

【作者】 阮萌

【导师】 李罗力;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 公共物品是人类社会公共需求和公共利益的产物,是满足公共需求、实现公共利益的重要途径。公共物品的充分与有效供给,可以促进人类社会福利的发展,并为私人物品的供给提供最基本的平台随着我国市场经济体制改革的深入,政府不断转变职能,在逐渐退出私人物品供给领域的同时,开始推进公共物品供给的市场化改革。但在体制转轨与社会转型过程中,多元供给“三方”互动平衡关系尚未完善,公共物品供给机制存在着缺陷:政府在公共物品供给的垄断和责任缺乏并存,市场在公共物品供给中投资盲目冲动和投机动力缺乏并存,非营利组织在公共物品供给中发挥作用有限。而非营利组织应该是公共物品的主要供给者之一,志愿机制可以有效弥补“市场失灵”和“政府失灵”造成的制度缺陷。但因其现阶段相对的“弱势”地位,其作用的充分发挥,仍急需政府相应的制度保障。公共物品供给制度改革目标是政府、市场、非营利组织多元供给模式的建立和完善。公共物品供给由政府单一供给向政府-市场-非营利组织多元供给转变的过程,实际上是公共物品供给制度变迁的过程。通过公共物品供给制度的转化,推动次优的公共物品供给制度向最优的公共物品供给制度变化,最终实现帕累托最优。除了报酬递增和不完全市场,公共物品供给制度的变迁路径,还受到制度变迁固有模式、国家制度和政治因素、传统文化、公共物品供给内在规律等因素的影响与制约,这些因素相互作用,决定了制度变迁的路径选择方向和进程。通过比较分析,我们已经可以清晰地看到,英、美、德等不同的发达国家的政府在随着社会发展调整其公共物品制度的原则和思路目标时,选择基本一致,即按照公共物品供给资源配置最优化和供给效率最大化的目标,坚持制度改革的政府主导权,通过调整“三方”在制度设计中动态均衡关系,以适应社会经济发展的阶段性要求。中国公共物品供给制度变迁与西方发达国家的沿袭路径不同,存在着特殊性,但市场经济体制完善过程中改革目标选择和客观规律应予遵循。现阶段,在政府、非营利组织、市场三方动态均衡供给机制体系构架已显雏形的基础上,促进非营利组织的发展、保证非营利组织志愿机制和委托代理机制健康运作,进一步完善公共物品多元供给制度,成为制度设计亟待突破的目标。

【Abstract】 Public goods are the products of public demand and public interest in human society, which are the important channel to meet public demand and public interest. The fully and efficiently supply of public goods can promote the development of social welfare, which can also provide a basic platform for the supply of private goods.With the intensification of the reform of socialist market economy, the government is evolving its function from providing private goods to producing market-based public goods. However, during the process of structural transition and social transformation, a dynamic equilibrium among three parties - government, business, and non-profit organizations has not reached yet. There still exists a defect in the mechanism of public goods supply: the government monopolies the supply of public goods but does not shoulder the corresponding responsibility; while the market guides investment to the supply of public goods blindly without adequate motives; and the participation of NPO is limited. NPO should be a primary supplier of public goods. The volunteering mechanism of NPO can supplement the failure of market and government. Hence appropriate government mechanism support is needed for improving NPO.The object of reforming the public goods supply system is to establish and further improve the economic pluralism supply model with the participation of government, market and NPO. The transition of the public goods supplement system is actually a shift from a system in which the government is a sole provider, to a system of multiple providers including government, market, and nonprofit organizations. These transformation changes the public goods supply system from suboptimum to optimal, making the Pareto optimality a reality. Besides the increasing returns and imperfect market, the path of changing the public goods supply system is also restricted by the natural mode of institutional change, state system, political factors, traditional culture, and the inherent laws of public goods supply system. The interplay of these elements determines the direction and process of institutional change.Further analysis reveals that the government of developed countries, such as the UK, USA and Germany, always adopted similar principle and strategy to adjust their public goods systems along with the social development in a bid to achieve the target of both optimal resource allocation and optimal productivity with government as the dominant leader in the reform by adjusting the dynamic balance between three parties to meet the specific demands in different stages of societal and economic development.China’s evolution of public goods supply system is different from that of the Western developed countries. Despite of the particularity of the system in China, the objective selection and rules of market economy reform should still be followed. The supply system of dynamic equilibrium, which includes government, nonprofit organization and market, is taking shape. On this basis, the urgent aim in system design is to promote the development of nonprofit organization, to ensure the health operation of volunteer mechanism and agencies, and to perfect the multivariate supply system of public goods.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期