

The Continuous Suffering--The Study on Rural Education in the Horizon of Sociology of Body

【作者】 陈坚

【导师】 袁桂林;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在新中国成立60华诞之际,在新中国教育取得显著成就的大背景下,本文以农村教育场域中身体的痛苦为主题,揭示了痛苦背后所隐藏的社会律动,不是为了彰显“另类”,其根本旨归是正视存在的问题,为进一步开创中国教育发展新局面贡献一份力量,毕竟农村教育发展任重而道远已经成为当前全社会的共识!本文以一个真实的故事、一段痛苦的经历及一个平静村庄的教育事件为线索,揭示了农村教育场域中“痛苦”的存在,挖掘了对“痛苦”这一主题进行研究的理论资源,并将身体痛苦和教育及社会的公共议题相联系起来,将身体的独特体验与社会发展及其背后所隐藏的各种关系连接起来,试图揭示身体的痛苦对农村教育及社会的最深刻隐喻。痛苦之所以延续,归因于文化、权力及身体技术的存在及内卷化发展。本文从历史的角度深入分析,不仅明晰了身体痛苦与文化、权力及社会之间的复杂纠葛,还原和再现了一个个真实的痛苦,还进一步指出,其实内卷化机制一直伴随人类社会发展的始终,在社会的发展过程中不但没有被打破,反而以变异的方式隐藏的栖息在现代社会之中,导致了当今社会农村教育场域中痛苦的发生。教育是培养人的活动,其宗旨是带给人幸福或者为将来的幸福生活作准备,而不是带来痛苦。教育可以为人的全面发展提供一定的条件和手段,可以为人的幸福奠定坚实的基础,幸福应该成为也必须成为教育的终极价值追求,使人成为幸福的人。而要实现幸福,必须构建“身体”的新阶序和成就“人的条件”。只有将这两方面结合,并通过政治的手段加以施行,最后才能期望终止或减轻农村教育场域中的痛苦。事实上,幸福离我们既很远,又很近。本研究的目标及意义在于对底层人教育痛苦的现象给予细致入微的发现,并分析形成这一现象的深层原因,从而寻求相应的解决策略。其最终目标在于让全社会都能清晰感觉到底层人在教育过程中所遭遇的痛苦,希望权力的光束能从场的中心不断向场的边缘发散,让他们得到权力光束的照耀并由此享受到相应的温暖。其学术意义在于将痛苦、身体、内卷化理论引入了教育研究,并对教育特别是农村教育进行了不同视角的描述、分析,不断丰富教育发展理论。本研究采用了辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义作为方法论基础,采取宏观研究和微观研究相结合的方式,通过不断提高在微观的经验材料和宏观的社会历史之间进行穿梭的能力,综合运用文献法、历史法、比较法以及田野研究方法等对农村教育进行研究。特别是在研究中注重宏观研究与微观研究相结合,注重与历史和现实对话,注重培养自身的“社会学的技艺”,采用农村普通人的语言、观点和立场,对在调研中发生的事件给予观察、对已发生事件的相关历史进行追问及对隐约存在事件的“诱发”,对农村教育场域中身体的痛苦给予了更深刻理解与发现,洞悉了教育和社会之间复杂的纠葛,呈现了另一个农村教育的文本,并为进一步发展农村教育写就了脚本。

【Abstract】 In the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China and under the background that the new China had made remarkable achievements in education, this paper regards bodily suffering in the field of Rural Education as the subject and reveals the suffering behind the evolution of social rhythm. This is not to highlight "alternative", but to face the existing problems and further open up new prospects for China’s educational development. After all, that the development of Rural Educational has long way to go has become the consensus of the whole society.This paper bases on a true story, a painful experience and the education event in a quiet village, reveals the existence of suffering in the field of the Rural Education, excavates the theory sources, associates the body suffering with the education and social public issues. It connects the body’s unique experience with social development and relationships hidden behind this link, attempts to reveal the most profound metaphor of the body suffering to the rural education and the community.The reason why the suffering continued can be due to the existence of the cultural, power and body technology. This paper analyzes the problem from a historical perspective clears the complexity of connection between the bodily suffering and culture, power and societies, restores and reconstructes a true suffering. Moreover, it further points out that in fact involution mechanism has been accompanied by development of human society. In the process of social development it has not been broken, but exists in the modern society by a hidden way. This has led to the occurring suffering in the field of the rural education in today’s society.Education is the activities to cultivate people. Its purpose is to bring people happiness or prepare for a happy life in the future but not to bring the suffering. Education can provide some of the conditions and means to all round development of people and can lay a solid foundation for man’s happiness. The happiness should be and also must be the pursuit of the ultimate value of education. In order to achieve happiness, we must build a new body hierarchy and achieve the human condition. Only by combining these two aspects and through political means, we can expect to terminate or reduce the suffering in the field of Rural Education. In fact, the happiness is not only very far away from us, but also very near.The objective and significance of this study is to find the phenomenon of human educational suffering and analyze the underlying causes of this phenomenon, find the appropriate ways. The ultimate goal is to reveal the suffering of people in the bottom of society in the education process. We hope that the power authorities can attach importance to eliminate the suffering. Its greatest significance is introducing the theory of the suffering and body and involution into educational research, researching the Rural Education by a different perspective. It continuously enriches the theory of the education development.This study uses the methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism as a basis for research, adopts the measures combining of macro-research and micro-research. I try to continuously improve the ability to shuttle between the micro experience of materials and the macro social history, comprehensively use literature method, historical method, comparative method and field research methods, especially pay attention to combination of macro-micro research, pay attention to the dialogue with the history and reality, focus on cultivating my "sociological art", use the language and views of ordinary people in rural areas, give the observation on the events that occurred in the research, examine minutely the events that have occurred related to the history, give a more profound understanding and discovery to the bodily suffering in the field of Rural Education, discover the complex between the educational and the society, show another version of rural education, and write a script for the further development of Rural Education.

【关键词】 痛苦农村教育身体社会学内卷化
【Key words】 SufferingRural EducationSociology of BodyInvolution