

Study for Sand Body Analysis in Complex Fault Block Reservoir Using Reservior Monitor Data

【作者】 申茂和

【导师】 李治平;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 动态监测资料在油气田开发过程中一直发挥着重要作用。由于不同测试方法的测量原理、仪器指标、技术特点、适用条件和解决问题的侧重点不同,单一的测试方法已不能满足油田中后期开发的需要。比如常规试井分析,限于模型求解的需要,进行了太多的简化,已经不能适应目前复杂工作。有必要对应用动态监测资料进行储层特征综合研究,提高动态监测资料在储层特性研究方面的适应性。针对水驱开发面临的水驱低效或无效循环难题,本文结合简捷油藏管理分析系统,在综合利用动态监测资料的基础上对港东二区一复杂断块进行储层分布研究,进而确定目标区块的剩余油分布,并针对结果提出调整措施建议和配套的监测方案。本文结合油田实际问题,经过研究攻关,以动态监测资料为基础,以建模和数模一体化软件为桥梁,进行复杂断块储层特征综合分析,通过实测动态监测资料与油藏数值模拟相结合,实现单井点到井组及区块的储层特征的精确分析。本文应用数值试井和生产资料对储层特征进行分析,详细论述了数值试井和生产资料分析中不同的模型对应的不同的表现形式,并建立了对应的模板。结合大港油田的实际工作,运用数值模拟的方法,对储层特征进行反复论证。本文工作量大,涉及技术面广,研究难度大,尽管已取得了一些成果,但在油气藏动态监测技术开发与应用方面还有待进一步深化完善,有待在综合运用动态监测资料对复杂断块油藏储层分布规律分析方面形成完善、成熟、配套和规模应用的能力,为有效治理注水低效、改善水驱开发效果提供技术保障。

【Abstract】 All kinds of reservoir monitor information have been playing an important role in oil and gas development. Different types of measuring theory, dissimilar target, distinct technology, diverse qualification, each method emphasis on unique prospect. Single reservoir monitor method couldn’t meet the need of oil and gas development any more.Specialized on the low efficiency of water drive, using reservoir management system, synthetically using Reservoir monitor data, studying for predicting oil saturation distribution for Gangdong Second Block, based on oil saturation distribution, oil production and water injection relationship and pressure distribution, some plans for development plan and monitor are recommended for Gangdong Second Block synthetical management.Based on the problem in the development, after details study, geological model based on reservoir description, with the aid of reservoir monitor information, synthetically using Reservoir monitor data, studying for Predicting Oil Saturation Distribution, we developed a good method for predicting reservoir sand distribution. Through reservoir monitor and reservoir numerical simulation, we can not only study the oil saturation distribution for single wells but also for groups of wells and Block, but also qualitative analysis for oil saturation distribution but also quantitative analysis for oil saturation distribution.This paper covers a large research scope, a lots workload, difficult, though we have made some good result from the research, yet there is much for us waiting ahead, for the reservoir monitor technology development and application, for synthetically using Reservoir monitor data for Predicting Oil Saturation Distribution, which is necessary for the improving for the low efficiency for water drive reservoir development.
