

Russian Gardens Historical Evolution, Practices and Its Influence

【作者】 赵迪

【导师】 王向荣;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 俄罗斯是有着悠久历史和文化的国家,上千年的文明孕育了这片土地以浓厚的艺术底蕴。俄罗斯园林艺术受到地域、宗教和欧化等众多因素的影响,历经几百年的演变,逐渐形成了融合性与民族性并存的局面。11-17世纪,拜占庭东正教对俄国的修道院园林和私家园林发展产生了重要影响。彼得大帝(1682-1725年)引进了欧洲当时盛行的勒·诺特尔式园林的设计手法,在圣彼得堡修建大尺度的规则式园林。叶卡捷琳娜二世(1762-1796年)崇尚英式自然风景园,俄罗斯风景园逐渐实现本土化。近现代,俄罗斯民族饱受战争的洗礼,前苏联时期(1917-1991年)在城市、建筑和园林中广泛体现着政治和权力的意志;先后出现了文化与休憩公园、胜利公园、综合性纪念公园等苏维埃园林形式;同时还对优秀的古典园林进行了修复。我国现代城市的建设受俄影响较大,至今还保存着众多前苏联规划体制下的城市布局和俄罗斯风格的老建筑;系统研究俄罗斯城市景观和园林艺术的演变,也可了解中国近现代城市与园林发展历史。现今,俄罗斯联邦处在快速建设时期,与中国国情有着相似性,其部分园林设计的理论与经验对于完善我国城市与园林建设也有着重要的借鉴意义。本文讨论不同时期俄罗斯园林设计发展的脉络和特征,内容主要包括三部分:首先以历史发展和时代背景为线索,结合城市景观、建筑风格、雕塑艺术等内容,系统阐述俄罗斯园林的起源与发展;其次提炼俄罗斯园林设计中民族的、先进的造园手法,包括自然风景园、纪念园林、全民文化休息公园等,解析其形成因素、园林要素、造园手法及实践意义;最后,总结俄罗斯绿化理论在中国城市景观和园林设计中的影响与指导作用。

【Abstract】 Russia is a country full of history and culture. Thousands years of civilization brought it an unique way of understanding and representation of the art. The gardens in Russia has also been affected by many factors such as region, religion and Europeanization. After hundreds years of development, it shows the characters of combination and multi-nations. From 11th to 17th century, the Byzantine Eastern Orthodox had huge impact on Russian monastery and private gardens. Peter I the Great (1682-1725) brought in the famous Le Notre’s style of design design from the Europe to build large-scale regular gardens. While as Catherine II (1762-1796)’s admiration of British natural style, the gardens in Russia have been localized. In modern times, Russia suffered many wars. Cities, buildings, and gardens have been given the meaning of politics and power in Soviet Union (1917-1991). Apart from the restoration of some classic gardens, many kinds of Soviet style gardens such as Culture and Leisure garden, Victory garden, Commemoration gardens for leaders, soldiers, or general purposes appeared during that time.The modernization process of China has been greatly affected by Russia, as many cities in China still retain the similar layout and building style as in Russia. Systematic study of the evolution of Russian city landscape architecture can help understanding the Chinese landscape architecture. Now, similar to China, Russia is also under fast development. Its landscape design theory and experiences thus continuously have the paramount meanings to China.Along the time line, we discussed the characteristics of Russian gardens in this thesis. It includes three parts. In the first part, the origin and evolution of Russian garden art are introduced, together with the city landscape, architecture style, and sculpture technique. The national and advanced building skills are abstracted in part two, by an analysis of Russian natural gardens, commemoration gardens, leisure gardens, and the city gardening system, to understand their behind reasons and meanings. In the last part, the Russian impact on China’s city landscape and garden design and its lessons and experiences are concluded.

  • 【分类号】TU-098.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1288