Middle Ages as well as all non-Marxist political philosophy systems from The Modern Ages to The Contemporary Ages carrying on different weight(also considered other variable factors of histiory or the individual of thinkers).Therefore,the latter had not foundmental the academic theories position. As for the modern Religion Reformation by Luther & Carvin in Modern Ages which are considered "renewed belief "&"remoulded the world" also only returned to the logic of《Holy Bible》and were as far as possible suitable for the request by ages development.Although many scholars think the modern political philosophy as to the revolution of classic political philosophy,and Marxist classic writers also ever admired the thinker in the Enlightenment as greatness,but according to this Dissertation,this kind of revolution or greatness probably aren’t very large,but only tiny adjustment inside the same civilization.The modern political philosophy of the thinkers in the Enlightenment conversed to human being(human nature,human rights,humanlity) from God(divine nature,rule by divine right,absolute being way),and designed the modern political system mode,both actually insideed ever the Christianity《Holy Bible》. Augustine & Aquinas in The Middle Ages has already done to reserve the model of position for the reason for them.The Protestantism by "return to Holy Bible" had opened up road for them.The thinkers in the Enlightenment went forward again one step all right. So,Harold J. Berman even thought that the modern doctrine,the modern spirit are the secular religion which come from Christianity.But actually carried out a great revolution to the classic political philosophies was belonged to however Marxist political philosophy. Marxist carried out the dual revolution of the negation of negation to the metaphysics(both the metaphysics of the thinking mode meaning and the metaphysics of theories meaning or philosophy academics meaning). But both political philosophy of thinkers in the Enlightenment and Marxist political philosophy were on value reason all actually and insidely inheritted political value principle origined from Christianity《Holy Bible》.Just the people of the world hadn’t enough payed value vast explanation space and its metaphor content provided by the Holy Bible apocalypse,usually dogmatically and unilaterally comprehended literal meaning,and excessively outstanding their own innovation position. The real and original innovation were that the original civilization type done by civilization respected master in "Axial Ages" . So,this Dissertation absolutely doesn’t agree with explanation mode or system about history of political philosophy by Leo Strauss who was political theories history special "prejudice" Christianity but over-emphasize political philosophy in ancient Greece philosophy .But relatively agree with the explication mode by historian Carl Becker who "lower key" view of reason by the philosopher in the Enlightenment (So-called "Reason Ages" far non- reason,the philosopher in the Enlightenment just rebuilt by new materials another "heavenly city" just as The Middle Ages St Augustine type).In this Dissertation ’s eyes,metaphysics and Christianity logic are super version(transcendental version) politics thinking,political philosophy thinking; "the king above ten thousand kings","political philosophy of God Heavenly country mode " idea or apocalypse or morals reasonableness or value principle,which provided by the "Holy Bible Christianity("not "Church Christianity") that made well use of ancient reason metaphysics resources in the Greece ,in fact from deep-level guide or inspire afterwards the thinkers in the history of political philosophy to establish a different edition "metaphysics’politics","the secular type political philosophy","heaven on earth mode","secular version Holy Bible" or "secular version evangel".This Dissertation puts forward a new government classification mode.In a word,the metaphysics for political philosophy established "golden rule and precious precept" for public life and politics by the dual meaning of both thinking logic and worth principle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期