

A Research on the Value Enhancement Mechanism of Chinese Construction Enterprises

【作者】 陈宏伟

【导师】 袁伦渠;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 伴随中国经济持续快速增长,中国建筑产业得到空前发展,频频引起全球关注,但是建筑企业的商业模式、生产组织方式和市场运作方式等“内核”并没有显著改善。政府主导下的巨无霸龙头企业的快速生成,只是宏观经济高速增长下带动的超常规发展,而不是市场优胜劣汰的结果,中国建筑企业目前的成长模式是不可持续与短视的。由于建筑产业具有独特的经济学特征,现有理论不能有效把握影响建筑企业竞争优势的核心问题,也就不能很好地回答诸如建筑企业应向哪个方向发展,什么样的发展与增长是有价值的,价值提升的机理与路径是什么等关系我国建筑企业成长的关键问题。本论文针对中国建筑企业的成长问题,从产业组织理论角度进行重新审视,围绕现实复杂环境下建筑企业如何实现价值提升这一中心问题进行理论和实践研究,为解决中国建筑企业价值提升提供理论依据和实践方法。本文的主要研究结论有:1、应用经济学理论,从“创造价值”的角度,对建筑产品与建筑产业的经济学特性进行分析,首次提出“完整建筑产品”的概念;建立了“建筑业市场结构分解谱系图”。2、基于“完整建筑产品”的概念,应用SCP范式,分析中国建筑企业的基本特征、产业结构和市场集中度、市场进入与退出壁垒等状况,剖析中国建筑企业价值成长过程。3、在现状研究的基础上,对我国建筑企业价值驱动因素进行经济学分析,提出了建筑企业价值实现的一般路径。从资本结构、人力资源、技术和组织四个层面深入研究了建筑企业内部价值系统价值创造过程及驱动因素,同时通过对低价格、高质量、段工期和延伸服务四个方面的模型化分析,研究了建筑企业外部价值系统的业主价值需求及价值创造过程。4、在建筑企业价值驱动因素分析基础上,构建了三种建筑企业价值提升方式,提出了通过建筑企业价值链来拓展和提升企业价值的新思路,并就如何通过提供完整建筑产品实现建筑企业价值提升和经营转型进行了分析论证。5、针对上述建筑企业价值提升方式,提出了建筑企业价值评价的基本思路和框架,以经济学理论为基础,融合管理学方法论,从企业价值创造的角度出发,建立了基于价值关键驱动指标的建筑企业评价模型,并以中国铁建股份有限公司为研究案例,进行实证分析和验证。

【Abstract】 China’s sustained and rapid economic growth has brought an unprecedented development to China’s construction industry, which attracts global attention. However, the business, operation and marketing mode of these construction enterprises, which is core, has not significantly improved. The emergence of government-led giant enterprises is only a super-normal development driven by macro-economic growth, rather than the results of the market. So the current growth pattern of Chinese construction enterprises is unsustainable and short-sighted. The construction industry has unique economic characteristics. As the existing theories can not effectively grasp the core issues that impact the competitive advantages, key questions can not be answered, such as which direction the construction enterprises should go, what kind of development and growth should be valuable, and the mechanism and path of value enhancement for Chinese construction enterprisesAccordingly, this thesis focuses on the growth of Chinese construction enterprises. From the perspective of industrial organization theory, this thesis gives a theoretical and practical research around the key issue of how to enhance the value of construction enterprises in a complex environment, so as to provide theoretical basis and practical methods for Chinese construction enterprises. The principal innovation of this article includes:1. Recognize the nature of enterprises using theory of the enterprises. This thesis points out that enterprises exist to create value, rather than create transactions or contract amount. A proper understanding of "create value" is conducive to a scientific sustainable development of enterprises.2. From the "create value" perspective, conduct a comparative analysis to research on the economic characteristics of construction product and industry. This thesis raises a "complete construction products" concept and establishes a "decomposed pedigree chart of construction market structure ".3. Based on the concept of "complete construction products", use the SCP paradigm to analyze the basic characteristics, industry structure and concentration, barriers of entry and exit, as well as the value enhancement procedure of Chinese construction enterprises 4. Based on current situation study, conduct an economic analysis of the value drivers of Chinese construction enterprises and raise a general path of value realization, and study the value creation process and drivers from four levels of the capital structure, human resources, technology and organization. Besides, this thesis studies the owner value demand and the value creation process of value system outside the construction enterprises through four modeling analysis of low prices, high quality, segment duration and extension services.5. Based on value driver analysis, construct three kinds of ways to enhance value of construction enterprises, and put forward a new idea of expanding and upgrading value through a value chain. The way to realize the value enhancement and business transformation of construction enterprises by offering complete construction products is also analyzed and demonstrated.6. For the above-mentioned value enhancement method, propose the basic idea and framework for value evaluation of construction enterprises. From a value creation point of view, this thesis establishes an EVA evaluation model for construction enterprises based on key value drivers.
