

Study on Economic Sustainable Development of Resource-Based City

【作者】 叶蔓

【导师】 王要武;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 资源型城市是以当地不可再生资源开发和初加工为支柱产业的城市,是城市体系中的特殊群体。资源型城市建设问题的研究已成为一项世界性的研究课题。我国的资源型城市大都是在计划经济时期建立和发展起来的,曾为国家的建设做出了重大贡献,并使区域经济、社会的发展取得了辉煌成绩。但自然资源的开发总要经历开发期、成长期、成熟期与衰退期等阶段,因此,资源型城市也存在着兴起、繁荣、衰落的问题。目前这些城市大都进入资源开采的中后期,出现了资源枯竭、经济衰退、社会矛盾突出等问题。资源型城市发展的危机和困境已成为我国社会发展中的突出问题,受到了政府和学术界的普遍关注,如何使资源型城市可持续发展已成为我国的当务之急。本文以可持续发展理论、系统理论和自组织理论为基础,以资源型城市为研究对象,对资源型城市经济可持续发展进行了广泛而深入的研究,完善了资源型城市可持续发展理论体系,为资源型城市的经济可持续发展建设提供理论指导与对策建议。论文阐述了资源型城市经济可持续发展的意义,全面分析了资源型城市的研究现状,指出了国内当前资源型城市研究存在的不足。介绍了可持续发展理论、系统理论与自组织理论,在此基础上提出了资源型城市经济可持续发展的概念,并分析其内涵,及主要内容,构建了资源型城市经济可持续发展系统的结构框架,将其分为资源子系统、经济子系统、环境子系统和社会子系统,提出了资源型城市经济可持续发展的概念模型。从管理学角度为资源型城市建设构建一个完整的理论框架和平台,从而为进一步发展资源型城市建设研究提供理论支持。论文分析了资源型城市的自组织特性,描述了资源型城市的非平衡演变过程和演化特征,得到了资源型城市发展的一般演化规律和经济可持续发展的理论条件,在此基础上分析了资源型城市产业转型的熵机理。并依据自组织理论,分析了资源型城市经济可持续发展的动力机制和相应调控手段。论文在分析区域经济对产业转型影响的基础上,根据资源型城市产业转型的影响因素及不同的产业转型模式,构建了资源型城市产业模式选择的识别模型。在考虑传统理论对主导产业选择偏差的基础上,比较了不同的选择方法,确定了资源型城市接替主导产业的选择方法及步骤。从可操作的角度提出了接替主导产业的选择原则,构建了选择接替主导产业的指标体系。论文依据可持续发展理论和系统理论,应用系统动力学方法建立资源型城市经济可持续发展的SD模型,该模型由资源子系统、经济子系统、环境子系统、人口子系统和科教子系统组成。论文分析了各子系统的系统结构及子系统间的关系,画出系统流程图,并编写系统方程。并以鸡西市为例,结合鸡西市的具体情况,提出鸡西市产业转型的适用模式,依据相关统计资料,确定鸡西市接替主导产业及其发展层次。并运用SD模型,通过改变模型政策性参数,对鸡西市不同的发展模式进行模拟,依模拟结果提出鸡西市经济可持续发展模式。最后,根据实证分析结果,提出我国资源型城市经济可持续发展建议。国内外社会发展实践证明,资源型城市的经济发展是一项复杂的系统工程,是一个世界性难题。因此本研究对促进资源型城市经济可持续发展具有重要的现实意义,为资源型城市产业转型提供有力指导,也为能更好地动态评价资源型城市的发展过程做出一份贡献。

【Abstract】 The resourced-based city is a special kind of city whose supporting industry is exploiting and machining originally non-reborn resources. And its construction study of resourced-based city has become a cosmopolitan problem. Most resourced-based cities in China were founded and developed during the period of planned economy. They’ve contributed to the development of area-economy and society. However, the development and utilization of resource have phases such as exploitation, growing, autumn, and winter, and resourced-based city has periods of rising, prosperity, and decline. Today, most of them are in the evening of exploiting, and have many problems such as resource exhausting, economic depression, severe social conflict, and so on. The development crisis has become the outstanding problems during the development period in China, and has become the focus of government and academe. So, building sustainable development resourced-based city is an urgent affair in China. Based on the theory of sustainable development and using the resourced-based city as the research object, this paper deeply studies approaches of building economic sustainable development resourced-based city; perfects the theory system of construction in resourced-based city; and give city government academic direction.The paper states the meaning of studying on economic sustainable development resourced-based city, details out analysis of the present situation research and application of resourced-based city and the theory of sustainable development, systemic theory and self-organization theory, and points out the shortage of the study. Secondly, expound the concept of economic sustainable development resourced-based city, set up its structure frame which is divided into resource subsystem, economic subsystem, environmental subsystem and social subsystem, and construct the concept model of economic sustainable development of resourced-based city. This paper sets up a whole platform to establish the theory support.This paper analyzes the self-organization character of resourced-based city; describe the period of its non-balanceable evolvement; find its evolvement rule and academic condition of economic sustainable development. On the basis of above, the paper analyzes the entropy mechanism of industry conversion in resource-based cities. And the paper sets forth the economic sustainable development drive mechanism and regulating and controlling means of the resourced-based city.According to the factors and modes of industry conversion, the paper constructs an identifying model of industry conversion. On the basis of winage of traditional theory on selecting the leading industry, this paper compares several methods, fixes the selecting method and its selecting process. This paper puts forward the select principle of leading industry in the resourced-based city, establishes the index system, and applies factor analysis to find out the leading industry and development strategy with YiChuan as an example.By the theory of sustainable development and system dynamics, SD model for economic sustainable development resourced-based city is set up. That model includes five subsystems such as resource subsystem, economic subsystem, environmental subsystem, population subsystem and technology-education subsystem. The paper analyzes the relation of subsystems, describes the flow of system and their equation. Taking example for JiXi, this paper simulates several development modes by changing variables, and obtains quantitative conclusions for economic sustainable development. Finally, on the basis of above; bring forward the suggestions and countermeasures to building the economic sustainable development resourced-based city.Testifying by the domestic and international practice, the economic sustainable development for resourced-based city is a complicated system, and an international difficult problem. Therefore, this paper has an important realistic significance, and can provide a powerful instruction for the conversion of resourced-based industry, make a great progress for evaluating dynamically the resourced-based city.
