

Research on Regional Industrial Transition of Northeast China

【作者】 王楠

【导师】 陈才;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 产业转移是我国21世纪区域经济协调发展面临的重大科学问题。由东北三省和内蒙古东部五盟市组成的东北经济区,伴随老工业基地振兴战略和东北振兴规划的实施,以产业结构全面调整与升级为主要特征的区域发展也进入新的里程,但产业转移作为这一发展进程的主要调控手段,仍处于起步阶段,产业链建设存在巨大的发展空间,众多需要多渠道、多手段、多学科参与的综合性研究项目正在逐步展开。本研究立足于地理学的空间研究,发挥区域经济地理学的区域性、综合性分析特长,并结合区域经济学、产业经济学、发展经济学等社会科学与系统科学的理论、思维方法与手段,通过对国际、国内产业转移理论和实践的深入分析,从基础理论、支撑理论、核心理论及拓展理论四个角度,对产业转移传统理论进行框架重构;从地理学角度重新建立区域产业转移研究的理论架构;并运用相关理论研究方法对东北经济区产业转移进程进行实证分析,发现问题、提出对策,并制定初步的发展战略。即采用理论与实证分析,将产业转移与宏观的区域发展、中观的产业结构时空调整结合起来,是区域经济地理学产业研究的一个全新课题。尽管国内外对产业转移理论及实证研究已有一定基础,但从地理学角度探寻具有区域特色的东北经济区产业转移的科学方案,还基本处于空白。因此,本研究对构建区域产业转移研究的理论体系和制定东北经济区产业转移战略等方面均具有重要的现实指导意义。研究的具体章节安排如下:绪论。首先从国内外宏观经济发展趋势促进产业转移现象迅速发展入手,提出东北经济区产业转移问题的研究背景与依据。通过确定研究范围和对象,明确提出理论上从地理学角度探讨建立区域产业转移研究框架,现实上优化区域产业结构、培育整体竞争优势的研究意义。然后,对研究内容、方法及技术路线作了相关说明,确定本文所采用的是理论研究和实证相结合、统计分析与归纳总结相结合的多学科综合研究方法。第一章,传统产业转移理论体系重构。首先,对国内外的产业转移理论与实践的发展进行了评析。其次,在前人研究的基础上从地理学角度提出产业转移的基本概念和解释,并对相关概念进行辨析。通过对产业转移类型的归纳、整理,总结出产业转移的主要特点。第三,立足于区域经济地理学,从基础理论、支撑理论、核心理论及拓展理论四个角度,对产业转移传统理论进行框架重构。第二章,区域产业转移理论研究架构。在对传统产业转移理论概括分析的基础上,初步确定区域产业转移理论的研究架构。首先,通过对区域演变与经济地理的关系,概括出区域产业转移的基本概念、特征与类型。其次,针对区域产业转移什么,提出了区域产业转移的基本内容、核心内容、重要内容与高级内容的具体涵义;第三,分析区域产业转移如何进行?提出了区域分工与贸易合作、区域投资和产业扩张三种主要形式。第四,提出在遵循产业转移共性规律的基础上,区域产业转移具有明显的梯度推移规律、阶段演化规律、政府干预规律和产业集聚规律。最后,从产业转移与区域经济增长、结构调整与协调发展三个层面,说明产业转移与区域发展具有明显的互动效应。第三章,东北经济区产业转移的演进。以区域产业转移理论架构作为系统分析工具,分析东北经济区产业转移问题,并提出相应解决对策。首先,对东北经济区建国前、建国初和改革开放后产业转移的演进历程进行了梳理,并总结出产业转移对区域发展的巨大贡献。其次,在对东北经济区产业转移现阶段优势条件分析的基础上,从资金、产业结构、产业组织调整及区域发展环境等角度概括出产业转移现存的主要问题。最后,从区域产业转移的内容、载体及形式等方面提出东北经济区产业转移现实发展的具体对策。第四章,东北经济区产业转移战略探析。通过国际产业转移的经验及对我国的影响和国内产业转移的发展趋势,从战略布局与战略模式两个角度提出了东北经济区产业转移的基本战略思路,为产业转移促进区域协调发展提供了现实路径。结论与讨论。在前四章分析的基础上,对东北经济区产业转移研究的主要结论和贡献进行归纳、总结,并提出有待进一步探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 In China, the transfer of industry becomes one of the most importment scientific issues that faced by harmonious regional economic development in the 21st century. The northeast economic zone which consists of three north provinces and five leagues in east Inner-Mongolia, is going with the enforcement of the restructure strategy and programming of the old northeast industrial base. Regional development which is mainly characterized by wholly industrial structure adjustment and upgrading also comes into a new mileage. However, as a main adjustment means for this development course, the transfer of industry is still in an underway phase and it’s relating industry construction has great developing space. Many comprehensive research programs which need the participation of multi-channel, means and subjects are now launching stage by stage.This thesis brings regional and comprehensive analysis merit of regional economic geography into play and bands together with the theory, thinking style and means of social science such as regional, industrial and developing economics. This thesis restructures the traditional transfer of industry theory from four angles: basic theory, supporting theory, core theory and expanding theory by analyzing the international and domestic transfer of industry theory and practice in depth. It also rebuilds theory framework for the regional industrial diversion research from the angle of geography and processes demonstration analysis of the transfer of industry course of the northeast economic zone by handling correlative study means to think out problems, bring forward countermeasures and constitute elementary development strategy. This thesis combines the transfer of industry with macro regional development and micro-industry structure space adjustment and turns into a totally fresh topic of regional economic geography industrial research.Despite a lot of the transfer of industry theory and empirical research have been made both internationally and domestically, the exploration of scientific project of the northeast economic industrial diversion which has district characteristic from geography perspective about the theory has not been done yet. Therefore, this thesis is of great instructive and meaningful help to the aspect of establishing theory system of the regional industrial diversion research and consistuting industrial strategy of the northeast economic zone. Detailed chapters and sections are as following:Preface.This chapter starts with the phenomenon that overseas and domestic macro-economic development tendency, which boosts the rapid development industry diversion, and puts forward the study background and basis of the transfer of industry in the northeast economic zone. Then, it brings forward distinctly the significance of building up regional transfer of industry framework from geography angle theoretically, optimizing the regional structure and cultivating overall competitive advantages. Finally, it makes relevant explanations on the research content, means and technical route to specify that synthetical and comprehensive research methods are adopted in this thesis, which combines theory study with empirical analysis, statistic analysis with inductive and conclusive methods.In the first chapter, this thesis restructures the theory system of the traditional industry diversion. First of all, it comments on the development of domestic and overseas the transfer of industryt heory and practice. In the next place, it quotes the basic concept and explanation of the transfer of industry from geography angle according to the father studies. It summarizes the main character of the transfer of industry through induction and arrangement of its style. Thirdly, based on the regional economic geography, it restructures the framework of traditional transfer of industry theory from the angles of basis theory, supporting theory, core theory and expanding theory.In the Second chapter, this thesis discourses about the study structure of regional transfer of industry theory. It defines primarily the study structure of regional transfer of industry theory on the basis of analyzing the generalization of traditional transfer of industry theory. In the first place, it sums up the basic concept, character and types of the regional transfer of industry through the relationship between regional evolvment and economic geography. Secondly, it points out the concrete defination of the basic content, core content, main content and senior content of the regional transfer of industry in allusion to what the regional industry transfers. Thirdly, it analyses how to carry through the regional transfer of industry and brings forward three formations as corporation of regional labour division and trade, regional investment and industry expansion. Fourthly, it brings forward the distinct orderliness of gradient process, stage evolution, government intervetion and industry convergency based on the basis of following the commonness rule of industry diversion. Finally, it illuminates the distinct interaction effect of the transfer of industry and regional development from three aspects as the transfer of industry, regional economic growth, structure adjustment and coordination development.In the third chapter, the thesis discusses about the evolution of the transfer of industry in the northeast economic zone. It analyses the issues of the transfer of industry in the northeast econominc zone and advances relevant proposals with regional transfer of industry theory framework as an instrument to analyze the system. Firstly, it combs the evoving process of the transfer of industry before and just after the liberation and after the reform and opening up policy and concludes its great contribution to the regional development. After that, it sums up the main existing problems of the transfer of industry from the aspects of capital, industry structure, industry organization adjustment and regional developing environment on the basis of the current advantage analysis of the transfer of industry in the northeast economic zone. Finally, it makes proposals for the practical development of the transfer of industry in the northeast economic zone from several aspects as content, carrier and format of regional industry diversion.In the fourth chapter, this thesis explores the transfer of industry strategy in the northeast economic zone. It brings forward the basic strategic train of thought from strategic distribution and model through the experience and influence of international transfer of industry and the developing tendency of domestic industry diversion. Therefore, this will provide real route to promote the regional harmonious development.Conclusion and discussion. On the basis of the foregoing four chapters, it inducts and concludes the main idea about the study of industry transfer in the north-east economic zone and poses further questions being discussed.
