

A Study on Literati Buddhist Temples Tourism in Late Ming Dynasty

【作者】 陈晖莉

【导师】 汪征鲁;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国古代旅游具有“泛旅游”特征,作为一种社会文化现象,始终存在于人类社会实践活动之中,成为一种与政治、经济、军事、文化、外交等活动相互联系、相互交叉的边缘性社会活动。放眼中国古代旅游史,晚明社会呈现一派如痴如醉、繁忙的旅游景象,标志着中国古代旅游发展的又一次高峰。晚明政治、经济、思潮、士风特殊时代风貌和佛教复兴、圆融性转向综合作用下形成文人旅游风盛,带动佛寺旅游风兴。本文综合利用旅游史学、宗教旅游学和社会史研究方法,通过对文人文集相关游记信息和地方县志、寺志、摩崖石刻等综合史料的分析和考证,从晚明文人佛寺旅游背景、概况、进程和特点四个部分综合阐述晚明文人佛寺旅游问题。论文中分析晚明文人佛寺旅游类型,旅游功能,旅游动机,朝山交通方式、寺庙用餐、游寺内容、与僧人互动、寺院住宿和寺院开支六个旅游要素和旅游影响。并在此基础上重点解析晚明文人佛寺旅游中山水景观欣赏的科学化与佛化转向、高雅之兴及与民同乐的雅俗共赏之势、情欲释放下的奢侈享乐与佛教禅净双修的平淡回归和旅游业发展的批判与肯定四个重要特征。文人多元化佛寺旅游特点折射出晚明社会特有的商品经济发展新趋势,市民社会兴起、文人生活世俗化和士僧互动社会新风;反映了阳明心学、禅净双修和实学思潮多元文化风潮,具有时代发展的进步性。然而不可否认的是:文人旅游风盛与佛寺旅游风兴是在晚明“分崩离析”的混乱朝政与黑暗政治下文人无奈的逃遁,他们在寺庙等风景名胜的奢侈享乐行为是传统出仕思想报国无门情境下颓废思想的外在行为表现,具有历史的局限性。因此,对于文人佛寺旅游特点的评析应坚持二重评价标准。

【Abstract】 Ancient Chinese tourism features "Mass tourism". As a popular culture, Tourism is generally connecting with the Policies of Politics, Economy, Military and Diplomacy. Concerning the overall economic consumption level on Chinese ancient tourism history, Tousim was booming in Late Ming Dynasty. Late in the Ming Dynasty, essential tourism facilities, such as transportation and accommodation,were rather completed. Therefore, Tourism gradually became a fashion of life. The ancient Chinese scholars, admiring the nature and pursuing the harmony between Man and nature, have an ethic desire in pursuit of the perfection of humans both in personality and in life. The Buddhist Temples Tourism, with rich cultural implications and customs, is the essential for Literati Tourism.Based on ancient scholars’ travelling notes, History of local government and temples, and Buddhism stone inscriptions, this thesis gave an all-round explanation to the culture of Literati Buddhist Temples Tourism in Late Ming Dynasty, including the background, the situation and the development of Literati Buddhist Temples Tourism in Late Ming Dynasty. The author emphasised on the characteristics of Literati Buddhist Temples Tourism in Late Ming Dynasty. Under the influence of the Buddhism culture, the scholar Buddhist Temples Tourism turns into an occasion for both the appreciation on the Natural beauty and the reproduction of human daily life. Literati tourist actions in Late Ming Dynasty existed in the living practice of Philosophic Thought of Wany Yangming’s, Zen Buddhism and Neo-Confucianism. Furthermore, there was a spread ethos of Decadent Sentiments in Late Ming Dynasty due to Crisis Politics. This drove the scholars away from the Reality and tent to seek inner peace in Buddhism.The Critics on Literati luxurious Buddhist Temples Tourism showed the crisis of morality in Late Ming Dynasty. On the other hand, the author realized that the development of Buddhism Temples Tourism in Late Ming Dynasty implied the economic growth and cultural development as well.

  • 【分类号】K248.3;F592.9
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1193
  • 攻读期成果