

Study on Tombs of Bronze Age in Chang-bai Mountains and Their Stretches

【作者】 唐淼

【导师】 朱永刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文的研究对象是长白山地及其延伸地带青铜时代的墓葬。文章总结了长白山地及其延伸地带青铜时代墓葬的发现和研究概况,并根据墓葬的构筑特点和存在方式不同,将该地区青铜时代的墓葬划分为洞穴墓、积石墓、石棚墓、石棺墓、大石盖墓、封石墓、土坑墓、瓮棺墓等八大类别,对各类墓葬的分布范围、内涵和特征进行了分析和归纳。在墓葬分类的基础上对墓葬的形制作了进一步划分,从中归纳总结出各类墓葬的细部特征。根据墓葬中随葬品的文化面貌和器物组合将该地区青铜时代墓葬划分为六群,依共性和差异将各群墓葬中出土的陶器进行类型学排比,结合以往的研究成果和新资料,分别对各群墓葬进行分期和年代讨论,并总结出各群墓葬之间的谱系关系。最后,对各类墓葬的群特征和阶段性特征进行梳理与分析,比较不同时期不同地域墓葬的型制特点、分布规律、年代序列及相互关系,进一步探讨了长白山地及其延伸地带青铜时代墓葬的动态分布及演变过程。本文的研究结论表明,在长白山地及其延伸地带的青铜时代,从墓葬遗存的角度来看,人群构成的规模、墓葬形态的稳定或器物群的固定应该是文化得以传承发展的必要条件;相对固定的中心墓葬区形成以后,其周边出现的内涵复杂的边缘墓葬区对中心墓葬区形成包围之势,二者的相互碰撞和融合是新的文化类型产生的重要因素。

【Abstract】 During about 2000 years from the early Xia dynasty to the entering of Yan culture, a culture circle which was relatively isolated but often keeping in touch with outside gradually formed in the eastern part of Northeast China. This paper takes the tombs of Bronze Age found in Chang-bai mountains and their stretches as the study object, analyzes systematically the archaeological tomb materials of this spatio-temporal coverage, probes into the dynamic distribution and the evolving rules of these tombs of bronze age in Chang-bai mountains and their stretches based on the classification, grouping and staging of these materials, aims for promoting further researches on correlative archaeology issues in this field.This paper consists of six chapters:Chapter one is the introduction. In this part, the author defines the spatio-temporal scope of this paper. The spatial dimension is limited to mountainous and hilly area of Chang-bai mountain chain and its stretch-Qian mountain system in the east of northeastern China. The time range is from Xia dynasty to middle and late warring state period. At the same time, the author also has given some explanations and statements to the significance of subject selection, writing methods and writing ideas of this paper.Chapter two is the brief history of discoveries and researches. In this part, the author shortly deduces and summarizes the discoveries and researches on the tombs of Bronze Age in Chang-bai mountains and their stretches. In addition, the author divides the excavation and study process of tombs under the above space and time scope into four development stage, and sums up the phased objectives and existing problems of field archaeology and study of each stage.Chapter three is the tomb classifications. The author divides the tombs of Bronze Age in Chang-bai mountains and their stretches into eight kinds according to the burial environment and features of burial equipments. The kinds are as follows: catacombs, sarcophagus tombs, dolmen tombs, stone mound tombs, big stone cover tombs, stone seal tombs, earth pit and burial urn tombs. Besides, the author separately analyses and concludes the distribution and features of each kind of tombs, then divides further each kind into different types, sub-types or patterns.Chapter four is grouping and staging tombs. According to the cultural configuration and articles combination of burial accessories of these tombs, there are six groups( A, B, C, D, E, F) tombs of Bronze Age in this area. The author divides earthenware pots from these groups into different types and patterns by their similarities and discrepancies, and takes the typology as the main research method, puts the staging and era of each group tombs into separate discussion in terms of variation of pottery characteristics, and thus establishes the age frame of the tombs of Bronze Age in Chang-bai mountains and their stretches, moreover, concludes with three development stage of these tombs within this spatio-temporal scope: First, Xia and Shang period; Second, period from Western Zhou to Spring &Autumn; Third, Warring States period.Chapter five is about characteristics and features of tomb groups and phase. In this part, group characteristics and phase characteristics of each kind of tombs are respectively summarized and analyzed. The author here further discusses dynamic distribution and evolution of tombs of Bronze Age in Chang-bai mountains and their stretches. After the group B and D of the central cemetery which had single connotation and was relatively isolated had formed, the marginal cemetery group C and F which had complicated connotation and was relatively developed appeared nearby and encircled the central cemetery. Inosculated Group B and C became the source of the early Koguryo culture, and inosculated Group D and F became an important part of Puyo culture.Chapter six is the conclusion. In this part, the author summarizes three conclusion in this paper and points out the deficiency and some problems requiring in-depth study in the future.

【关键词】 长白山地延伸地带青铜时代墓葬
【Key words】 Chang-bai MountainsExtending ZoneBronze AgeThe Tombs
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期