

Analysis on the Theory of Driving Force of Institutional Change

【作者】 齐超

【导师】 年志远;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 制度经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 论文试图在理论上,构建一个制度变迁动力研究基本框架,进而推动制度变迁动力理论发展;在实践上,运用该制度变迁动力基本框架,完善中国金融制度变迁动力机制,进一步推动中国金融业快速健康发展。论文概述和评价了马克思主义制度变迁动力思想和制度学派制度变迁动力思想;界定了制度变迁动力的概念、主体、根源,分析了制度变迁动力的来源、层次和影响因素,揭示了制度变迁动力的本质,归纳了制度变迁动力的特征和表现形式;论述了制度变迁动力结构的概念、特征、成因、演进、种类和效率,论述了制度变迁动力机制;分析了中国金融制度尝试变迁阶段、全面变迁阶段和本质变迁阶段的特点、动力和动力结构,提出了完善中国金融制度变迁动力机制的建议。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is aiming to build up a basic analysis framework of the driving force of institution change, which involves the study of its source, essence, characteristics, structure and mechanism, to develop the theory of driving force of institutional change. At the mean time, in the practical aspect, this academic outcoming could be used to deepen Chinese financial institutional changes and promote the development of Chinese financial sector in a healthy and prompt way.The theoretical significance of this study is presented as follow:Firstly, this research is favorable to the development of the theory on driving force of institutional change. In this thesis, I have defined what the driving force of institutional change is on the basis of the analysis on the concept and essence of institution and institutional change; summarized its characteristics; studied the system, structure, mechanism and presentative forms of the driving force of institutional change; and built a basic framework of the theory on the theory of the driving force of institutional change.Secondly, this research is favorable to the development of institutional change theory. The theory of the driving force of institutional change is the core content of the institutional change theory, whose advance is also a part of the development of the institutional change theory. None but a systemic, comprehensive and in-depth study would help with the profoundly understanding of the nature of institutional change. View institutional change from the perspective of its driving force, a lot of issues related will be noticed. Because of the insufficiency of the studies on the driving force, the institutional change theory is also far from perfect. Therefore, the research on the driving force of institutional change is favorable to the development of institutional change theory.The practical significance of this study is presented as:The vitality of Economics, as well as any social science, lies in guiding the practice, at the mean time practical experience promotes the development of academic theories. At present, China is facing the challenge of furthering the Opening and Reform, building up a well-off society in an all round way, constructing a harmonious socialist society and speeding up socialist modernization drive. Therefore, the study of driving force of institutional change is of great practical significance.Firstly, this research is favorable to the rationalization of institutional change policies. Studying the problem of driving force of institutional change systemically helps no only with the decision of the institutional change policies in China, but also with implementing the scientific concept of development to achieve sound and fast economic development. "Scientific development concept, of which the first prerequisite is to develop; the core is a people-oriented; the basic requirement is that the development should be comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable; the fundamental approach is overall consideration.”The analysis of driving force of institutional change is the demand of practicing scientific development concept and fulfilling the needs of people. Only if we put people first, view from the reasonable needs of people, basis on the situation of China’s, sum up the practical experience of the development of our country, could we further the rationalization of our institutional change decisions, realize the aim of serving people, serving our society, thus contribute to the sustainable social development.Secondly, this research is favorable to promote the efficiency of institutional change. The Study of driving force of institutional change allows us to understand correctly its methods and mechanism, which would give us a more profound understanding of institutional change and their internal order, in order to eliminate or suppress the negative factors, to promote the positive dynamic factors thus provide theoretical guidance for the practical action which aiming at improving the efficiency of institutional change.Thirdly, this research is favorable to realize the expectation of institutional change. The Study of driving force of institutional change helps us to understand the relationship between driving force of institutional change and the outcome of institutional change, and follow the correct direction to achieve the expected results. Although the driving force of institutional change comes from the needs of people and its presentative forms, these driving force change and interact that cause unforeseeable results. Therefore, the study on the internal order and mechanism of driving force of institutional change would provide reference for the Government to protect and promote the efficiency of institutions. This theory is of great practical significance in making policy, forecasting the effect of policies and the achievement of the expected results of institutional change, and could provide theoretical support for the further development of our country.Fourthly, this research is favorable to deepening institutional changes. The Study focuses on the analysis of the coming, the presentative forms, the structure and mechanism of driving force of institutional change, with which studies the process of the financial reform of our country and try to provide theoretical support to the further reform.The dissertation contains seven chapters. Chapter 1 is Introduction. First, described the theoretical background, the reality background, theoretical research significance and practical research significance; Second, analyzed the domestic and abroad research status quo, discussed some problem to be noticed. Third, the thesis discussed the research methods used and introduced the structure. Finally, the paper outlines the main innovations and shortcoming. Chapter 2 is about the analysis of Marxist Thoughts on driving force of Institutional change. On the basis of describing the main opinion of Marxism thoughts, I have reviewed them from different aspects. Chapter 3 is about the study of the thoughts of western institutional economists on the driving force of institutional change, and author’s review on their views. Chapter 4 is the compotation of Marxist thoughts and western institutional economists’ thought on the driving force of institutional change. Chapter 5 is a basic research on the driving force of institutional change. First of all, argued about the definition of institution, institutional change and driving force and made some useful complements. Defined the concept of driving force of institutional change and their characteristics. Secondly, dissertated the essence of driving force of institutional change and their presentative forms; finally, analyzed the factors that affect driving force of institutional change. Chapter 6 is the analysis on the structure and mechanism of driving force of institutional change, including the research on the connotation, the characteristics of driving force of institutional change and how they formed and innovated. Analyzing on the catalog and efficiency of driving force of institutional change and the research on its mechanism is also included. Chapter 7 is the theory test: using the facts from the financial reform in China to proof-test the theory built. On the basis of empirical analysis, bring up suggestions toward China’s financial institutional change in the next step.The topics, research perspectives and research content of this dissertation are all quite different from previous studies and contain some of my own innovation to the previous theories. Of course, the thesis has some deficiencies and shortcomings to be revised in the future research.This dissertation may have following innovations in it:First, on the basis of previous studies, defines the concept of driving force of institutional change, summed up its characteristics and the four kinds of presentative forms.Second, revealed the nature of driving force of institutional change. In this thesis the nature of institution has been re-defined, on which basis with reasoning and deducing the nature of institutional change was found out, and thus, the nature of driving force of institutional change was revealed.Third, this dissertation analyzed the structure and mechanism of driving force of institutional change. On the basis of reviewing Marxist thought, come up with the analysis on the coming of driving force of institutional change. In this thesis the concept of the structure of driving force of institutional change was firstly brought out. The paper also analyzed from a unique perspective on the mechanism of driving force of institutional change.Fourth, perfected the mechanism of driving force of institutional change in Chinese financial reform. On the basis of the analysis of the driving force of institutional change in different periods, brought up practical suggestions on how to perfect the mechanism of the driving force of our finance reform.Though this dissertation has quite a lot innovation in it, it has some shortcomings mainly in two aspects:The first one is that the framework built up in this thesis is still not perfect. Given limited reference on driving force of institutional change, it is not easy to do this research. Therefore, the framework built up is just a preliminary exploration that I will continue with in the future.Second, because the focus of this research is on the theory of driving force of institutional change, the analysis on the financial reform appeared in this thesis is most in a macro way. However there are quite a lot micro content to be studied in the financial reform, which I will pick up in the future researches.

【关键词】 制度变迁动力结构机制
【Key words】 Institutional changeDriving forceStructureMechanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期