

Historical Evolution of Consumer Ethics Change with the Times

【作者】 程海荣

【导师】 赵继伦;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 消费的历史是消费伦理观的发展、演变历史。任何消费选择都要受制于消费伦理。现代消费主义伦理观呈现出与人的全面发展相背离的趋向,规制消费选择的效应明显减弱,甚至起到负面作用。本论文的写作目的旨在:一是在总结、梳理消费伦理历史演化并认真诊治现代消费伦理症结的基础上,构建合宜性消费伦理;二是以合宜性消费伦理规范现代人的消费选择,使其合乎人类的目的性。本文首先阐述了消费伦理的基本范畴,包括消费伦理的内涵、消费伦理的价值等基本理论和写作的必要性、创作背景及方法论等内容;其次,沿着中西方两条主线研究了不同时代消费伦理的流变,并指出中西方消费伦理的差别,提出中西方消费伦理的差别体现在:内在深入与外在探讨、社会关系取向与个人享受性取向、显性工具价值与隐性内在价值、标准性规定与应用性规定等方面;第三,认真总结了现代消费伦理观的症候,结合理论与实践,通过对现代消费伦理观的反思,从现代消费伦理依存的基础、总体取向、消费内容延伸、现代消费伦理效应等方面作出了反思性研究。可以说这些反思对构建合宜性消费伦理提供了难得的思想启迪;第四,通过认真研究了马克思主义消费伦理观,萃取中西方消费伦理的合理成分,并以此作为构建合宜性消费伦理观的理论质料的基础上,客观地分析了传统的合宜性原则、正义性原则、自由性原则的局限性,深入地阐述了人的全面发展原则、非均衡性原则、制衡性原则;第五,在合宜性消费伦理内容选择的基础上,立足于适度消费、可持续消费、科学文明健康消费这三大传统内容,增加了差异消费、共生消费、中性或正外部性消费三方面内容,确定了以消费动机调节机制、教育制度、宗教文化、经济制度供给机制、制度执行机制、五维多环的合宜性消费伦理的保障和控制机制。消费伦理观是动态演化的,其时代变革的价值在于规范人们的消费选择,使之趋向合理,进而实现人的全面发展和人类社会和谐发展,只有实现与这些目标的对称性发展,消费伦理价值才能得到应有体现。

【Abstract】 Consumption, the history of the development and evolvement of consumer ethics, has developed. Any consumer choice should be subject to ethical consumption. Ethics of modern consumerism shows the trends of departure from the comprehensive development with people, and regulatory effects of consumer choices significantly diminish, or even have a negative impact. For this reason, the purpose of writing this paper is intended to build and standardize the two aspects. The former refers to the summary of the historical evolution of ethical consumption, carding and seriously diagnosis and treatment of the crux of the ethical basis of modern consumption, to build appropriate consumption ethics. The latter refers to the appropriate consumption ethics regulating consumers’ choices, and makes them co-development whit human’s purpose development.The full-text firstly expatiates on the basic points of ethical consumption areas, including basic consumer theories of consumer ethical content, ethical values and the need for creation of this article, creative background and methodology. Secondly, the two main lines along the Chinese and Western study of ethical consumption in different eras, and pointed out that the differences between Chinese and Western consumer ethics. The article also will illuminate the differences between Chinese and Western consumer ethics on inherent ethical consumption and external in-depth discussions、social relations-oriented and personal enjoyment, explicit and implicit value, the intrinsic value of the standard provisions and application of provisions; third, conscientiously sum up the modern symptom of consumer ethics. Combination of theory and practice of ethics in the modern consumer on the basis of reflection, the author reflects on reflections of the basis of modern consumer ethic dependencies, the overall orientation, consumer content, an extension of the ethical effects of modern consumer. It would say that these reflections on the construction of appropriate ethical consumption provide a rare ideological inspiration. Fourthly, building appropriate ethical consumption to achieve historic changes in consumption ethics. I carefully extracted reasonable components in Chinese and Western consumer ethics, conscientiously study Marxism’s consumption ethics, as appropriate to build the theory material of consumption ethics. In building a principle, I objectively analyzed the limitations of the traditional three principles of propriety、justice and freedom, and innovated the new principles of the comprehensive development of human, non-equilibrium principle and the principle of checks and balances. Consumption in the appropriate ethical content of choice, based on the three traditional content-based of moderate consumption, sustainable consumption, scientific healthy consumption, enhances three aspects of symbiotic, neutral or positive externalities consumption. In building a mechanism, determining the regulatory mechanism of consumption motive, economic supply mechanisms, educational system, religious culture, and system implementation mechanisms for five-dimensional multi-ring consumption of appropriate ethical safeguards and control mechanisms.Consumer ethics is a dynamic evolution, and its value lies in regulating people’s consumption choices to make it tend to be reasonable, so as to realize the comprehensive development of people and the harmonious development of human society, and only the symmetry development of these goals, the value of consumer ethics should get proper expression. Consumer ethics which transform with ages is very important.

  • 【分类号】F014.5
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1204