

Research on Infrared Passive Location Technology from Monostation

【作者】 付小宁

【导师】 刘上乾;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 物理电子学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 随着现代军事技术的迅速发展,光电对抗技术在现代战争中也获得了迅速的发展和广泛的应用,其中高价值机动平台(如战略轰炸机、预警机、洲际导弹、军舰和地面机动指挥系统等)几乎都毫无例外地需要配备先进的光电对抗装备。为了有效地发挥光电对抗装备的效能,必须对来袭目标进行准确定位。由于红外单站无源(或被动)定位技术具有体积小、自身隐蔽性好和机动性高等诸多的优点,因此它在现代战争中具有重要的应用前景。定位包含定向和测距两个方面,其中定向技术在制导跟踪中研究甚多,且比较成熟;而测距、尤其光电单站被动测距技术是实现光电定位的关键,也是现代军事高科技中一个十分重要而又急需解决的技术难题。本文结合“十五”武器装备预研项目“机动目标红外单站被动定位技术”进行,并就空中高价值机动测量平台对机动目标的红外单站被动定位的具体问题和其中的关键技术进行了深入的研究。本文在分析国外国内多年来红外被动定位研究动态的基础上,深入地研究了基于交叉定位原理的被动测距和基于红外光学成像的被动测距。在基于交叉定位原理的被动测距研究中,导出了机动测站对静止目标测距的误差分析表达式,完善了基于测角及测时的对运动目标定位方案。重点研究和分析了一种基于短基线的准单目视觉被动定位方案,该方案对运动目标和静止目标均有效,但该方案系统所占空间较大不宜用于机载或弹载平台。在基于红外光学成像的被动测距研究中,针对几何光学成像,具体分析了聚焦法被动测距、离焦法被动测距、基于OTF函数或MTF函数的被动测距的原理,并统一用点扩散函数对其进行描述;对目标运动状态及投影关系,论述了相关的被动测距,如小平面运动分析、膨胀测距、外标法测距;对目标红外辐射的传输特性,进行了基于连续观测目标辐射强度的被动测距的研究。重点开展了为IRSTS(红外警戒系统)装备单波段红外被动测距功能的研究,结合角度信息和美国海军红外传输模型,得到了一个综合性的被动测距公式。该公式适用于工作于灵敏度受限模式下的系统、且要求有关参数选择正确。针对上述现有各种被动定位方案的不足或局限性,本项目研究并提出了基于图像序列测量的红外成像单站被动定位方案,并结合光电单站定位工程使用中的实际问题,本文研究了一种基于目标特征线度和角度测量的红外成像单站被动定位实施方案。论证了其原理,推导了相应的定位算法。针对定位方程在实际应用中的唯一性、稳定性和可解性问题,开展了对定位算法方程之解的研究,证明了定位算法的唯一性和稳定性,通过仿真分析进一步证明了定位方程的可解性。本文以定位算法的工程适用性为导向,开展了相关研究,包括(1)被动测距的性能分析,指出目标特征线度的测量误差是影响定位精度的主要因素,给出了在不同情况下,保精度定位对目标特征线度尺寸测量误差的要求;(2)为了使算法能够有效地适应机动目标姿态和运动状态的变化,讨论了特征线度的选取,研究并优化了目标特征线度和定位方程的关系;(3)序列图像处理算法对环境适应性的研究,实现了了云、雨等复杂环境下目标图像的平滑、增强,结合目标图像的边缘检测及特征匹配获得了目标的特征线度,最后获得了亚像素级的目标特征线度。(4)设计并组建了计算机控制的半实物缩比仿真系统,进行了大量的试验研究,其中包括目标运动状态和姿态、观测站机动状况对定位性能影响的研究,并在半实物仿真实验的基础上验证和完善了定位算法。计算机仿真和大量半实物缩比仿真实验表明,在现有系统的图像和角度等参数的测量精度范围内,其定位误差不大于5%斜距,满足技术指标要求,验证了本文所提定位算法的正确性和有效性。文章最后总结了本论文的工作,对红外单站被动定位技术的进一步研究和应用给出了个人的观点。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid progress of the modern military technology, the electro-optical countermeasure techniques have gained its rapid development and wide application in modern warfare, among them the advanced electro-optical countermeases equipments are needed for fitting all high-value mobility platform without exception, such as the Strategy Bomber, Early Warning Aircraft, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, War Ship and Ground Core Command System. For giving full play to the efficiency of electro-optical countermeasure equipments, that accurate location to a intruding target is needed, it is also an important technology which urgently to be solved in modern military high science and technology. The passive location system on monostation has earned its bright application prospect in modern warfare, for its merit of small size, good self-concealing and high mobility.Location includes both direction and ranging, the direction technology is becoming perfect because it has been widely studied in guide and tracking, but the ranging technology, especially ranging on monostation based on electro-optical techniques is yet the key technology, it is also an important technology which urgently to be solved in modern military high science and technology. Combined with the tenth-five-year Weapon Equipment Front Research Item that the passive infrared location Technology on monostation, this dissertation deals with the particular problems and the key technology in passive infrared mono-station location to mobile targets from aerial high-value mobile platform.On the basis of investigating in both abroad and domestic trend of passive location research in the past years, it performs a deeper research into the passive ranging based both on principle of intersection of lines-of-sight, and on the infrared imaging bounds to a moving spatial target.On the research of passive ranging based on intersection of lines-of-sight, a closed error analysis formula is obtained for stillness targets ranging from a mobile observation station, the location schemes based on either angle measuring or synchronous timing was evolved or consummated. The emphasis was put on a quasi-monocular passive location strategy with a short baseline. This strategy is valid for both stillness and movement target, but the corresponding system is not suitable for an airbone platform because of its large space requirement.In the study of passive ranging target based on infrared optics imaging, to counter the geometrical optics bound, passive ranging that based on focusing, on defocusing, on Optical Transfer Function, and on Modulation Transfer Function were analyzed individually, all of these were described in the Point Spread Function frame. To counter spatial relationship and projective bound, the passive ranging schemes based on affin transfer were discussed, which involves the facet movement analysis, the contour expand based ranging, ranging with an external base line. To counter the infrared signal propagation characteristic, the passive ranging based on radiant intension observed successively was investigated. It focused on how to equip ranging function for an Infrared Searching and Tracking System, a global passive ranging scheme has achieved combined the United States navy model with the directional information. This scheme is feasible for a system work under sensitivity-limited, and correct parameters setting is needed.With the defects or limitations of each scheme available having been countered, a passive Infrared monostation ranging scheme based on image sequence measurement was turned out, and then combined with the practical problem in engineering realization, an executive scheme was studied based on the targets’characteristic linearity combined with the directional information. The location principle was proved, and the relative location algorithm equations were turned out. To counter the exclusive, steady and existent property of the location algorithm, a research on the solution to the location equations was performed; the ranging algorithm was demonstrated exclusive and steady. It also was affirmed further by simulation that the location algorithm would not lose its stability in practice using.Aiming at engineering realization for the this algorithm, relative research has performed, which include:(1) the performance analysis, and it was made clear that the characteristic linearity measurement error is the main factor for location precision, then the characteristic linearity measurement limitation for location within certain precession has given. (2) For letting this algorithm effectively fit the variation of the target’s posture and movement state, the characteristic linearity choice was studied, and the relationship between characteristic linearity and the location equations has been discussed and optimized. (3) The study of the adaptability of image sequence procession algorithm to the target’s surroundings, as the target images filtration and enhancement under such complicated surroundings such as clouds and rain, the characteristic linearity was found through the target’s edge detection and trace matching, subsequently a characteristic linearity in subpixel has obtained. (4) A quasi-reality reduce scale model simulation system was designed and build up, with which lots of experiments research was carried out, those involve location performance via mobile target’s posture, via target’s movement state, and via measurement station’s movement state, the relative location algorithm has tested and consummated.It is illustrated by both computer simulating and lots of experiments under the quasi-reality reduce scale model simulation system, that a relative ranging error less than 5% can be achieved within image measuring precision and goniometer measuring precision in our exiting system. The results meet specification requirement, the correctness and the validity of the algorithm has been tested and verified again.At last, an overview of the paper was given together with the author’s personal view on the deeper research and application for infrared passive location techniques on monostation for the future.
