

A Central Intelligence Agency Study of the Early Cold War (1947-1961)

【作者】 宋涛

【导师】 于群;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着第二次世界大战的结束,美苏两国也由盟友走向了对手,两极格局逐渐形成。为适应新的冷战局势,美国政府着手进行机构改革,并在1947年通过了《国家安全法》,组建了中央情报局。由于美苏冷战局势的逐渐加剧,中央情报局的工作范围,也迅速由简单的情报和反情报职能向外扩展,到20世纪50年代初,就已被明确赋予隐蔽行动的职能,而这一职能除了推动美国对外政策的实行外,更成为中央情报局的重要标志。但是,隐蔽行动并非中央情报局最主要的职能,情报分析工作仍是中央情报局工作的重心。冷战初期,是其情报评估体系形成和完善的时期。在本文讨论的时期内,中央情报局不但进行了组织结构的调整,情报评估能力急速上升,情报评估产品的权威性也得到了普遍认可,从而对美国政府的决策者们产生了巨大影响。本文在对来美国政府解密文件进行细致梳理和分析的基础上,最终试图说明问题如下:(1)由于冷战的出现、情报工作经验的增加、以及美国朝野对情报问题认识的深入,中央情报局在1947年出现成为可能;(2)情报分析是冷战初期中央情报局的主要职能和工作,经过史密斯的机构改革后,其情报分析体系和能力得以初步完善;(3)在冷战初期,中央情报局的隐蔽行动在很大程度上取得了其预期的成果,而且,随着冷战局势的尖锐,中央情报局的隐蔽行动职能逐渐扩大和明确,逐渐成为美国实施对外政策的重要工具。

【Abstract】 With the end of World War II, the Soviet Union the two countries also from allies into rivals, the bipolar pattern of gradually taking shape. In order to meet the new situation in the Cold War, the U.S. government to proceed with institutional reform, and in 1947 passed the "National Security Law", established the Central Intelligence Agency.As the situation in the US-Soviet Cold War intensified in the CIA, are also rapidly from simple intelligence and counter-intelligence functions of the outward expansion, to the 20th century, the early 50s, had been expressly conferred on the function of covert operations, and this Functions In addition to promoting the implementation of U.S. foreign policy, but also become an important symbol of the Central Intelligence Agency.However, the covert operations is not the most important functions of the CIA, intelligence analysis is still the focus of the work of the CIA. The early Cold War, is the formation of its intelligence assessment systems and improve the period. In this discussion period, the CIA carried out not only the adjustment of the organizational structure, ability to assess the rapid rise in intelligence, the intelligence assessment of the authority of the product has also been widely recognized, and thus the U.S. government’s policy-makers had a tremendous impact.In this paper, based on the careful combing and analysis to the U.S. government declassified documents on, the final attempt to describe the problem as follows: (1) Due to the emergence of the Cold War, intelligence work experience increases, and the U.S. government and in-depth awareness of the issue of intelligence, the CIA in 1947, emerged as possible; (2) In the early Cold War, intelligence analysis is the CIA’s main functions and work. After Smith’s institutional reforms, its intelligence analysis systems and the ability to be an initial improvement; (3) In the early Cold War, the CIA’s covert operations to a large extent achieved its expected results, and, as the situation in the Cold War, sharp, the functions of the CIA’s covert operations gradually expanded and clear, gradually became an important tool in the foreign policy of the United States.
