

【作者】 刘永生

【导师】 邵雍;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 迄今为止,学界对于中国共青团问题的研究不仅数量很少,且多为通史性大事记研究范式,缺乏区域性的细致考察。本文从背景、群体结构与组织形象内在关联的视角,系统地探讨了1920至1927年的湖南共青团的组织形象问题。旨在对早年共青团的组织形象以及团组织的成长过程做出新的解释,为现实中的党团建设提供新的思路。近代湖南区域自然生态环境上的杂糅性与社会生态环境上的多因素并存性共同孕育了独具特色的湖湘文化。以戊戌维新为临界点,此前保守的传统势力在湘占有压倒性优势,代表历史前进方向的近代性新兴力量此后才姗姗登台,但后者一出现就展现了强劲活力。自此,新旧两种文化因素即开始了殊死斗争,双方斗争之激烈、持续时间之长久为他省所罕见。在独具特色的近代湖湘文化的浸润之下,五四之际的湖南思想界空前活跃、异彩纷呈,各种社团组织亦宛如雨后春笋般纷纷破土而出,其中力图与传统社团组织割裂,最具“新色”者莫过于新民学会和心社。由于初入传统社团向近代新型社团转变的“十字路口”,新民学会和心社的组织建设不可避免的具有诸多的幼稚性。湖南共青团组织诞生于上述背景之下,这就预示着此后它的组织建设不可能是一条通达之途。为了尽可能地摒弃传统社团“组织松散”、“信仰缺乏”、“旋起旋散”等弊端,早年的团湖南区委采取了“入团从严”和“切实训练”的建设方略。湖南共青团组织内也因此迅速聚集了一大批初步具有共产主义理想的知识青年,一定程度上保证了团组织的纯洁性和革命性,对湘区国共合作的推进、湘区反帝反军阀浪潮的迅速掀起都做出了不可磨灭的历史贡献。另一方面,这个时期的湖南共青团组织除受到湘区上述的背景条件的深刻影响外,还受到了当时动荡的政局、困窘的经费、有限的信息传递、繁杂的工作任务以及团员本身的身心特点等因素的综合制约,因而在其身上仍可找到类似于新民学会、“心社”等社团组织的一些幼稚性特质。这具体体现在团的基层组织涣散、支部生活流于形式、团员信仰动摇、团组织驾驭“学潮”与“学运”能量的不足以及与国共两党的关系之基础并不牢固等方面。本文的研究表明,区域社会的总体背景与滋生其内的社团组织的群体结构以及该社团呈现出的组织形象三者间存在着一种内在的逻辑关联。就近代湖南区域而言,其与他省迥异的背景因素使得1920-1927年湖南共青团在群体结构上具有了明显的“激进学生性”特点,而群体结构上的这种“激进学生性”特点与上述制约因素的有机契合,使得其组织形象上的幼稚性成为了一种历史的必然。一方面,背景、群体结构、组织形象三者间存在着一种层层递进的环扣制约关系。另一方面,组织形象又对群体结构、背景等因素的改变产生着重大影响,存在着一种“倒影响倒改造”的关系。三者是既彼此分开、又相互影响相互改造的矛盾统一体。

【Abstract】 So far, in the academic, the researches on problem of the Chinese CYL not only have a small number, but also most are researching paradigm for general historic grand events. This paper discusses the image of the Hunan CYL from 1920 to 1927 systematically with the perspective which associates the background,structure and organization of groups and image intrinsically. In order to make a new explanation of the image of the organization of the early CYL and the process of the CYL’s growth, and provide new ideas for the construction of the CPC and CYL in the real world.The diversity of natural ecological environment and the coexistence of many factors of socio-ecological environment in modern Hunan gave birth to the unique Huxiang culture: Restoration to the Reform Movement is the critical point, and before this, the traditional conservative forces had taken an overwhelming advantage, and then the new power which is on behalf of the modern direction of history emerged, but the latter showed its strong vitality as soon as it appeared. Since then, the old and the new cultural factors began a life-and-death struggle, the acuity and the long duration of the struggle has not been seen in other province. In the infiltration of the unique modern Hunan culture, and under Youth Day, the mind is unprecedented active and colorful, various social organizations have also mushroomed like a staged, some of them tried to separate from the traditional social organizations, and the most special is the Xin Min institute and the xin Association. Because of just entering the "crossroads" from the traditional societies to the modern societies, the construction of organization for Xin Min institute and the xin Association are inevitably of naivety.Hunan CYL was born at the background mentioned above and it indicated the construction of the latter organization could not be an accessible way. In order to discard the malpractices of traditional society’s ,such as "loose organization", "lack of belief" , "establish and dissolution all in a short period", the Committee of early Hunan CYL took the Construction Strategy of "Attending Communist Youth strictly" and "practical training strictly". So, Hunan CYL gathered a large number of the young with initial communist ideals, it ensured the purity and revolutionary character of the CYL in a certain extent, and it made an indelible historical contribution to promote the cooperation between KMT and CCP and to rise the wave of anti-imperialism quickly. On the other hand, the organization of Hunan CYL in this time was not only effected deeply by the background of Hunan , but also was restricted by the factors of the turbulent political situation at that time, funding difficulties, limited transmission of information, complex tasks and the physical and mental characteristics of its own, therefore, some naive characters which were similar to the Xin Min institute and the Xin Association could still be found in itself. This is embodied in the grass-roots organizations and laxation of the CYL, formality of the branches’ Living, shaking of members’ faith, the power to control the students movement and other events was not strong as well as the case with base of the relationship between the KMT and the CPC is not solid and so on.This paper shows there is an internal logic of association among the overall background of regional society, the group structure of social organization breed in it and the image of the organization of the group. For the modern Hunan, the different background from other provinces made the structure of group of The CYL from 1920-1927 with obvious character of "radical students", this character together with other restrictions mentioned above finally made the infant image of the CYL has become a historical necessity. On the one hand, there is restricted relations among the three. On the other hand, the image of the organization affected the other two deeply. In a word , there is not only a restricted relations among the three, but also exists a counteractions in them, they are the two sides of one problem. The three are Contradictory unity which affects and transform mutually.
