

The Study on Relationships between Forest Resources Cultivation and Forestry Industrial Structure and Regional Distribution of Forestry Industry

【作者】 李成茂

【导师】 马履一;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国林业产业的发展还不能满足社会经济发展的需求。为此,从森林资源培育入手,通过调整林业产业结构和区域布局,以提高林业产业的发展水平和质量,从而满足社会经济发展对林业发展的要求,是当前林业发展中急需解决的问题。本文首先运用调查法和文献法收集了我国林业产业发展的基础数据,运用比较分析法和分类法将我国林业划分为9个区域,采用动态分析与静态分析相结合的方法分别对9个区域数十年来的森林资源状况、森林资源培育状况、林业产业状况进行定量与定性分析比较,对9个区域森林资源与林业产业进行优势度分析,找出森林资源培育与林业产业发展的关系。根据国家经济社会发展对林业产业的需求,运用趋势分析法对林产品进行供需平衡预测分析。根据未来林产品的需求缺口,林业产业结构和布局存在的问题与潜力、以及各区域资源优势度与产业优势度的差异,提出以森林资源培育为导向的林业产业结构及区域布局调整建议。经过分析研究,得到如下结论和成果:(1)、初步提出了中国林业产业新的区划方案。本区划方案兼顾了林业生产的相互关系,从行政界限上对全国林业产业发展进行分区,既体现了各区域自然资源的属性,也兼顾了林业产业发展的方向,便于对林业生产发展的统一规划。本研究将全国林业划分为京津区、东南区、东北区、冀鲁豫区、长江中下游区、黄土高原区、蒙新区、青藏区和西南区。(2)各区域森林资源和林业产值不断增长,但资源分布不均衡、产业结构不合理。全国和各区域森林资源总量逐年增加,林业产值逐年增长,但各区域资源分布差异大,第一、二产业产值高,第三产业产值较低。(3)我国林业产业发展现状与社会经济的发展的需求之间的差距较明显,需要从加大内部资源培育力度、高效利用现有资源、合理利用国外资源三条渠道来弥补资源缺口,从而满足社会经济发展对林业产业发展的需求。(4)森林资源量增长与林业产值、林产品增长具有一致性,但是各区域的资源丰富度与产业发展程度不一致。全国和各区域以森林资源培育业为主的林业第一产业在林业总产值中占主体地位,所占比例在44%以上。森林资源量增长与林业产值增长具有一致性,尤其是与森林面积同增长,森林资源培育情况直接影响林业产值、林业产业结构和区域布局。各区域资源优势和产业优势不完全一致,需要根据资源优势对产业结构和布局进行调整。(5)提出了以森林资源培育为基础的林业产业结构调整方案。提高森林资源质量、林产品生产能力、森林生态服务功能与社会服务功能,进一步加强以森林资源培育为主的第一产业;通过提高林产品质量和科技含量,提高第二产业的产值贡献,重点发展以人造板、纸张和纸板、木质家具、特色森林食品、特色林化产品的加工产业等第二产业;通过政策、资金倾斜等措施,积极鼓励发展以森林旅游为主的第三产业。(6)提出了区域布局、林种发展、林产加工业布局调整方案。第一,在京津区、中西部生态脆弱区,重点发展防护林等公益林以及特色经济林建设,加快森林旅游资源培育。第二,在东南区和长江中下游区大力发展林产品加工业。第三,促进东北区、西南区的天然用材林培育力度,在保护的基础上大力发展木材生产后备资源。第四,加快南方区的速生丰产林基地建设。第五,发展中东部区平原林业建设。第六,加强西北地区林业生态环境建设,确保生态安全。

【Abstract】 China’s forestry industry could not meet the socio-economic development needs. To this end, starting from the cultivation of forest resources, by adjusting the industrial structure and regional distribution of forestry, enhancing the level and quality of forestry industry, to meet the requirements of socio-economic development is the current urgent problems.In this paper, using survey method and literature method collected China’s forestry industry basis data, forestry in our country is divided into nine regions by comparative analysis and classification. Comparative Analysis 9 regions’ decades of forest resources, forest resources, cultivation conditions, the status of forestry industry respectively with dynamic analysis and static analysis method, meanwhile, quantitative and qualitative analysis method.Taking dominance analysis to forest resources and forestry industries in the nine regions,to identify the the relationship between forest resources for training and the development of forestry industry. In accordance with needs of national economic and social development to forestry industry, predictivly analyzing supply and demand balance of forest products with trend analysis method.According gaps of future demand for forest products, the problems of forestry industrial structure and layout, the differences of resources dominance and industrial advantages in all regions, make recommendations for industrial and regional layout adjustments based on training forest resources.Through analysis and study, the following conclusions and results obtained:1. Initially proposed a new zoning program of China’s forestry industry.The zoning program considers of relationship among forestry industry. From the administrative boundaries of the national forestry industry on the development of partition, not only embodies the attributes of the regional natural resources, but also takes into account the direction of development of the forestry industry, facilitating unified planning of the development of forestry production. This study divides national forestry into 9 parts :Beijing and Tianjin area, south-eastern region, north-east area,(Hebei,Shandong,and Henan area, Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River area, Loess Plateau area, Mongolia xinjiang,ningxia area, the Qinghai-Tibet region and the southwest region.2. The regional forest resources and forestry output is growing consistently, but the distribution of resources is uneven, the industry structure is irrational. National and regional forest resources and the total forestry output value increased year by year, but there are big differences in the regional distribution of resources, primary and secondary industry output value are high and the tertiary industry value is low.3.The gap between supply of China’s forestry industry development and the needs of socio-economic development is obvious.Need to step up internal resources for training efforts and efficient use of existing resources, rational use of foreign resources to fill the resource gap of three channels, to meet the needs of socio-economic development of the forestry industry development.4.The Volume of forest resources and forestry output, forest products increase consistently, But the richness of the region’s resources is inconsistent with the level of industrial development. The forestry primary industry based on training forestry resources is in the dominant position of National and regional forestry, occupying 44% or more of total. Volume growth of forest resources and forestry production rose with consistency, particularly in relation to forest area with the growth.Cultivation of forest resources directly affects the output value of forestry, forestry industrial structure and regional distribution. The advantages of resources and advantages of industry in all regions are not totally consistent, needs to adjust the industrial structure and layout,according to forestry resources.5. Proposed forestry industrial adjustment programs based on forest resources training.Improving the quality of forest resources, forest productivity, forest ecosystem services,and social services,Further strengthen the primary industry based on the cultivation of forest resources. By improving the forest quality and technology content, improve the the contribution rate of secondary industry output value, primarily develop wood-based panels, paper and cardboard, wood furniture, special forest food, special forest products processing industry. Actively encourage the tertiary industry based on forest tourism, through tilt of policy, funding measures.6. Proposed adjustment programs of regional distribution, development of forest types, forest products processing industrial layout. First, in the Beijing-Tianjin area, the Midwest ecologically fragile areas, Primarily develop public interest forest such as shelterbelt forest, and economic forest, speeding up the cultivation of forest tourism resources. Secondly, developing forest products processing industry in the southeast area and the Middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River area. Third, promoting natural timber cultivation of North-East area,and southwest area, develop timber production reserve on the basis of the protection of forest. Fourth, to speed up the construction of plantation base in south district. Fifth, developing the plain forestry in the eastern zone. Sixth, strengthen the construction of forestry ecological environment in Northwest China, to ensure the ecological safety.
