

An Empirical Study on the Constituent Factors of Visitors’ Experience and Their Internal Mechanism

【作者】 贾跃千

【导师】 宝贡敏; 周永广; 崔凤军;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 旅游管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 情感化、个性化、体验设计是消费体验研究与体验营销实践领域中的三个核心概念。现有旅游消费者行为研究对此三个概念尽管也多有涉及,但在概念定义上存有较多分歧,也并未能构建起一个较完整的游客景区体验理论体系。本文以游客景区体验为研究对象,在对消费体验与旅游研究大量文献回顾与比较的基础上,紧紧围绕游客景区体验的独有特性,整合质的研究与量的研究等多种分析方法,采用扎根理论方法、内容分析、因子分析、回归分析等方法,探讨景区服务质量、游客情感体验、游客行为意向及其调节变量(游客心理特征变量)等游客景区体验中的主要构成要素,以及要素间的内在作用机制,从而明确情感化、个性化、体验设计等三个核心概念在游客景区体验领域的表现及其内在作用机制,以构建一个整合的游客景区体验理论。在游客情感体验方面,本文将游客情感体验区分为体验中情感与体验后情感两个层次,并针对两层次分别提出各具特色的情感体验维度划分。其中,针对体验中情感所提出的“动机-激活-投入”的AIA情感理论模式,尤能体现游客景区体验的特色,弥补了现有旅游消费情感研究中的不足,相对于环境情感理论(PAD模式)对游客景区体验更具有解释力。针对体验后情感所提出的满意、惊喜、快乐愉悦、负态情感等四个维度,在一定程度上拓展了现有消费情感研究中情感维度的划分,加深了对游客景区情感体验内涵的认识。就其实践意义而言,本文对游客情感体验的研究,有助于景区经营者针对不同类型的景区以及不同情感体验的游客,进行分类管理。在景区服务质量方面,本文在对现有服务质量理论研究比较与整合的基础上,同时也汲取我国旅游景区质量等级评定中的重要实践经验,将景区服务质量确定为一个两层次9因子的维度结构。其中,社会性因素、景区整体氛围、景区形象与信息等景区服务质量因子的提出,更能反映出游客景区体验的独有特性。同时,本文还基于KANO模型将景区服务质量9因子区分为期望因素、魅力因素、矛盾因素、反必备因素,进一步丰富了对景区服务质量的认识。就其实践意义而言,本文对景区服务质量的探索性研究,有助于景区经营者创新思维,全面把握影响游客景区体验的因素,实现从全面质量管理向游客体验管理的转变。在游客行为意向方面,本文整合多方面理论,提出正面口碑与重游、条件偏好、负面口碑与不作为等3个因子的行为意向维度划分,体现出游客景区体验的特色,同时也将网络口碑等反映互联网时代消费者忠诚特性的新概念纳入到测量体系内。这也提醒景区经营者尤要重视游客口碑渠道管理,重视游客景区体验中的社会性因素与情感体验的管理。在游客行为意向的调节变量方面,本文实证结果表明,游客多样性寻求倾向和游客卷入程度差异对游客行为意向具有一定程度的调节效应。这进一步丰富了本文所提出的游客景区体验整个理论体系,提醒景区经营者要避免简单的将游客群按照人口统计变量进行市场细分,而更应该从游客心理动机角度出发来理解游客行为。此外,在文献注述方面,本文附注参考文献多达600余项,对本文所涉及的相关理论研究领域做了初步的较全面的梳理,其中对消费者满意度定义和维度的综述、对服务质量定义与维度的分类,对消费情感研究中五个争论的归纳,等等,为本文研究的开展奠定了较为坚实的理论基础,也为进一步研究指明了方向。总而言之,本文在借鉴消费体验研究中的国内外相关理论的基础上,是以游客景区体验为研究对象的一个较深入的探索性研究,对消费体验研究整体理论体系进行了一定的理论拓展,也是一次本土化研究的尝试。所得出的结论与现有相关理论研究具有较高的一致性,并在一定程度上体现出旅游体验研究对现有消费体验理论的反哺,对实践也有较好的启示。

【Abstract】 Individuation, consumption emotion and servicescape design are the three fundamental concepts within the studies on the consumer experiences and the practices of experience marketing. Taking the visitors’ experience with the tourist attractions as the study object, this paper focuses on the phenomenological demonstrations of the three concepts mentioned above and their internal mechanism by integrating qualitative and quantitative research methods.Based on the comprehensive reviews of previous theoretical and empirical studies on the consumer experience and focusing on the unique characters of visitors’ experience, this paper investigates three main components of visitors’ experience with the tourist attractions, i.e., tourist attraction service quality, visitors’ emotional experience and visitors’ behavioral intentions as well as its moderate variables, and endeavors to construct an integrated theory to illuminate the internal mechanism of these constituent factors. The study includes nine chapters and adopts multiple research methods, such as grounded theory approach, content analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis.As for the visitors’ emotional experience, this study proposes a two-level hierarchy classification of the visitors’ experience emotion and distinctive dimensionality division for each level. For the lower level, this study presents a "motivation-arousal-immersion" model (abbr. AIA model) to demonstrate the three distinct factors of visitors’ experience emotion during the touring process and cover the shortage of extant visitors’ experience emotion studies. For the high level, this study puts forward four factors, i.e., satisfaction, delight, pleasure and negative affect, to demonstrate visitors’ experience affect during or after the touring process. This empirical result enriches the extant studies on the dimensionality division of the consumption affect. In all, the study on the visitors’ emotional experience will help the operators to select specific kind of administration for diverse tourist attractions or visitor segments with different emotional experiences. As for the tourist attraction service quality, the study presents a two-level and night-factor (the first level) dimensionality division. The empirical result is a potent integration of the extant service quality studies and draws much from significant practice of China’s standard of rating for quality of tourist attractions. Moreover, the typical quality factor of tourist attractions, such as social factor, reflects the distinct characters of visitors’ experience especially. In all, the study on the tourist attraction service quality will do benefit for the operators to develop a comprehensive understanding of visitors’ experience and change mind from total quality management to visitors’ experience management.As for the visitors’ behavioral intentions, the study makes a three-factor dimensionality division, i.e., positive word of mouth (WOM) and revisit, conditional preference, and negative WOM and inertia, reflecting the distinct characters of visitors’ experience and integrating the internet WOM into the measurement system of the visitors’ behavioral intentions. This empirical result reminds the operators valuing highly the WOM channels management and paying much attention to the social quality factor and emotional experience management. Furthermore, the test of the moderation effects of two psychological variables, i.e., visitors’ variety seeking intention and visitors’ involvement degree, complements the whole theory about visitors’ experience raised by this paper and warn the operators not making market segmentation only according to demographic variables.The study cites more than 600 references and essentially covers the significant literatures of the related research areas. The reviews on the consumer satisfaction definition and dimensionality, on the service quality definition and dimensionality, and on the five contentions within consumption affect, lay the theoretical foundation of this study and indicate the further research direction as well.In brief, based on Chinese visitor study sample this paper not only examines the extant consumer experience theory but also shows a discovery process of localization concepts. The theoretical and empirical results can provide some useful advices for the operators of tourist attractions, and manifest the regurgitation-feeding of visitors’ experience study to the extant consumer experience theory. Certainly, this study is much an exploratory research and its conclusions await to be further tested.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期
  • 【分类号】F590;F224
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】2510
  • 攻读期成果