

Establishment Method of Longer Laboratory Baselines for Verificating EDMs

【作者】 杨维芳

【导师】 付辉清;

【作者基本信息】 中国地震局地球物理研究所 , 固体地球物理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 光电测距仪器(包括全站仪,以下只简称光电测距仪)既是测量仪器,又是计量仪器,肩负着长度量值传递的任务。量值的准确与否直接影响着测量工作的质量。尤其在目前仪器“黑盒”操作时代,仪器的性能更是整个测量过程的关键;因此要有科学的方法对光电测距仪进行周期性的检定。目前光电测距仪的加常数、乘常数检定采用野外基线。野外基线法的缺点是:(1)需要的场地面积大,建设和维护费用高;(2)因其一般建在郊外,每次检定仪器时所需的人力和财力相应增大;(3)检定花费时间长;(4)检定还易受气候条件的制约和影响。与野外基线法相比,在室内建立基线的优势是明显的:室内环境条件稳定,标准仪器准确度高,更能客观真实地反映仪器本身内在的质量问题,为独立分离光电测距仪各项误差因素提供了保障,而且检定能够随时进行。随着光电测距仪的用量逐年增加,仪器检定、校准和检测人员的工作量也在增大;因此,研究高效的、方便的室内检定方法用以确定或了解仪器的准确度成为业内的共识,也是当前测距仪检定课题的研究热点。但是,这是一项国际性的难题,国内外尚处于探索阶段。目前虽然实现了测距仪加常数和周期误差的室内检定,但乘常数的检定依然应用野外基线法。因为根据理论分析和实践证明,基线越长,乘常数的检定结果越可靠。在建立室内长基线方面,目前可以查阅到的方法有光纤法和平面镜法,但是这两种方法对长基线的研究浅尝辄止,基本处于停滞状态。由此可见,对于光电测距仪室内检定而言,长基线的建立是问题的关键,其理论意义和实用价值不言而喻。为此,论文提出了利用角锥棱镜阵列来建立虚拟长基线的思想,这是本文的主要创新。该创新思想建立在作者如下工作的基础上:(1)对利用角锥棱镜建立室内基线的方案进行了可行性论证。因为角锥棱镜具有后反射特性、免调试特性、光线在角锥棱镜内的光程是一常量的特性等,通过对角锥棱镜在室内基线中的能量损失、气象条件对测距的影响、波长对测距的影响、系统的稳定性和基线的标定问题等的分析,指出用25个角锥棱镜在室内40m的距离上建立1km长的基线是可行的。(2)给出了室内基线系统不确定度的分析方法。经分析得到,本方案设计的基线在1km长度上的不确定度为0.67mm,能够满足检定基线的要求。(3)在此基础上设计了实验方案,并进行了理论性验证实验。在作者现有的实验条件下,建立了200m内的基线。实验表明,系统具有距离重复性、相对稳定性和易操作性。本文的主要研究内容如下:1.分析了光电测距仪室内检定的现状及存在的瓶颈问题;2.提出利用角锥棱镜阵列建立室内长基线的思想;3.对利用角锥棱镜建立室内基线的方案进行了可行性论证及系统不确定度分析;4.确立了实验方案并进行了实验,对实验结果进行了分析;5.对鲜见报道的光电测距仪野外基线设计原理进行了系统地归纳、整理;6.建议检定规程中应对光电测距仪的加常数和乘常数给出定义,并对加常数、乘常数的计算进行加权处理。

【Abstract】 The research on laboratory methods for verifying EDMs is at the initial stage by far, by which only the additive constants and cyclic errors of EDMs can be got; but the multiplication constants are got reliably only in longer baseline according to the theoretic analysis and the real practice. In other words, the longer laboratory baseline is the premise and foundation for indoor verification of EDM, which is a worldwide hot issue that needs to be explored furtherly. There are two ideas to establish longer laboratory baseline at present. One is optical fiber-based and the other is based on two large plane mirrors. But the achievements on both of them can not be used in practice yet. So how to establish a laboratory baseline for verifying EDMs is meaningful in theory and in practice currently.In this paper, a novel approach using cube corner prisms establishing a laboratory baseline has been proposed based on the following research work: (1) the feasibility of establishing a laboratory baseline using cube corner prisms has been analyzed. For cube corner prisms have some appropriate advantages, such as their reflected rays paralleling to incident rays, cube corner prisms being adjust-free, optical pathlength being a constant etc. After analyzing the energy loss, influence of atmosphere condition and wavelength, stability of the system and calibration of the baseline, it has been concluded that it is feasible to establish a 1km long laboratory baseline using 25 cube corner prisms on 40 meters distance. (2)The analysis method of the uncertainty of the system has been presented. It has been concluded that the uncertainty of the system in 1km baseline is 0.67mm and this result may meet the requirement for verifying EDMs. (3) To test the theory, some experiment schemes has been made, which manifested that the method for establishing longer baselines for EDMs verification in this paper is feasible and realiable. However, the baseline length only reaches 200m owing to some experiment limitations. The experiments demonstrate that the distance is repeatable in this system and the system is relatively stable and can be operated easily. The approach should be promising with the help of financial invest in the future.The main contents of this dissertation are as follows:1. The achievements and problems in EDM laboratory verification in the past research work has been analyzed.2. A novel scheme based on cube corner prisms for the establishment of a laboratory baseline has been proposed.3. The feasibility of establishing a laboratory baseline using cube corner prisms has been analyzed and the uncertainty of the system has been discussed.4. The experiment schemes have been confirmed and the results of the experiments have been analyzed.5. The principles of designing field baseline seldom reported in China have been induced systematically.6. A suggestion has been presented that the definitions of additive constant and multiplication constant should be given in verification certifications and these two constants should be calculated with weight.
