

Study on Characterization of Wood Preservation Drying and Integrated Treatment

【作者】 张英杰

【导师】 常建民;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 对木材进行正确的防腐和干燥处理,是延长木材使用寿命,改善木材使用性能,减少木材资源消耗,保护生态环境的有效途径之一,也是节约木材的重要内容。在我国森林资源严重不足,木材供需矛盾日益突出的今天,优化木材防腐和干燥工艺,探索环保、高效、节能的木材防腐干燥一体化处理技术,对于提高木材防腐干燥质量和生产效率,降低能耗,节约木材具有重要意义。本论文选题着眼于当前急需解决木材防腐干燥过程中生产周期长,环境污染严重,防腐质量难以保证等实际问题,主要对木材真空加压防腐工艺影响因子进行了优化;对防腐处理木材干燥工艺进行了研究;对防腐干燥处理后的木材微观构造进行了分析;对防腐木材力学性能、胶合性能和表面涂饰性能进行了检测和分析,为确定合理的木材防腐、干燥一体化处理技术提供理论依据。本论文主要研究成果及结论如下:(1)通过正交实验对真空加压防腐工艺的影响因素进行分析和研究发现:影响马尾松和毛白杨木材防腐处理载药量的主要因素是防腐剂的浓度,达到极显著水平;影响马尾松和毛白杨木材防腐处理载药量的次主要因素是浸注压力,达到显著水平;压力持续时间和前真空持续时间对马尾松木材防腐处理载药量的影响较小;前真空持续时间对毛白杨木材防腐处理载药量的影响较大,压力持续时间对毛白杨木材防腐处理载药量的影响较小。(2)通过正交实验和方差分析获得马尾松防腐木材处理优化的工艺为:防腐剂浓度为1.2%,浸注压力1.2MPa,压力持续时间1h,前真空持续时间30min;毛白杨防腐处理优化的工艺为:防腐剂浓度1.2%,浸注压力1.5MPa,压力持续时间2h,前真空持续时间45min。(3)通过对马尾松和毛白杨防腐处理木材进行腐朽菌毒性实验室试验发现,采用ACQ-D木材防腐剂对于马尾松和毛白杨进行真空加压防腐处理,失重率均小于10%,达到强耐腐等级。(4)干燥温度对于防腐木材防腐剂的流失率影响较大,对于马尾松防腐处理木材,随着干燥温度的升高,防腐剂的流失率逐渐增大,综合考虑干燥温度对生产效率、防腐剂流失率的影响,马尾松防腐木材适宜的干燥温度为70℃左右;对于毛白杨防腐木材,随着干燥温度的升高,防腐剂的流失率逐渐增大,20mm和30mm厚毛白杨防腐木材在干燥温度70-75℃下干燥,40mm厚度的毛白杨防腐木材在70℃,较小的干湿球温度差下干燥,防腐剂的流失率较低。(5)随着干燥温度的升高和防腐剂载药量的增加,马尾松和毛白杨防腐木材抗弯弹性模量、抗弯强度和顺纹抗压强度均呈现逐渐减小的趋势。(6)随着干燥温度的增加,马尾松和毛白杨防腐木材的家胶合强度呈现增加的趋势。随着防腐剂载药量的增加,马尾松和毛白杨防腐木材的胶合强度呈现逐渐减小的趋势。(7)防腐干燥处理对于马尾松和毛白杨木材的涂饰性能没有负面影响。(8)电子显微镜观察防腐剂在防腐干燥后三个切面中的分布情况时发现:马尾松防腐干燥后木材,横切面内防腐剂在管胞、树脂道和木射线中都有分布,弦切面内防腐剂在树脂道附近分布较多,径切面内防腐剂分布在管胞、木射线、窗格状交叉场纹孔以及管胞壁上的纹孔周围,防腐剂在早材带中分布多于晚材带,在木射线和管胞交叉的部位分布较多。毛白杨防腐干燥后木材,横切面中防腐剂主要分布在导管中;径切面中防腐剂在木射线填充物较少的部位和导管壁上的纹孔附件分布较多;弦切面中防腐剂分布在导管壁上的纹孔附近、导管壁上以及导管分子中较多。(9)防腐剂在防腐木材中的分布可见,马尾松防腐木材中的防腐剂附着在管胞壁上的纹孔附近较多,毛白杨防腐木材中的防腐剂附着在导管壁上的纹孔周围较多,防腐木材在干燥过程中,较低的干燥温度可给防腐剂提供一个充分的固着时间,较高的干燥温度容易造成防腐剂来不及固着而随着水分排出沉积在木材的表层,很快会被流失掉。(10)扫描电镜观察马尾松和毛白杨素材与防腐干燥后木材横切面电镜显微形态发现:经过防腐干燥处理的木材的横切面细胞有变形和离析现象,晚材开裂的程度小于早材;马尾松的开裂程度要大于毛白杨。防腐干燥后木材横切面细胞的变形和离析开裂是造成防腐木材力学强度降低的主要因素。(11)对不同防腐干燥工艺下的马尾松和毛白杨防腐干燥后木材和素材进行傅立叶变换红外(FTIR)分析可见不同防腐工艺处理的木材在主要区段的图谱变化较小。马尾松防腐干燥后木材在3408cm-1处,毛白杨防腐干燥后木材在3337cm-1处的-OH伸缩振动减小,吸收峰减弱,说明-OH与防腐剂中的铜发生了络合反应;马尾松防腐干燥后木材在1662cm-1处,毛白杨防腐干燥后木材在1667cm-1处的共轭C=O的吸收峰有较明显的减弱,说明共轭C=O与防腐剂中的铜发生了络合反应;马尾松防腐干燥后木材在1600 cm-1处,毛白杨防腐干燥后木材在1603cm-1处的苯环峰稍微变小,说明ACQ-D防腐剂对于木材中木素的影响较小。马尾松防腐干燥后木材在主要区段的变化幅度要大于毛白杨的变化幅度。(12)首次对木材防腐干燥进行了一体化处理和研究,木材防腐干燥两个过程的有机结合可以有效地减少木材干燥缺陷的发生,简化了操作程序,降低了劳动强度,降低了对环境的污染,实现了较高的自动化控制,木材防腐和干燥质量得到了有效的保证。获得了较优的便于实现自动控制的木材防腐干燥一体化工艺,木材防腐干燥一体化处理的防腐木材主要力学强度降低较小。

【Abstract】 Proper preservation and drying for the wood is one of the effective paths to prolong the useful life period of the wood, improve the service performance of the wood, reduce the consumption of the wood, protect the ecological environment and utilize properly the wood and save the wood. It is increasingly evident that the conflict confronted by us is that the wood is in shortly supply relative to the demand required by the market at a serious shortage of forest resources in China. Therefore it is important to optimize the preservative-treated and drying process of the wood, research the environmental protection, high efficiency, energy-saving of the integrated technique for pressure and vacuum preservative-treated and drying of the wood. It is great significance to improve the quality of the preservative-treated and drying process wood and production efficiency, reduce energy consumption and save the wood efficiently.The thesis is closely focusing on resolving the practical problem of the production period too long, environmental pollution severity and the quality of the preservative-treated and drying process wood difficult to ensure. It is mainly to analyze the influence factors of the vacuum-pressure preservative-treated process; optimize the preservative-treated and drying process of the wood; to research the drying technical of preservative-treated wood; to analyses microscopic constitution of the preservative-treated wood; test and analyses mechanical property, glue bond property, surface painting property and provide a theoretical basis for determining the proper integrated technique of preservative-treated and drying of the wood. The results are as follows:(1) In order to obtain the reasonable vacuum-pressure the preservative-treated process of wood, this paper analyzes the influence factors of the wood preservative-treated process with the method of orthogonal experimental design. Preservative concentration is the main factors to influence the wood preservative retention of Pinus massoniana Lamb and Populus tomentosa Carr. It reached extremely significant level; pressure is the secondary main factors to influence the wood preservative retention of Pinus massoniana Lamb and Populus tomentosa Carr. It reached significant level; Pressure duration pre-vacuum duration are no significant to influence the wood preservative retention of Pinus massoniana Lamb. Pre-vacuum duration is few significant to influence the wood preservative retention of Populus tomentosa Carr. Pressure duration is no significant to influence the wood preservative retention of Populus tomentosa Carr.(2)The reasonable vacuum-pressure the preservative-treated process of wood is obtained with the method of orthogonal experimental design and the variance analysis. It shows that 1.2 percent preservative concentration, 1.2MPa pressure, 1h pressure duration,30minutes pre-vacuum duration are the optimization preservative-treated process of the Pinus massoniana Lamb and that 1.2 percent preservative concentration, 1.5MPa pressure, 2h pressure duration, 45minutes pre-vacuum duration are the optimization preservative-treated process of the Populus tomentosa Can.(3) Laboratory test for toxicity of wood preservatives to decay fungi with Pinus massoniana Lamb and Populus tomentosa Carr. The result shows that the weight loss percentage of wood is less than 10% with vacuum-pressure process and ACQ-D preservatives and reaches the strong durability gradation.(4) Drying temperatures is strongly influence the preservatives leaching rate of the preservative-treated. The percentage of preservatives leached from the preservative-treated Pinus massoniana Lamb increased as the drying temperatures higher. Integration production efficiency and the preservatives leaching rate influenced by the drying temperatures, the proper drying temperatures of preservative-treated Pinus massoniana Lamb is around 70℃. The percentage of preservatives leached from the preservative-treated Populus tomentosa Can increased as the drying temperatures higher.the percentage of the preservatives leached from the lumber was decreased small while the 20mm, 30mm preservative-treated Populus tomentosa Can were dried at the drying temperatures 75℃and the 40mm preservative-treated Populus tomentosa Can was dried at the drying temperatures 70℃with depression wet and dry bulb.(5) The MOE, MOR and the compressive strength parallel to grain of preservative-treated Pinus massoniana Lamb and Populus tomentosa Can wood were decreased with increasing the drying temperatures and the preservative retention.(6) The bond strength of preservative-treated Pinus massoniana Lamb and Populus tomentosa Can wood were improved with increasing drying temperatures. The bond strength of preservative-treated Pinus massoniana Lamb and Populus tomentosa Can wood were decreased with increasing preservative retention.(7) There is no negative impact on the surface painting property of preservative-treated and drying Pinus massoniana Lamb and Populus tomentosa Can wood.(8) The distribution of preservative in the three section of preservative-treated and drying wood was observed with the electronic microscope. For the preservative-treated and drying Pinus massoniana Lamb wood, in the transverse section, the preservative was found in the tracheid, resin canal and wood ray. In the tangential section, the preservative was found surrounding the resin canal. In the radial section, the preservative was found in the tracheid, wood ray, fenestriform cross-field pit and surrounding pit of the tracheid wall. The preservative in the spring wood is more than in the autumn wood. It was mainly found in the cross field of the wood ray and tracheid. For the preservative-treated and drying Populus tomentosa Can wood, in the transverse section, the preservative was found in the vessel. In the radial section, the preservative was found in the wood ray field that it has little filling material, and the surrounding of the vessel wall pit. In the tangential section, the preservative was mainly found near the vessel wall pit, vessel wall and vessel molecule.(9) The distribution of preservative in the preservative-treated and drying wood was observed with the electronic microscope., the preservative the preservative-treated and drying Pinus massoniana Lamb wood, was found surrounding pit of the tracheid wall. The preservative was mainly found near the vessel wall pit. Thus, the preservative-treated wood in the drying process, the lower drying temperatures can supply sufficient fixation time of the preservative; the higher drying temperatures easily lead to the preservative was not accreted effective and moved by the water, and accreted to the surface of the wood and leached quickly.(10) The transverse section SEM micrograph of preservative-treated and drying Pinus massoniana Lamb and Populus tomentosa Carr wood was observed. The transverse section cells of preservative-treated and drying wood were separated and distorted. The dehiscence degree of autumn wood changed less than the spring wood. The dehiscence degree of Pinus massoniana Lamb wood changed more than the Populus tomentosa Carr wood. The distortion and dehiscence among the cell walls of the preservative-treated wood are the main factors to influence the material strength decreasing.(11) The FTIR was analyzed between untreated and preservative-treated and drying Pinus massoniana Lamb and Populus tomentosa Carr wood with the different preservative-treated and drying process. The results indicated that the main absorb band of the preservative-treated wood with treated different preservative-treated and drying process has small influence. The preservative-treated and drying Pinus massoniana Lamb at 3408cm-1 band and Populus tomentosa Carr wood at 3337cm-1 band, the -OH expansion vibration absorption peak decreased it is concluded that complex reaction were generated between the -OH and the copper of preservative. The preservative-treated and drying Pinus massoniana Lamb at 1662cm-1 band and Populus tomentosa Carr wood at 1667cm-1 band, the absorption peak of conjugate C=O visibly decreased at band, it is concluded that complex reaction were generated between the conjugate C=O and the copper of preservative. The preservative-treated and drying Pinus massoniana Lamb at 1600cm-1 band and Populus tomentosa Carr wood at 1603cm-1 band, the absorption peak of benzene ring diminished after a sort, it is concluded that ACQ-D has little influence on the lignin of the preservative-treated Pinus massoniana Lamb wood and Populus tomentosa Carr. The rangeability in main field of the preservative-treated Pinus massoniana Lamb wood changed more than the Populus tomentosa Carr wood.(12) Preservation and drying for the wood were firstly treated and studied at the same time, while the organic connection of the two procedures can reduce the occurrence of wood drying flaw effectively and also can simplify the operation, and reduce the labor intensity. The quality of the preservation and drying for the wood can controlled by highly automation production and reduce the environmental pollution. Based on the preliminary examination and combined the integrated machine for pressure and vacuum wood modification and drying, the technique of optimization and automation production was obtained. The main mechanical strength of the wood integrated by the preservative-treated and drying were decreased small, the technique fit for the industrialization.
