

【作者】 罗陈霞

【导师】 李剑国;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要探讨宋代民间商贸活动与宋代小说之关系。两宋时期是中国古代经济史上繁荣兴旺的高峰期之一,民间商业和贸易活动获得了前所未有的全面发展,其繁荣发达在宋代小说中得到了鲜活、生动的体现,也导致了商贸小说、酒肆故事和茶肆故事的大量出现。因为小说中呈现了诸多宋代民间商贸活动的特点和真实图景,而民间商贸活动的典型场所、主体、习俗又对两宋小说的叙事艺术和文化内涵产生了重要影响,因此,宋代民间商贸活动与宋代小说之关系确有探讨分析之必要。除去导言与结语部分,本文共分为六章。导言部分主要确定本课题的研究范围,探讨本课题的研究目的和意义,梳理其研究历史与现状,说明论文的研究方法和创新意义。第一章以宋代民间商贸活动的典型场所——店铺、早市与夜市、庙市与墟市和民间商贸活动的主体——专业商贩、牙侩和自产自销者为切入点,意在勾勒和再现宋代小说中呈现的两宋民间商贸活动的真实图景和具体特色,并为下一章对商贸小说的论述提供社会历史方面的原因和背景。第二章旨在阐述商贸小说的叙事特色和其中蕴含的文化内涵。在两宋的商贸小说中,选取了数量较多、较典型的海外奇遇类、发家传闻类和义商型故事,分析了这三类故事的主要情节要素和其中包含的商人冒险精神、暴富心态、报应命定观念以及对“重义轻利”道德倾向的强调。作为宋代民间商贸活动的典型场所,酒肆和茶肆比其他商业店铺更为发达,有鉴于此,第三章和第四章分别以宋代小说为主要文本,对其中呈现的两宋酒肆和茶肆的种类与地域分布、建筑装饰、经营策略进行了分析和描述。第五章主要从叙事学、类型学的角度对酒肆故事和茶肆故事进行了具体的分析,并探讨了其中呈现的两宋民间社会生活的图景及其蕴含的文化内涵。第六章是对宋代民间商贸习俗的个案考察。关扑习俗是两宋时盛行的商业交易方式,本章对这一习俗的性质、所用工具及具体的操作过程进行了分析说明;卦影轨革术(简称卦影)是两宋商业迷信活动中的显术,本章对卦影的释义、卦影的由来及与周易的关系、卦影的形式特点、卦影在宋代的流行情况和预测内容做了一番梳理与考辨。结语部分主要对本文论述的内容进行了简单总结,并对未及阐述的相关问题,如酒肆故事与茶肆故事叙事策略的系统阐述,民间商贸活动对宋代小说的生成、传播及发展的影响等进行了相关说明。

【Abstract】 The dissertation discusses the relation between private commercial activities and novels in Song Dynasty. Two Song period is one of the peak of the economics history in ancient China, and private commercial and trade achieved great development. Prosperity was reflected in Song novels vividly, which also generate volumes of commercial novels, tavern stories, teahouses stories. It is necessary to study the relation between private trade activities and novels in Song Dynasty now that some characters of commercial activities and real prospect were presented in the novels and typical locations, body, and customs in the trade influence narrative style, culture connotation of classical Chinese and Song novels.The whole dissertation includes six chapters besides introduction and conclusion. The introduction covers research field, discusses objectives and meaning, clears up research history and current situation, and explains research goals, methods, and norms as well. The author makes professional vendors, brokers and self-produce-sellers as an angle, which is the main body in typical places of commercial activities, such as shops, morning and night markets, to describe and reappear real situation in Song novels in first chapter. What discussed in this chapter provides social and historical causes and background for the next Chapter. Narrative style and culture connotation in the commercial novels are elaborated in Chapter two. The author chooses many typical overseas adventures, upstart, and generous businessmen’s stories, and analyses main plots, adventure spirit, retribution fate and the trend of emphasis on interests. Tavern and teahouses were more prosperous than other shops as they were typical locations in Song Dynasty. Chapter three and chapter four study region, architectural decoration, business strategy of tavern and teahouses in two Song Dynasties according to Song novels concretely .Chapter five analyses tavern stories and teahouses stories from narratology and typology angles and discusses social scene and cultural tradition in Song Dynasties.Chapter six is about case study for private trade custom in Song Dynasty. Guanpu custom was a popular commercial way in Song Dynasties. The author studies and explains the nature, tools, and operation of the custom. In this chapter, paraphrase, origin and relation to Zhouyi, form, situation of Guigeguayinshu are also disputed, which was very fashionable superstitious activities in trade.The author summarizes the whole content and notes some issues in the last part, including the similarities and differences of plot between tavern stories and teahouses stories, the influence of commercial activities on generation, spreading and development of Song novels.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】836