

Formation and Development of Views on Nationalities of Confucianism

【作者】 李克建

【导师】 陈玉屏;

【作者基本信息】 西南民族大学 , 民族学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 古代中国多民族、多文化的社会历史现实为酝酿最早的民族思想提供了重要的时代背景和社会基础。伴随着华夏族漫长而复杂的形成和发展过程,先秦时期复杂的族际关系、严峻的民族情势、多变的政治格局、动荡的社会局势、丰富的社会思想、繁荣的学术景象,无不相互交织、相互影响。置身于春秋战国时期严峻的夷夏情势之中,以孔子、孟子和荀子为代表的先秦儒家发表了一系列关于民族和民族问题的基本看法和主张,初步奠定了儒家民族观的理论基调。儒家民族观不仅是时代的产物,更是儒家思考民族问题的结果。儒家民族观的基本内容是由一系列相反相成的民族思想构成的一个整体。一方面,鉴于春秋战国时期“夷”犯“夏”的严酷形势,受中国早期夷夏观“夷夏有别”思想的深刻影响,先秦儒家强烈赞成明“华夷之辨”,主张“裔不谋夏,夷不乱华”。一旦出现夷狄“乱华”之事,儒家则义不容辞地高举“尊王攘夷”大旗,主张严“夷夏之防”。另一方面,将“夷夏之辨”思想落实到政治操作层面,先秦儒家又主张在“以文化论民族,以礼义辨夷夏”的标准之下“用夏变夷”。在“华夏文化中心主义”意识的支配下,儒家认为,用“华夏”之先进文化改造“夷狄”之落后文化,以华夏同化夷狄,是合情合理之事。儒家虽然强调“夷变夏”,但在“以文化论民族”的标准之下,“夏变夷”的情况也是不可避免的。客观地说,儒家强调“变夷”和“化夷”的思想,并非将夷、夏身份凝固化,而是将夷、夏置于一个可变的秩序内予以看待,显然具有一定的进步性。先秦儒家看待民族问题的视角是独特的。他们在“天下”的范围内来思考民族问题,从“大一统”的角度出发来处理民族关系,并以著名的“春秋三世说”和“服事制度”为基点,萌生出儒家视阈内的民族时空观念。总的来看,当夷夏矛盾异常尖锐之时,儒家强调“攘夷”,强调“华夷有别”,这充分表现出儒家民族观具有保守性和排他性的一面;但是在绝大多数情况下,儒家强调“礼分华夷”、向往“天下一家”,又充分体现出儒家民族观具有包容性和开明性的一面。可见,在这个充满矛盾和对立的统一体内,排他性和包容性、保守性和开明性、原则性和灵活性自然地结合在一起,共同支撑着儒家民族观朝着理论化、系统化和整体化的方向发展。伴随着儒学的发展和时代的变迁,儒家民族观亦不断发展、丰富和完善。儒家民族观大致经历了这样一个发展过程:产生于春秋战国儒家学派创立和发展时期,初步成型于两汉时期,发展、丰富于魏晋南北朝及隋唐时期,成熟、完善于宋元明清理学鼎盛时期。其中,宋代可谓儒家民族观发展进程中一个具有里程碑意义的时代。在理学“道统论”的影响下,传统的“华夷之辨”和“正统之争”的标准发生了变化,人们对“华”、“夷”内涵的理解也发生了变化。此后,“华夷之辨”思想逐步让位于“华夷一体”思想。到清代,随着国家“大一统”格局的最终确定,“华夷一体”、“天下一家”思想也最终成为儒家民族观的主旋律。至此,一个拥有坚实的理论基础、丰富的理论内容、完善的理论结构、一脉相承的发展脉络且独具自身特点的儒家民族观理论体系终于构建起来了。儒家民族观对中国古代民族和民族关系的发展起到了不可低估也不可替代的重大作用。无论是古代民族政策的制定原则,还是古代民族关系的主流发展方向;无论是中华民族整体认同感和中华民族多元一体格局的形成与发展,还是中华民族凝聚力和中华民族精神的塑造和培育,都深受儒家民族观的重大影响。但是,任何事物都具有两面性,儒家民族观也不例外。儒家民族观同样是既有精华,也有糟粕;既有先进性,也有落后性;既有积极作用,也有消极作用的理论和学说。“取其精华,去其糟粕”是我们对待传统文化遗产的一贯主张,也是我们对待儒家民族观的基本主张和学术态度。笔者认为,只有在客观认识和科学评价儒家民族观的基础之上,充分挖掘其合理内核,发挥其积极作用,才能真正做到“以史鉴今”。

【Abstract】 China is a multiethnic and multicutltural country with a long history. The historic realities provided important background and social foundation for the early Chinese thoughts on natioinality. The thoughts’development accompanied the process of Huaxia groupp’s forming. During the Pre-Qin period, the complicated relations among different groups, the severe and fluctuate social situation and prosperous acdemic studies interweaved and influenced each other. Confucius, Mencius and Xuncius, the greatest representatives of the Confucianism, interpreted their own viewpoints on nationality. and nationality problems. These thoughts and views set the early theory’s keynote of the viewpoints on nationalities of Confucianism. It’s clear that the viewpoints on nationalities of Confucianism is not only the production of the time but also the result of the Confucianism thoughts.The basic contents and views on nationalities of Confucianism during the period of Pre-Qin were contradicted but unified. The Confucianists strongly supported to distinguish the differences between Hua people and Yi minorities. They advocated that Yi minorities mustn’t invade Hua people’s kingdoms. On the other hand, the Confucianists carried their ideas out onto the actual political operations. They considered that the standard to distinguish Hua people and Yi minorites is the culture and the rite. They insisted that the culture of Hua people was advanced but the Yi minorites’was backward. In their mind, it was naturally and unavoidablely for Hua people to assimilate the Yi minorities. Although this stems from the so-called Huaxia cultural-centralism, it doesn’t solidify the group indentifications of Hua people or Yi minorities,but sets it into a changeable social order to analyze it. This is progressive.The viewpoints of Pre-Qin Confucianists who dealed with the problem of nationality were unique. And they came to think the problem of nationality based on the view of " Under the Heaven", handling national relationships on the view of "Grand Unification" . On the famous thoughts of“Three Stages of Social Progress”and“Being Loyal and Submitting to the Central Realm”advcocated during the Spring and Auntumn Period, the Confusianists spread their national space and time concept. Generrally to say, when the contradiction between Hua people and Yi minorities was extremely sharp, the Confucianists emphasized "Driving Yi minorites out of Hua Realm ", and stressed that "the difference Between Hua people and Yi minorities", this obviously shows the conservativeness and exclusiveness of viewpoints on nationalities of Confucianism; however, under mostly situations, they stressed on“Distinguishing Hua and Yi according to the Culture and Rite”, disired for the state of "One Family", and this sufficiently embodies the tolerance and openess of viewpoints on nationalities of Confucianism;. Thus, this acdemic studies system is full of contradiction and countering, it is exclusive but tolerant, conservative but open, principle but flexible.All of these are combined naturally, and sustained for the national viewpoint of Confucianism together, developing its theorization, systematization and integration.With the development of Confucianism and the times changing, the Confucianism‘s national viewpoint developed forward, but it was enriched and improved. The Confucianism’s national viewpoint has been experiencing such a basically developing process: yielding during the Period of Warring States.It was the founding and developing period of the Confucianism, too. It was first molding in West and East Han Dynasty, and enriching in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui-Tang Dynasty period, It matureed , perfected in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties during which the theroy was its heyday. Among them, Song Dynasty can be termed as milestone in the advancing of national viewpoint of Confucianism. under the effect of "morality”, the standard of traditional view of“Distinghuishing Hua people and Yi minorites" and“Contesting to the Right Ruling or Ruled Position in Central Realm”had changed, people’s understanding of the connotation of“Hua people”and "Yi minorities" had also changed. Henceforth, the viewpoint of“Difference Between Hua people and Yi minorities " was yielded to idea of“Hua and Yi are One Body" causually. During the Qing Dynasty, with the pattern of country’s "Grand Unification" ultimately shaped, the thoughts of“Hua and Yi are One Body " and "One Family" ultimately became the theme of viewpoint on nationality of Confucianism. Hence, viewpoint on nationality of Confucianism theory system has finally built up which had the solid rationality, rich theory content , perfect theory structure , the way of development being a true disciple and unique of characteristic.Viewpoint on nationality of Confucianism played a great role on the nations and the national relationships in ancient China. Not only the principle of formulation of ancient national policies, but the mainstream of national relationships among ancient China nations ; the identification of Chinese Nation and the pattern of diversity in unity of the Chinese nation were influenced by views on nationalites of Confusianism. In fact, everything has dual characters, and the view on nationalities of Confusianism are also unexceptedly. The views on nationalities of Confusianism has a good aspect, and also has a bad side. The views on nationalities of Confusianism have a positive character, and also a negative character. The saying of“Absorbing good aspect, and dropping bad aspect”always is our attitude to treat traditional culture heritage, and it is our basic attitude to treat the views on nationalities of Confusianism. We can make good use of history to reflect present, only by objectively thinking and scientific evaluating the views on nationalities of Confusianism, and by completely digging the good aspect of the views on nationalities of Confusianism, and by developing their positive effect.
