

Wayne Booth and Western Rhetorical Perspectives on Literary Criticism

【作者】 汪建峰

【导师】 刘亚猛;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 作为当代西方著名修辞学家和文学批评家,韦恩·布斯是一位在修辞和文学理论领域都卓有建树的“两栖学者”。布斯的修辞理论深刻地影响着其文学批评实践和理论。在他的学术观点中,西方文学和修辞思想传统上难解难分的关系尤其是当代西方文学批评对修辞的回归同时得到了突出的体现。然而,这一对我们全面了解布斯必不可少的视角却几乎为国内研究西方文论的学者所忽略。长期以来,我国学者仅将他视为在叙事理论方面曾经有所建树的文学批评家,完全忽略了他不可割裂的双重身份,以及这一身份对理解其文学理论的至关重要性。为了将一位完整的布斯介绍给国内学术界,为了更好地理解和把握其修辞理论和文学批评理论(包括小说叙事理论),同时也为了使我们意识到西方文学思想和修辞思想源远流长的复杂关系,本文拟从西方修辞(rhetoric)的角度,对其人其作及其理论实践的智力语境进行一番再审视和再解读。“Rhetoric”和“修辞”是一对“错位对应词”。在中西语境中,修辞的含义迥然不同。西方修辞的理论研究源远流长、博大精深,在西方智力史上曾长期被接受为文学批评理论的出发点和框架。西方修辞强调话语效果,坚持修辞者与受众的互动是话语生成的唯一途径。修辞理论和话语理论几乎呈“同延”或“重合”关系。因此,侧重于文学产生的社会效果的研究,必须借重于修辞的视角。在当代西方,布斯是将修辞理论应用于文学批评实践及其理论建构的成功典范。从《小说修辞》的“内在批评”到《小说伦理》的“外在批评”,布斯对于修辞的关注是一以贯之的。布斯的文学批评理论有其历史局限性和诸多不足之处,但是我们没有理由忽视其一定程度上所代表的西方文学批评的修辞化传统。这一传统的历史渊源亦体现在当代西方文学批评理论中。雅克德里达、保罗·德曼、罗兰·巴特乃至特里·伊格尔顿等当代西方文学批评理论大师均在修辞方面造诣极深。他们也都无一例外地将目光投向修辞的视角。可以说,当代西方文学批评正在进行一场波澜壮阔的“修辞转向”(rhetorical turn)。以布斯的个案研究为一个“话点”和写作平台,并由此映射到西方文学批评的修辞化传统及其当代的最新理论成果,从而促使国内文论界、比较文学界正视、重视、审视这一重大的“修辞转向”。

【Abstract】 As a well-known contemporary Western rhetorician and literary critic, Wayne Booth is what we term an "amphibian scholar" whose scholarly interests cover both of the fields of rhetorical theory and literary theory. Booth has yielded fruitful achievements both in rhetorical theory and literary criticism, with the former exerting a strong impact upon the latter one. In Booth we could identify a close and hardly dissociated relationship between literary criticism and rhetoric and also a tendency for contemporary Western literary criticism to return to the ancient path of rhetoric. However, little attention has thus far been paid by domestic Chinese scholars specializing in Western literary theories to this unique perspective which is indispensable and of great importance for us to understand Booth in an overall way. In the long past, Booth has always been regarded as an accomplished literary critic in narrative theories, with his dual and inseparable identities and the importance of these two for a true understanding of his literary theories being unfortunately ignored. In order to introduce an all-around Booth as a scholar to Chinese scholarly community, and for a true and better understanding and mastery of his rhetorical and literary theories including his narrative and novel theories, and also for our awareness of the long-held and complex relationship between rhetorical thoughts and literary thoughts, this dissertation makes an attempt to reinterpret and re-observe Booth and his works and the intellectual climate in which he used to do literary critical practice from a Western rhetorical perspective.Xiuci, as a term understood in a Chinese context, is no equivalent for "rhetoric" as it has been understood and practiced in a Western context. Seen from both their denotations and connotations in a Chinese context and a Western one respectively, these two terms could hardly mean the same. Having a long history of theoretical studies in the West and being extremely profound and complex in its theories, rhetoric has long been accepted as the departure for literary theory and served as its theoretical framework. Western rhetoric attaches great importance to the discursive effect and assumes itself as the only channel for producing discourse. In this sense, rhetorical theories and discourse theories form a relationship of overlapping over each other. Thus, literary studies mainly concerned with the social effect of a literary work, must rely on a rhetorical perspective. In the contemporary West, Booth has set a successful example for us by applying his rhetorical theories into his literary critical practice and theoretical construction. From the so-called intrinsic criticism embodied in The Rhetoric of Fiction to the so-called extrinsic criticism embodied in The Company We Keep, rhetoric has always been Booth’s central concern. There being no doubt that both Booth’s rhetorical theories and his literary theories have their drawbacks and historical limitations, no reasons could possibly account for our neglect of the rhetorical tradition of Western literary criticism, with Booth as one of the most successful practitioners of this tradition.This tradition, with a long history, has been carried forward by some contemporary Western literary critics among who are Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, Paul de Man and Terry Eagleton. As masters in literary theories, they are all literary-theorists-as-rhetoricians. They always keep a close eye on rhetoric while practicing literary criticism. It could be adequately assumed that a spectacular and grand "rhetorical turn" of literary criticism is currently underway in the West. Booth being a topic and writing platform for us, we hold that the stakes are high in attending to the rhetorical tradition of Western literary criticism and its latest theoretical development.
