

Study on Evaluation of Guangxi Forestry Industry Regional Competitiveness

【作者】 奉钦亮

【导师】 张大红; 陈建成;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农林经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 产业区域竞争力和产业集聚是区域经济学、产业经济学和发展经济学等学科共同关注的热点和前沿研究。目前,国内外对林业产业集聚和林业产业区域竞争力的研究主要是关注林业产业区域竞争力的来源和形成以及对影响因素及其指标构建的分析,而对于林业产业区域竞争力水平评价以及两者之间的关系的研究还比较薄弱。本文基于区域经济学、产业经济学和发展经济学以及西方经济学等学科及其相关理论框架的基础上,首先,定性分析了林业产业集聚的动因以及影响因素;其次,依据广西林业统计资料(1999-2007)对广西林业总产值、三次产业产值、林业固定资产投资、林业从业人员、林业专业技术人员、林业木材产量、林业造林面积等指标进行了区域集中度的分析以及对广西林业第一、二、三产业进行了动态的E(G)产业集聚指数分析;同时,把林业产业区域竞争力细分为林业产能竞争力、林业资本竞争力、林业技术竞争力、林业市场竞争力以及林业生态贡献力等五个系统层,并构建了林业总产值、林产品工业销售产值、林产工业总产值、林业劳动生产率、林业从业人员年均收入、林业产业市场占有率、林产品销售率、林业总产值占地方经济总产值比重、林业从业人员、林业技术人员、林业技术人员投入强度、科技交流与推广服务人员、林业固定资产投资、人均固定资产投资、设备投资、林业企业自筹投资、森工企业投资、林业用地面积、森林面积、森林蓄积量等20个变量指标,依据中国林业统计年鉴(2003-2007)和中国统计年鉴(2003-2007)的统计资料,运用主成分分析法对2007年的广西林业产业产能竞争力、市场竞争力、技术竞争力、资本竞争力、生态贡献力以及2003-2007年的广西林业产业区域竞争力综合水平进行了评价研究;此外,还运用弹性模型论证了产业集聚与广西林业产业区域竞争力水平的关系程度。本文研究的主要结论如下:第一,政府政策支持与制度建设、自然资源禀赋优势、林业从业人员素质提高、林业科技进步、林业产业结构调整和升级、林业产业发展机遇等因素会影响广西林业产业区域竞争力水甲。而规模经济效应、市场份额扩张效应、竞争优势增强效应等成为产业集聚的诱导因素,而自然资源禀赋、政府宏观政策引导、交通运输成本、科技发展与技术进步、知识溢出效应和产业自身因素构成等对产业集聚过程构成重要影响:第二,实证分析表明:广西林业总产值、林业第一、三产业产值、木材产量、林业从业人员、林业造林面积等指标的CR6水平比较低:广西林业第二产业产值、林业固定资产投资、林业专业技术人员的CR6水平相对较高。从动态的E(G)产业集聚指数分析来看,第一产业不存在产业集聚现象:第二产业逐步呈现高度集聚现象:第三产业具有高度的产业集聚水平。第三,本文首次把广西林业产业区域竞争力细分为林业产能竞争力、林业资本竞争力、林业技术竞争力、林业市场竞争力以及林业生态贡献力等五个系统层。通过对2007年的林业产业区域竞争力水平分析后表明:在全国三十一个省市中,广西林业产业的产能竞争力、市场竞争力、技术竞争力、资本竞争力、生态贡献力的全国排名分别为:第3、13、6、6、7名。而在对林业产业区域竞争力水平综合评价分析中,首次构建20个变量指标并评价了广西林业产业区域竞争力综合水平,2003到2007年的广西林业产业区域竞争力综合水平分别居全国的第6、6、9、6、3位,广西林业产业区域竞争力水平比较高,但依然不够稳定。第四,通过弹性分析表明:广西林业产业区域竞争力与固定资产投资、专业技术人员、木材产量、第二产业产值的区域集中度之间存在一致性且富有弹性,而与林业总产值、第一、三产业产值、林业从业人员、造林面积的区域集中度之间存在非一致性。在对广西林业产业区域竞争力的E(G)产业集聚弹性分析得知,广西林业产业区域竞争力与第一产业和第三产业E(G)产业集聚系数存在非一致性;而产业区域竞争力与第二产业E(G)产业集聚系数存在一致性且富有弹性,第二产业集聚对广西林业产业区域竞争力水平提升具有重要影响。第五,提出了促进广西林业产业区域竞争力水平提升的政策建议:通过完善政府支持林业发展的政策体系、加快林业产业结构调整、积极引导和促进产业集聚、努力提升林业劳动生产率、吸引国内外高级林业专业技术人员、加快林业产业营销体系建设、创建创新型林业产业体系、加强林业物流基础设施建设、加快林业产业国际合作步伐等渠道和方法可以提升广西林业产业区域竞争力水平。本课题属于一个创新的研究选题。本文的相关研究可能成为独创或者新颖之处的有以下几点:①运用产业区域集中度、E(G)产业集聚系数系统的分析了广西林业产业集聚水平。②首次把林业产业区域竞争力细分为林业产能竞争力、林业资本竞争力、林业技术竞争力、林业市场竞争力以及林业生态贡献力等5个系统层,并构建了林业总产值、林业产业市场占有率、林业技术投入强度、林业固定资产投资、林业用地面积等20个广西林业产业区域竞争力评价的变量指标,最后综合评价了2003至2007年的广西林业产业区域竞争力水平。③根据广西林业产业区域竞争力水平并结合广西林业产业集聚程度,开创性的运用弹性模型分析了产业集聚对广西林业区域竞争力的影响程度。

【Abstract】 Industrial agglomeration and regional competitiveness study are hot spots and cutting-edge researches in the regional economics, industry economics and development economics. Nowadays, the key focus in the study of forestry Industrial agglomeration and regional competitiveness is about the origin and formation of the Industrial agglomeration and its effect on the regional forestry competitiveness. But the research on the changes of the forestry industry agglomeration, the evaluation of regional forestry competitiveness and the relationship between the two studies is still relatively weak.Based on the regional economics and industry economics, development economics, firstly, the Paper analyzed the factors that bring about the forestry agglomeration. Secondly, based on the statistic data of forestry in Guangxi province, the paper analyzed the Regional concentration and dynamic changes of Industry Concentration Index about forestry industry. Thirdly, the paper designed five System Layers such as forestry production competitiveness, selects 20 Variable indicators, and Conducts an empirical study on the forestry production competitiveness, market competitiveness, technology competitiveness, Capital Competitiveness, ecological contribution and integrated regional Forestry Industry competitiveness level in Guangxi. Lastly, the paper also analyses the relationship between the Industrial agglomeration and regional competitiveness of forestry industry in Guangxi using the Elastic model. The main conclusions of the paper are illustrated below.1. Many factors will affect the regional forestry industry competitiveness in Guangxi, which include: level Government policy support and institutional development, natural resource endowment advantage, improvement of the quality of forestry professionals, forest science and technology, forestry industrial restructure and upgrades and opportunities for development of forestry industry. The scale Economies effect、market expansion effect and Competitiveness enhancement effect have became the inducing factors of Industrial agglomeration. The process of industrial agglomeration is heavily influenced by the natural resource endowment, the government’s macroeconomic policy guidance, transportation costs, technological development and technological progress, and knowledge spillover.2. It is indicated that the Regional industry concentration is stilly low in the Gross output value of forestry, forestry primary industry, tertiary industry, timber production, forestry professionals and forest afforestation area in Guangxi, but high in the forestry secondary industry, forestry investment in fixed assets, investment in forestry bonds, and forestry professional and technical personnel. The paper also comes to the conclusion that the first industry does not exist the phenomenon of industrial agglomeration, the first industry has taken on industrial agglomeration slowly and the tertiary industry has high levels of industrial agglomeration.3. Through analysis of the regional forestry industry competitiveness level in 2007, the paper showed that: while talking about the forestry industry manufacturing competitiveness, market competitiveness, technological competitiveness, capital competitiveness, and ecological contributions, Guangxi province ranks 3, 1,6,6,7 among the 31 provinces in China The paper also calculate the integrated competitiveness level of regional forestry industry in Guangxi, which indicate that it ranks 6,6,9,6,3 in the nationwide of the forestry industry comprehensive level from 2003 to 2007.4. The elasticity analysis showed that there is consistency between the regional forestry industry competitiveness and the regional concentration of investment in fixed assets, investment in bonds, professional and technical personnel, timber production and the secondary industry output value, but inconsistency between the regional forestry industry competitiveness and the regional concentration of forestry output value, output value of tertiary industry, forestry professionals and forest area.5. In order to improve the regional forestry industry competitiveness level, the paper suggests that it is necessary to improve the Government’s support for the development of forestry policy system, expand the financing channels, speed up industrial restructuring of forestry, attract domestic and foreign advanced forestry professional and technical personnel, speed up the building of forestry industry marketing system and speed up the pace of international cooperation in the forestry industry.The conclusion may have some Originality, which stated as follows:1 .Based on the statistic data in guangxi yearbook, the paper calculated the forest industry cluster level of Guangxi province, using regional Industrial concentration, the Gini coefficient, HHI coefficient and E (G) Industrial clustering coefficient.2. In this paper, the regional competitiveness of forestry industry is subdivided into the competitiveness of forestry production, forestry capital competitiveness, and technological competitiveness of forestry, forestry market competitiveness as well as the contribution of forestry eco-system. In order to evaluate the regional forestry competitiveness level of Guangxi province, the paper selects 20 indicators: Gross output value of forestry, industrial sales output value of forest products, forestry labor productivity, average annual income of employees in forestry, market share of forest industry, sales rate of forest products, the proportion of gross output value between forestry and the local GDP, forestry professionals, forestry technician, forestry technician intensity of investment, technology exchange and extension agents, forestry, forestry investment in fixed assets, per capita investment in fixed assets, investment in equipment, forestry Self-financing, investment in forestry enterprises, forestry land area, forest area and forest stock volume. Based on the 20 indicators, the paper evaluated the regional forestry industry competitiveness level in Guangxi province during 2003 and 2007.3. The paper analyzed the relationship between Industrial Clustering and regional forestry competitiveness in Guangxi.

  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1272