

Coordinated Economic Development and Industrial Structure Adjustment Strategies of Northeast China

【作者】 宋梅秋

【导师】 赵儒煜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 产业结构调整作为促进经济发展的手段和途径,总是受到一定的发展理念的指导和影响。当前,区域经济协调发展已成为指导中国区域发展的重要思想。新的发展理念对区域产业结构调整提出了新的要求。东北地区在中国经济发展布局中具有重要的战略地位,对东北地区经济协调发展与产业结构调整之间的关系进行研究,具有重要的现实意义。本论文运用理论研究与实例分析相结合的方法,对东北地区即辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省经济协调发展与产业结构调整之间的关系进行了研究。本论文首先在理论层面上探讨了区域经济协调发展与区域产业结构调整之间的关系。认为区域经济协调发展是区域产业结构调整的指导思想和目标选择,区域产业结构调整是实现区域经济协调发展的有效途径。基于区域经济协调发展,区域产业结构应向高度化、协调化、协同化三个方向调整,同时构建了区域产业结构调整模型,探讨了区域产业结构调整机制,并将之细分为内部调整机制和外部调整机制。然后,对东北地区进行具体分析,发现东北地区经济发展存在着片面性、不平衡性、不可持续性等不符合区域经济协调发展要求的问题,而东北地区产业结构大而全小而全、产业发展不平衡、产业技术水平低、产业结构趋同等是造成东北地区经济非协调发展的重要根源,并进一步对东北地区的产业结构对这一地区经济非协调发展的影响机制进行了剖析。在此基础上,提出东北地区产业结构调整战略,即使之向着高度化、协调化、协同化目标演进,进而提出推动产业技术变革是实现东北地区产业结构高度化、协调化、协同化调整目标的根本路径。最后,在对东北地区经济协调发展与产业结构调整问题进行综合研究的基础上,提出东北地区产业结构调整的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The adjustment of industrial structure is one of the driving forces for economic development. Therefore, it has become a basic choice for China as well as each region of China to accelerate economic development. Currently, China is facing a new round of adjustment of industrial structure which is more comprehensive, profound and forceful. The conception of coordinated development of regional economy is an important idea that guides the regional economic development of China. And it brings forward new request for the adjustment of regional industrial structure. How to promote coordinated regional economic development through the adjustment of regional industrial structure has become a topic worthy to be considered carefully. Northeast China occupies a strategic position in the overall arrangement of Chinese economic development. The dissertation makes an attempt research on the relationship between coordinated economic development and industrial structure adjustment strategies of Northeast China by the theoretical and empirical analysis.Firstly, the dissertation analyzes the meaning, features and objectives of coordinated development of regional economy. In the dissertation, the coordinated development is defined firstly. The coordinated development of regional economy means that the development is promoted and interacted positivly among the various components in the region, among the regions, between regional economy and the nature. The regions of China, particularly the provincial region have the following characteristics: hierarchy, openness, economic self-reliance, etc. So the coordinated development of regional economy should have the following features: coordinated development of low-level regions should be subjected to that of the high-level ones; the coordinated development of regions on the same level has various states of development; the coordinated development of a region is the intersection of the game of interests of its subregions on different levels. The coordinated development of regional economy should include the following objectives: coordinated economic development within the region, coordinated economic development among regions, regional economic development in harmony with the nature. Each aspect can also be broken down into many small goals. Different levels of objectives formed the system of regional economic coordinated development.Secondly, the dissertation explains the relation between regional coordinated economic development and the adjustment of regional industrial structure in theory aspect. Regional coordinated development is the aim of the adjustment of regional industrial structure, while the adjustment of regional industrial structure is the approach through which regional economic coordinated development can be realized. According to the philosophy of coordinated development of regional economy, regional industrial structure should be adjusted towards the direction of upgradation, harmonization and coordination. The three directions are interrelated. They compose an entity which is the aim of the adjustment of industrial structure. The adjustment on one aspect will break the original balance of the other two aspects. Therefore, when regional industrial structure is adjusted, the three aspects should be considered simultaneously. A model of the regional industrial structure adjustment is builded on the basic for the relation among the upgradation, harmonization and coordination. The dissertation analyses the adjustment mechanism of the regional industrial structure, and it is divided by the endogenous mechanisms and exogenous mechanisms.Technology is the trigger of industrial structure changes. Technology is the trigger of industrial structure changes, and it is also the auxiliary condition for industrial structure changes. So the technology is the key force for industrial structure adjustment. The exogenous force is the concertation of economic and administrative tools such as industrial policies, regional planning, administrative procedures, which create some favorable conditions to encourage, support, limit, and eliminate the development of certain industries so as to lead the changes of the industrial structure towards the settled direction. The upgradation, harmonization and coordination of regional industrial structure can promote coordinated economic development within the region, coordinated economic development among regions, regional economic development in harmony with the nature.Thirdly, the dissertation takes northeast China as the study subject. It analyzes the problems in the economic development of Northeast China under the development conception of coordinated development of regional economy, and traces their sources in the regional industrial structure, based on which the strategies for the adjustment of the regional industrial structure are brought forward. Northeast China includes Liaoning, Jilin and Henlongjiang. As the indicators of three provinces in 2008, the level of economic development and the economic situation of Northeast China in the country are evaluated through the vertical, horizontal economic comparison of the developing total, the developing structure, developing speed, developing effectiveness. However, according to the conception of regional economic coordinated development, there are still some non-coordinated problems in the economic development of Northeast China, such as the unilateralism, the unbalance, and the unsustainablity. These problems relate closely to the“big-and-complete”,“small-and-complete”industrial structure, the unbalanced development of the industries, low-level industrial technology, the uniformity of industrial structure, etc. Therefore, the industrial structure of Northeast China should be adjusted. As the three provinces of Northeast China are dependent as well as interdependent, the industrial structure should be adjusted on provincial level. The industrial structure of Northeast China should be adjusted towards upgradation, harmonization, and coordination so as to promote the coordinated economic development of the whole area. Technology is the trigger of industrial structure changes, so reforming the industrial technology is the basic way to realize the goal. Based on the forepart of the research, the dissertation brings forward suggestions for the adjustment of the industrial structure of Northeast China.On the basis of existing research achievements, the dissertation explores further the following aspects, trying to make some innovation. First, it discusses the features of. the coordinated development of regional ,particularly provincial regional economy in China. It should have the following features: coordinated development of low-level regions should be subjected to that of the high-level ones; the coordinated development of regions on the same level has various states of development; the coordinated development of a region is the intersection of the game of interests of its subregions on different levels. Second, it combines coordinated regional economic development with the adjustment of regional industrial structure, and explores their inherent relation. It proposes that coordinated regional development is the aim of regional industrial structure adjustment, and the adjustment of regional industrial structure is the way that leads to coordinated regional economic development. In order to promote coordinated regional economic development, regional industrial structure should be adjusted towards upgradation, harmonization, and coordination. The three aspects can not be separated. They compose an organic integrity. Third, the dissertation analyses the adjustment mechanism of the regional industrial structure, and it is divided by the endogenous mechanisms and exogenous mechanisms. The technology is the endogenous force for industrial structure adjustment. So reforming the industrial technology of Northeast China is the basic way to realize upgradation, coordinatization, and harmonization of industrial structure.This dissertation analyzes the adjustment of regional industrial structure from the perspective of coordinated development of regional economy, which is an extension of the existing research on industrial structure. Therefore, it carries theoretical value. At the same time, it takes the adjustment of the industrial structure of Northeast China as the research subject, and points out that the objectives of the adjustment are upgradation, harmonization and coordination of the industrial structure, thus possessing reference value for the practice of the adjustment of the industrial structure of Northeast China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期