

Research on the Service-oriented Government Functions Guided by Marxist Governmental Theory

【作者】 张铃枣

【导师】 郑又贤;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 服务型政府是我国政府改革的目标,要建设好服务型政府的关键在于政府职能的转变。社会主义国家政府的职能必须遵循马克思主义政府理论的原则,挖掘、梳理马克思主义政府职能理论,论证建设服务型政府的马克思主义理论依据,这是一种理论上的溯源和寻根,将为服务型政府正确处理政府和市场、政府和社会的关系,服务于社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设和社会建设提供理论指导和行动指南。服务型政府职能既是对马克思主义政府理论的继承,更是结合我国国情和经济社会发展的阶段性特点,对马克思主义政府理论的创造性、实践性发展。服务型政府是对马克思主义人民主权思想的新发展,服务型政府以基本公共服务均等化惠及全体人民,凸显公民在政府管理中的主体地位,并以思想和制度建设规范政府职权确保人民政府的性质,服务型政府忠实履行了人民政府为人民的宗旨:服务型政府既有一般市场经济条件下的政府经济职能,又有着社会主义政府特有的经济职能,以巩固社会主义的经济基础;服务型政府的政治职能实现了从统治到民主治理的转变,提供稳定的有活力的社会秩序是服务型政府基本的政治职能,组织和实现公民民主权利是服务型政府政治职能的时代特征;服务型政府的社会职能实现了从管制到服务的转变,以增强服务型政府权力的社会基础,对基本公共服务均等化做出公正的制度性安排,形成政府主导下的市场及社会组织参与的社会管理体制;掌握文化领导权是政府履行文化职能的前提,实现人民文化权益是服务型政府文化职能的首要任务,提升国家文化软实力和维护国家文化安全是服务型政府文化职能的新课题、新使命;为推进服务型政府职能转变必须进行政府自身改革,以问责制推进政府职能转变,以优化政府组织结构提高政府效能,以法治规范政府职能,通过转变政府职能,降低政府行政成本。构建党政职能既分工又互补的党政关系以优化政府职能。服务型政府通过职能的转变和创新体现政府的人民性和服务性,使服务型政府职能和社会主义市场经济和民主政治相适应。

【Abstract】 To build a service-oriented government is the goal of reforming our government. The key to building a service-oriented government lies in the transformation of government functions. Government functions of socialist countries must conform to the principles and theory of Marxist government. The theory of Marxist government functions must be further organized and systematically developed so that they can provide theoretical basis for our proposing to build a service-oriented government. This is a kind of theoretically traced, which will provide theoretical and practical guidance for our service-oriented government to deal with the relationship between government and market, government and society. At the same time, it will serve our socialist construction in economy, politics, culture and society. The theory of service-oriented government functions, which is proposed in accordance with the combination of China’s present condition and phasic characters of socio-economic development, not only inherit but also creatively and practically develop the theory of Marxist government functions. Service-oriented government, which innovates government operating mechanism, further develops the idea that state power is enjoyed by the people. Service-oriented government functions benefit all the people by equalizing the basic public service, highlighting citizens’ dominant role in government management. Standardizing governmental authority by means of construction in thought and system, the service-oriented government fulfills the purpose that people’s government is for the people. The service-oriented government performs not only its governmental economic function in condition of general market economy, but also some special economic functions that only socialist government has. Thus socialist economic foundation can be consolidated. The political function of the service-oriented government realize the transformation of governing way from rule to democracy, providing stable and energetic social order , which is the basic political function of a service-oriented government. The function of . organizing and realizing citizens’ democratic rights, one of its political functions, is a feature of the times. The social function of the service-oriented government realizes the transformation from control to service so that the social basis of its governmental authority can be strengthened and the equalization of the basic public service can be justly and systematically arranged, thus forming a social management system which is led by the government and participated by social organizations. Mastering the leadership of culture is a prerequisite for a government to perform its cultural function. Guaranteeing the people’s rights and interests in culture is a primary mission for a service-oriented government. It is not only a new task butalso a new mission for the service-oriented government to elevate the soft power of national culture and safeguard its safety. In order to promote the transformation of service-oriented governmental functions, the government itself must be reformed, that is, to promote the transformation of governmental function by accountability system, to enhance government’s efficiency by optimizing its organization and structure, to lower its administrative cost by transforming government functions. Government functions can be optimized by constructing a divided and complementary relationship between the Party and the government. The idea that government is of and for the people can be embodied in the service-oriented government by transforming and innovating its government functions, which will ensure its government function and the socialist market economy as well as its democratic politics can be adapted with each other.
