

【作者】 李萱

【导师】 乔以钢;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “女人天生爱做梦”是日常熟语之一。这里的“梦”,并非仅指日常睡眠中的生命活动现象,而是有着独特的文化意味,其中包含着有关女人性别特征和性别角色的认识,并融入了复杂的社会文化因素。可以说,“梦幻”作为人类情感体验中一个较为隐秘多变的层面,与女性的生命体验有着密切的联系;文学中的“梦幻”,特别是女性文学中的“梦幻”,更是适于透视和分析女性生命存在之独特性的领域和平台。本论文即以现代中国女性小说中的梦幻书写为研究对象,以中国传统文学特别是女性创作中的梦幻书写为背景,对这一领域有关梦幻的典型文本进行综合性的文化解读与分析,尝试从“梦幻”这一特定的角度,对文学与性别之间的关系进行探寻。论文共分六个部分,其中正文四章。导言部分首先明确本论文的研究对象,对文本中出现的各种“梦幻”形态和相关概念进行界定,进而考察国内外有关“梦幻”的理论阐释,重点关注其中与性别相关或受传统性别文化影响的部分,并在对国内有关“梦幻”文学书写的研究现状、存在的问题进行梳理的基础上,阐明本论文的研究意义和价值所在。第一章主要考察梦幻书写与女性主体性探寻之间的关系。首先论述现代女性梦幻书写中呈现出的能够体现现代女性主体精神建构的新质素,认为相比中国传统女性而言,“五四”以来现代女性的社会地位、主体精神和性别观念发生了重要的变化,这在现代女性小说有关女性角色、女性主体、女性隐秘经验等方面的梦幻书写中得到了生动的体现。进而选择不同阶段现代中国女性小说中具有代表性的“梦幻”书写,对现代女性在主体性探寻的过程中所遭遇的困惑和值得思索的迷途进行了具体的分析。第二章关注的是梦幻书写与女性形象的塑造之间互相支撑的具体情况,结合文本分析了现代女性小说中的“梦中人”、“梦”中人、“梦幻人”女性形象,以“梦幻”镜像为参照点和以“梦幻”为中介并形成对位关系的女性形象,以及具有“梦魇”或“梦幻”特征的“疯女人”形象。其间着重论述了“梦幻”书写的文化功能对女性形象的强化和渲染,梦幻女性形象所蕴含的社会深层文化心理以及作者的文化想象和话语建构。第三章考察现代女性小说梦幻书写的叙事模式及其文本功能。根据“梦幻”的主要文化功能(如愿望的达成、生命的栖息与救赎、内在冲突的隐喻表征等),将这一阶段的梦幻书写主要归纳为三种叙事模式:“梦幻-消解”叙事模式;“栖息-救赎”叙事模式和“思虑-表征”叙事模式。这些梦幻叙事是现代女作家所寻找与探索的将心灵与外部世界进行对接的方法,其间不仅体现了现代女性小说梦幻叙事与传统女性梦幻书写的复杂联系,也在一定程度上反映出社会文化背景、作者性别观念及叙事意图等多方面因素对梦幻叙事的影响。第四章从艺术表达和性别策略的角度,具体论述了现代女性小说创作借鉴各种“梦幻”形态的基本特征和文化功能所进行的艺术创新。主要包括:80年代以来女性小说中普遍出现的“梦呓”化表达;以宗璞、残雪等女作家小说文本为代表的“梦魇”式书写;梦幻书写的易性叙事。这些艺术表达方式既是现代女作家不断探索与尝试的表达女性生命体验的途径,又是借以更新叙事视角及叙事内容的文本策略。其间也流露出传统思维对她们的影响。结语部分对现代女性小说梦幻书写的基本特征加以整体把握,在肯定其成绩的同时,指出了其中的局限和不足。综上,现代女性小说梦幻书写从“梦幻”这一特定角度,对现代女性的身心感受、女性生命的内在矛盾,她们对两性关系以及社会历史现实的思考等进行了艺术的表现。这些书写内容不仅展现了对女性主体性的不懈探寻与追求,同时也显示出现代女作家在性别观念及梦幻的艺术表现方式等方面所取得的进步,从一个侧面彰显了她们对现代女性生存境遇的思考,以及为两性平等的性别文化建设所作出的努力。

【Abstract】 "Woman born with love dreaming"is one of day-to-day idoms.The "dream" in it not only refers to the life acitivity appearing in daily sleep, but also containing complex social and cultural factors and the cognitive of women’s gender identity and gender roles.It can be said, as a hidden and changable level of human emotional experience,"dream" have a close relation to the female life experience.and the "dreams" in the literaral works, especiely in the female literaral works, are the appropriate platform of perspecting and analyzing female life.This paper take the writing about dream in the Chinese contemporary female novels as the study object,contacting the writing about dream of Chinese traditional literature, analyse the typical texts about dream in this area.Introduction part point out the study objects of the paper and determine the connotation of the concepts about "dream" at first.Then review the theories about "dream" of Chinese and foreign, focusing the part of influenced by the traditional gengder culture.next, carding the research status and research ideas about "dream" in literature and the existing problem. At last, explain the reason and value of this paper.Chapter one puts emphasis on discussing the relationship between the dream writing and female subjectivity. At first, expound the new features reflecting the modern women’s subjectivity in the dream writing of the contemporary female novels.Which reflected in some respects, such as female roles, female subject and female hidden experience.Next choose the representative "dreams" and texts of different stages and analyze the modern women’s exploration and confused.Chapter two puts emphasis on discussing the supporting and blending between the writing about dream and female emage. This aspect discussed the female emage associated with the dream in the contemporary female novels.Which is "women lived in the dream", "women in the dream"and"women like the dream", the women putting dream’s mirror as the reference point or take dream as Intermediary, and "mad women" with the characteristics of "nightmare"or"dream".This aspect focuses on the deep cultural psychology and the cultural imagination of the female emage. Chapter three focuses on the narrative mode and text functions.According to the main cultural functions of "dream", such as desire to achieve, life habitate and salvation, the metaphor characterization of the inherent conflict.This aspect summed the dream writing in the contemporary female novels into three narrative modes:"dream-fail","habitate-salvation","thought-representation".These is the way connecting the soul to the outer world that female writers explored, which not only reflects the dream narrative of the contemporary female novels have a complex contect with traditional women writing about dream, but also embodies the influence that the social and cultural background, gender idea and narrative intentions of writers to dream narrative.Chapter four specifically analyzes the artistic expression and gender strategy which borrow the basic characteristics and cultural features of all kinds of "dream" in the contemporary female novles. Thay are the language and the form of the incoherent talk liked illusion in the female novels since the new age, the nightmare-style writing represented in the novels of Zong-pu and Can-xue, and the dream narrative with male narrator. These artistic expressions are the path of resisting the dysphasia, expressing the true ego and renewing the narrative view and content that the modern writers explored. And at some times, which also revealed the limitations that under the influence of traditional gender ideas.Conclusion summarizes the new features of the writing about dream in the contemporary female novles at the integral level, and point out the limitations and shortcomings.The writing about dream in the contemporary female novles is an artistic representation about the life experience, gender thinking and inherent contradictions of the modern female, which not only exhibit the subject exploration and the pursuit of modern female, but also display the improvement in the gender ideas, dream ideas and artistic representations, and the efforts to the culture buiding of gender equality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期