

Research on Key Technique of Numerical Simulation in Flow Movement Around Dike-spur

【作者】 许慧

【导师】 窦希萍; 李国斌;

【作者基本信息】 南京水利科学研究院 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文针对航道整治工程中常见整治建筑物——丁坝的二、三维水流数值模拟关键技术进行了研究,主要的研究内容如下:二维水流数值模拟时,针对淹没丁坝前后缘水深突变的特性,提出了“网格界面水深法”,计算了淹没五丁坝水流运动的流速场和水位场,计算值与实测值基本吻合,说明这科处理方法是可行的。对天然河道航道整治工程进行二维水流数值模拟时,“网格界面水深法”可以灵活调整网格以适应工程方案布置,通过对安庆河段航道整治工程方案计算,说明此方法对实际工程问题行之有效。三维水流数值模拟时,采用紊流κ-ε双方程模型闭合雷诺方程组,二维数值计算结果确定自由水面高度,针对自由水面的波动,提出“固定层加变动层”的处理方法,最后采用SIMPLER计算程式进行求解,模拟了非淹没单丁坝、淹没单丁坝、淹没丁坝群水流流场,计算值和实测值对比分析表明模型正确适用。天然河道航道整治工程三维水流数值模拟时,采用正交曲线坐标变换将三维计算区域的平面区域变换为矩形区域,水深方向绝对分层,用“冻结法”处理不规则边界,用守恒较好的有限体积法离散方程,最后采用SIMPLER算法求解,计算了安庆河段水流三维流场。验证成果表明:对该河段三维流场的模拟值与实测值基本一致。在此基础上,计算分析了航道整治工程对河道流场的影响。

【Abstract】 Key technique on numerical simulation, including two and three dimensional simulation, for the flow around spur-dikes which commonly applied in navigation engineering are studied in this paper.In 2-D mathmatical model, the mothod, gird-interface-depth, was presented for depth-break around submerged spur-dikes. In order to test and verify the mothod, five submerged spur-dikes experiment was simulated, the agreement with the measurements was generally good. The mathematical model was applied to severce the navigation engineering projects with advantage that can adopt gird to the project flexibly.In 3-D mathmatical model, the second-order Reynolds stress tensor in Reynolds equations were simulated according to the k -εturbulence model. Free water surface was decided by method nesting between 2-D and 3-D. The method, unchangeable layers adding changeable layer was presented to simulate fluctuation of water surface. SIMPLER algorithm was applied to slove the strongly coupled system of the discretized equations derivation with the control volume method. The computational data was in reasonable agreement with experiment data during simulating non-submerged spur-dike, submerged spur-dike and non-submerged spur-dikes.The hydrodynamic equations adopted the curvilinear coordinates system in plain and the Z coordinate system in vertical direction. Free water surface was decided by method nesting between 2-D and 3-D. The method, unchangeable layers adding changeable layer was presented to simulate fluctuation of water surface. Condensation technique was adopted to solve unregulated boundary. SIMPLER algorithm was applied to slove the discretized equations derivation with the control volume method. 3-D flow field in the Anqing river beach was obtained, and was in reasonable agreement with filed data. Based on this, the effects on navigation project to river flow were computed and analysed.
