

Research on the Ecological Security in Northeast China Based on the Process of Urbanization

【作者】 李辉

【导师】 尹豪;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 城市化过程对区域生态安全具有重要的影响作用,研究东北地区城市化过程中的生态安全问题,分析区域城市化过程与生态安全的相互关系,科学地制定有利于改善与促进区域生态安全的城市化发展战略,是我国东北老工业基地振兴及其可持续发展的重要课题。本文以城市化与生态安全的相关理论指标为指导,以东北地区1995~2008年人口、经济、社会和资源环境等主要相关数据为依据,构建了东北地区生态安全“P-S-R”框架模型,及其综合评价指标体系;对东北地区城市化过程中的人地关系演进,以及区域生态安全状况等进行了系统研究;提出并分析了“东北城市化现象”的特殊性。研究认为,目前的东北地区自然生态系统和人类生态系统结构基本合理、功能基本协调,但尚存诸多不稳定的因素。其中,工业化与城市化发展压力等项指标仍然是构成区域城市化与生态安全协调发展主要制约因素;东北地区的城市化过程并非必然引致区域生态安全水平的下降,应该采取有效措施积极推进东北地区城市化进程;未来东北地区城市化与区域生态安全的协调发展程度及其趋势,将取决于城市化与城市发展战略的选择及其实际效果。论文最后提出了生态安全视角下东北地区城市化道路选择,及城市化与生态安全协调发展的对策。

【Abstract】 In this paper, based on the theories related to urbanization and ecological security, and the major data resources about the Northeast China’s demographic, economic, social, and the environment from 1995 to 2005,we built the P-S-R Model of Northeast China’s ecological security, and its comprehensive evaluation index system of ecological safety; conducted a systematic study on the process of urbanization in Northeast China on regional ecological safety of the combined effect of the regional man-land relationship of historical evolution and future urbanization trends for regional ecological safety of, etc., and put forward the relevant countermeasures.In the part of Introduction, dealing with the topics of background, the theoretical and practical significance; and reviewed the related research results both from the domestic and foreign; and expounded on the ideas of this research and research methods.The first chapter of paper discussed the related concepts and theoretical basis of the research. Firstly, analyses the basic concepts of urbanization; then introduces the theory of Ecological Footprint, and the Theory of Environmental Risk Assessment, and the Theory of National Interests of Ecological Security; Summarizes the general characteristics of the ecological safety issues; after introducing the contents of ecological security of the general research and research perspective, discusses the basic evaluation methods of ecological security.Chapter II analysis the status of ecological security in Northeast China. Based the study of the history of evolution of man-land relationship in Northeast China, to study the status of the Northeast China’s natural resources, and made a comparative analysis from other regions of China; from eco-city construction and eco-province construction point of view, analysis of the ecological situation in the Northeastern China; On this basis, researched the main problems of ecological security.The third chapter is the study on the effects of ecological safety of the process of urbanization in the Northeast China. In the Northeast region of urbanization and significant features of the historical process, based on analysis the positive and negative effects of the regional ecological security of the urbanization process in northeast China.Chapter IV, respectively, based on the analysis of the base of the resources and environment of ecological safe in the Northeast China, as well as the analysis of the historical process of urbanization, selected 30 indicators closely related to the regional ecological security; analysis the ecological safety characteristics and the effects of urbanization, and the time-series of the ecological security ,and the regional comparison of ecological security. Then analysis the evaluation results of the ecological security in Northeast China, as well as the role of urbanization on the ecological system security index; At last, carried out the correlation analysis of the process of urbanization and the ecological security in the Northeast China.The chapter V analysis the trend of the urbanization development and the regional ecological security in the Northeast China. Firstly, we study the ecological security competitive index based on the time series and the process of the urbanization in Northeast China till 2030;and then carried out analysis on the next development stage of the urbanization in Northeast China, and the effect of the urban development model on the regional ecological safety.Based on the previous study, the chapter VI propose the perspective the chose about the road of the Northeast China’s urbanization based on the Northeast China’s ecological security, And discussed the road of urbanization in the Northeast China, the dynamic mechanisms, the institutional innovation, the development model and development goals. Finally, propose the countermeasures and tabled some proposals about the coordinated development of urbanization and ecological security in the northeast China.The Study reached the following conclusions:From the state of the Urbanization development point of view, in northeast China, both the historical process and the development status have a unique regional characteristic. The basic characteristics of Northeast China’s urbanization are: the level of urban modernization is relatively low; a relatively slow pace of urbanization;the gathering efficiency and economies of scale need to be raised in the small towns; unrealistically high level of urbanization; lack of driving force for industrialization. Northeast China’s particularity of urbanization can not be ignored.From the relationship between the evolution of urbanization and ecological security point of view, the basis of ecological security of Northeast China has a strong comparative advantage, but also the future of ecological security exist many constraints. In general, the urbanization process and the level of regional ecological security of Northeast, has begun to enter the state of relatively harmonious development; the development of Northeast urbanization is not necessarily lead to a decline of the level of regional ecological security, therefore, the process of urbanization in Northeast China should be actively promoted.Analysis the overall situation of the ecological safety in Northeast China, the natural ecosystems and human eco-system structure are basically rational, the function are basically coordination, but remains factors of instability, In 2005, Northeast China’s regional ESCI is 0.591, the regional eco-security is in the gradeⅢgenerally, namely, the sensitive status of basic security. From the dynamic development process of analysis, the safety index of the pressure of industrialization and urbanization (C3) to improve the smallest from 1995 to 2005, which indicate that we should to take full account of pressures from the industrialization and urbanization on the future construction of ecological security in Northeast China.From the future development trend of the urbanization and the regional ecological security, the urbanization in the northeastern region is now going through a relatively gentle process of development, the comprehensive effects of the regional ecological security process is shifting from the coercion period to the coordination situation; its future comprehensive level of ecological safety trend will also being progressively upgraded; In the future, the extent and trend of the coordinated development of the Northeast China’s urbanization and regional ecological security will depend on the strategy options about the urbanization and urban development and their practical effects.While actively promote the process of urbanization in the northeast of China,we should protect and enhance the level of regional ecological security. We must choose a long-term and strategic perspective of science urbanization and urban development. Urbanization in the field of the towns is the basic road of the Northeast China; new type of industrialization is the dynamic mechanism of urbanization in Northeast China; Regional integration is the institutional innovation of urbanization in northeast; Ecological urban is the development mode of urbanization in Northeast China; The urbanization of the farmers in community is the long-term goal of the Northeast China’s urbanization.

【关键词】 东北地区城市化生态安全
【Key words】 Northeast ChinaUrbanizationEcological Security
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期