

The Study of Soviet Sinology

【作者】 白云飞

【导师】 黄定天;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在久负盛名的俄国汉学基础上改造嬗变而来的苏联中国学,无论其研究规模、研究机构、研究队伍、还是研究成果都世所罕见,在世界汉学界创立了自己的流派而独树一帜。本文试图通过对苏联中国学的全面系统研究,梳理苏联中国学对俄国汉学的继承与批判,提出苏联中国学的分期与分类,总结苏联中国学的成就与特点,揭示分析苏联中国学存在的主要问题,阐述苏联中国学在中苏文化交流中的作用,理清苏联中国学与西欧、美国和日本学派的区别。苏联中国学的发展历程受到苏联官方意识形态和对华政策的左右,受到中苏两国关系起落沉浮的影响,70多年来走过了一条曲折的道路,因而相当一部分学术成果的科学性大打折扣,但大部分苏联中国学家对博大精深的中华传统文化钟情痴迷,献身于斯而无怨无悔。

【Abstract】 As an indispensable element in Overseas Sinology, the Study of Soviet Sinology is of supreme importance in the history of Sinology around the world. Comparing to the published research on Sinology in Europe and Japan, up until now, there is no comprehensive work on Soviet Sinology, except for several isolated introductions on literature, culture and history in the field. Basing on the prodigious original materials the author collected, she has conducted a thorough and detailed research on the Study of 70-year Soviet Sinology.With the initial procedure to define the different phases and build up the system of the classification of Soviet Sinology, the writer furthers the summary on the characteristics of different phases under various social and cultural backgrounds, furthermore, comprehensively reviewed here is the research covered by those Soviet scholars on Chinese culture, language, art, history, various schools of thoughts dated back to pre-Qin times, history and geography concerning frontiers, Chinese economy and foreign relations. The research organizations and their representatives of the Study of Soviet Sinology are discussed and the difference among Soviet Sinology and Western European, Japanese and American Sinology is mentioned. In the analysis on the beneficial effect the studies have on promoting the development on Chinese-Russian culture, the writer doesn’t fail to point out the main problems and deficiencies arising from the Study of Soviet Sinology, making reasonable and well-grounded criticism on some obviously wrong ideas and thoughts.Except for the exordium, the thesis consists of six chapters.The second chapter gives a general review on Russian Sinology, analyzing the formation and the development of the Sinology and the extraordinary achievements accomplished by Russian Sinology when it grows to its maturity. Since 18th Century, more than twenty famous scholars in Sinology emerged in Russia. Enormous works have been published by them, specializing in various fields in Sinology, which are rare in terms of their depth and width in the research. Roseausin and Leogaev are considered to be the founders of Russian Sinology, while Bichurin, Kafrov and Vassilyev are named as three great masters in this field, gaining international prestige. Russian Sinology is famous for its good authority, practicability and preciseness and gets remarkable achievements. Yet, it is undeniable that the Russian Sinology performs the function of strong purpose and utility, which results from serving the aggressive policies of Tsars government.The third chapter expatiates the various developing phases and their corresponding characteristics of Soviet Sinology, which covers mainly four phases. First:‘The turning phase of Soviet Sinology (1917-1925)’. Second:‘The developing and revolutionary phase of Soviet Sinology (1925-1945)’. Third:‘The flourishing phase of Soviet Sinology .(1946-1965)’Fourth:‘The stagnant phase of Soviet Sinology (1966-1991)’In the first phase, namely the turning phase, under the guidance of Marxist theory, the distinctive Study of Soviet Sinology came into existence from traditional Sinology. The characteristic of this phase is that it bears strong marks left by the traditional Sinology, even though revolutionarily reformed by the Russian scholars. In the second phase, namely developing and revolutionary phase, Soviet Sinology adopted a series of Lenin’s theories about China, Chinese Revolution and Chinese National Emancipation Movement. Research is closely related to Chinese Revolution in many scholars’works, thus adding practicability to the Study of Soviet Sinology. Meanwhile, they also focus on probing the problems of Chinese reality in society. In the third phase, namely flourishing phase or‘honeymoon’of two countries’relations, an active academic communication has appeared. Many Soviet Sinology scholars are able to get first hand valuable material from China and visited China numerous times, which contribute to the fast development of Soviet Sinology. The fourth phase, namely stagnant phase, has seen the complexion on the relationship of two countries, which can be divided into two periods. The first period is from break-up of the relationship of two countries to 1989. Consciously or unconsciously influenced by the political trend at that time, many scholars unreasonably distorted the issue about the history of Sino-Soviet relations. Some even became the convenient tool against China by Soviet Communist Party, attacking policies of Chinese Communist Party and government, thus led to the invalidation in many researches. Second period is from 1989 to the normalcy of the relationship of two countries. Most scholars began to correct the previous wrong opinions and soberly tackle some questions. The works in this period were relatively objective and impartial.The fourth chapter expatriates the achievements made by Soviet scholars in Chinese literature and language. The main founders and contributors of this field are Alekseev and his students. Alekseev emphasized the translation of original articles in his research. He viewed Chinese literature as one part of international literature and refused to repeatedly exaggerate the uniqueness of Chinese culture as most other scholars did, which is a brand-new idea and angle in international Sinology. For his followers, Alekseev’s works serve as the foundation of their further research on Chinese traditional literature, modern literature, Chinese art and language.The fifth chapter covers the research on Chinese history and various schools of thoughts dated back to pre-Qin times done by Soviet scholars. These scholars had made great accomplishments in the field of research on Chinese history. Most of them had published works about Chinese ancient history. Some even compiled a series of reference books for education and wrote comprehensive books on various Chinese dynasties. This chapter also gives a detailed review on the Soviet scholars’research on various schools of thoughts dated back to pre-Qin times. Their research and translation not only spread the essence of Chinese traditional culture, but also used as reference by Chinese counterparts.The sixth chapter is about the research by Soviet scholars on the studies of Chinese history and geography concerning frontiers, which acts as a single subject and becomes more specialized, collective and high-grade. Six Soviet academicians of Academy of Science and Communication, Barthold, Vladimirzov, Affrolin, Okladenekov, Koslov and Cottvich, had published many outstanding works, which mark as a milestone in this field and give the promotion of this subject. With their guidance, a new group of Soviet scholars devote to the research on Chinese various minority nationalities, for instance, Manchus, Mongolia, Tibet, Hui Nationality and those nationalities in Xinjiang province. They conduct systematic studies on the language, history and culture of these minority nationalities and further their research on Northeastern History, Xixia Studies, Dunhuang Studies etc.The seventh chapter is about the research on Chinese economy and China-Russian relations. Of supreme importance is the research on different phases of Chinese economy and economic guiding principles by these Soviet scholars. In early 1950s, the publication of a collective works on the economic status of newly -built China and cooperation of Sino-Soviet economy marks the characteristic of this period. While in 1970s, researchers focus mainly on the features of Chinese economy development and the problems arising from some wrong policies, such as‘Great Leap Forward’. In 1980s, the emphases of the research inevitably change to the economic reform held in China. The author also tries to discuss the issues of Sino-Soviet relations and criticizes the biased views made by those Soviet scholars.At the beginning of 21st century, the Russian academic field shows more interest in Sinology. The Soviet Sinology contributes remarkably to Russian Sinology. Probing the track and rules of Soviet Sinology enables us to understand clearly the developing process and future direction of the Russian Sinology nowadays. Thus, both studies benefit each other on this aspect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期