

Study on the Path of Firm Performance Promotion Based on Network Competence

【作者】 赵爽

【导师】 肖洪钧;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着企业外部环境的急剧改变,单个企业越来越难以独自生存。近年来,学者们开始关注组织间关系和网络对企业绩效的影响。这里所说的网络是由组织间关系构成的网络形态,而非互联网。企业没有能力决定是否拥有网络,唯一能做的就是考虑如何积极、有效的处理它们。由此,网络能力与企业绩效的关系研究成为热门课题。Hakansson1987年最早提出网络能力的概念,而后不少学者对这一概念进行了界定并提出理论模型,也探讨了网络能力与企业绩效之间的关系。但时至今日,网络能力仍然是一个新兴的研究领域,尤其国内的研究尚属起步阶段。由于缺乏多元化的理论研究视角和有效的实证检验,现有的研究结论不免存在一定的缺憾。本研究以中国制造业类型的企业为背景,基于国外内文献综述,重新界定了网络能力的概念模型,提出基于网络能力的企业绩效提升路径理论框架,并实证检验了理论框架内各变量间的关系。围绕上述主题,展开了如下三方面的研究工作。首先,重新界定了网络能力的概念模型,并进行相应的测量。在汲取了国内外学者关于网络能力研究成果的学术养分后,重新界定网络能力的概念,归纳出网络能力的三个维度,划分网络能力的结构,并通过实证开发出具有可靠性和有效性的测量量表。接着,找到基于网络能力的企业绩效提升路径。本文在完成了网络能力是什么及如何衡量的工作后,进一步将该结论应用于基于网络能力的企业绩效提升路径理论框架研究中。网络能力是企业绩效提升的重要途径。此外,网络环境中还存在另外两条路径影响企业绩效——组织间学习和网络权力,它们是网络中的重要资源,与网络能力密不可分。进而,梳理出基于网络能力的企业绩效提升路径理论框架。最后,提出了具体的研究假设和关系模型,以中国制造业类型企业为背景获取研究数据,对研究假设和模型进行了实证分析。结果表明:(1)网络能力确实对企业绩效的提升有重要作用,影响程度从大到小依次为:网络关系能力、网络运营能力和网络战略能力;(2)验证了组织间学习和网络权力的中介作用;(3)研究发现网络能力的三个维度间存在一条关系链,验证了本研究的网络能力结构划分。本研究的主要创新点在于:(1)重新界定了网络能力的概念模型,并进行相应的测量;(2)在网络能力与企业绩效的现有研究中,导入组织间学习和网络权力两个中介,开辟了一个新的研究视角;(3)构建并检验了基于网络能力的企业绩效提升路径模型。

【Abstract】 With the rapid change of firms’ external environments, survival of single firm is becoming more and more difficult. In recent years, scholars have been concerning on studying the impact of interorganizational relationships and network on firm performance. The network mentioned before is not the Internet, but the network composed of interorganizational relationships. Firms are not able to decide whether to have networks or not or whether to care about them; the only choice is whether to cope with them effectively and efficiently or not. Therefore, the relationship between network competence and performance has become the popular research focus. H(?)kansson in 1987 first put forward the definition of network competence. Later, many scholars make further study on the theoretical models of it and discuss the relationship between it and firm performance. However, network competence is still a new research field and the domestic research on it is still at the initial stage. The conclusions of study still have certain kinds of shortcomings due to the lack of diversified research perspectives and effective empirical analysis.This study takes Chinese Manufacturing Industry as background. On the basis of literature review, the paper redefines the conceptual model of network competence, puts forward the theoretical framework of the path of firm performance promotion based on network competence, and empirically analyzes it. According to the topic mentioned above, three parts of research work are conducted.First, redefine the conceptual model of network competence and make corresponding measurements. Based on the literature review, the paper synthesizes the scholars’ opinions, redefines and classifies network competence which contains three dimensions, and develops a reliable and valid scale by empirical research.Then, find out the paths of firm performance promotion based on network competence. Apply the study above to the theoretical framework of firm performance promotion based on network competence. The article finds out two another paths affecting firm performance besides network competency, which are: interorganizational learning and network power. The two paths are the properties of firm network, and are closely connected with network competence. Therefore, the paper constructs the theoretical framework of firm performance promotion based on network competence. Last, put forward specific hypotheses and relational model which are tested by empirical research with data from manufacturing firms in China. The results indicate as followings: (1) Network competence plays a very important role in promotion of firm performance, in which network relationship competence is the most important factor, network operational competence is the second and network strategic competence is the third. (2) Both interorganizational learning and network power are the mediators between network competence and firm performance promotion. (3) The study find out a relational chain beween the three dimensions of network competence, and verifies the structure of network competence put forward in the paper.The main innovations of this paper’s work concentrate as followings: (1) Redefine the conceptual model of network competence, and develop a reliable and valid measurement scale.(2) Introduce two concepts-- interorganizational learning and network power as the mediators between network competence and firm performance, and open a new research angle of view.(3) Construct and verify the model of the path of firm performance promotion based on network competence.
